God Emperor

Chapter 1642 Clairvoyance

Back on Kongling Island, Feng Yan arranged an independent training room for Zhang Ruochen. Outside the secret room, two maids were guarding, waiting for Zhang Ruochen's orders at any time.

Zhang Ruochen was actually quite puzzled by Feng Yan's enthusiasm, and he was always vigilant.

It was really hard for Zhang Ruochen to understand that a first-class disciple of the Temple of Truth, with a huge family background, took the initiative to befriend him, a descendant of time and space who was the enemy of the entire world.

Does he really like to make friends, or does he have other motives?

"Since I got acquainted with Feng Yan, he had several opportunities to take action against me, but he did not take action. From this point of view, he should not be a member of the shady forces."

Zhang Ruochen couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to suppress the doubts in his heart for the time being.

After Feng Yan and Zhang Ruochen separated, they walked towards the magnificent temple in the center of Kongling Island.

The door of the temple opened automatically, and he stepped in.

Feng Xi, a divine disciple of the Temple of Truth, was wearing a crane-blue sky robe and a veil, sitting beside a chess table and studying the endgame on the chess table.

When she heard the footsteps coming from behind, she didn't look back, but just said lightly: "It's a big shock, isn't it?"

"Sister, have you heard about it?" Feng Yan smiled bitterly.

Feng Xi snorted softly: "Just now, I received news from at least ten divine disciples. They all said that the Thousand Star Goddess crossed the fifth level of the sea, while the Feng family's three-headed and six-armed one only crossed the fourth level of the sea. Do you think it’s embarrassing?”

"How can this be considered a disgrace? It's rare for a proud woman like the Thousand Stars Goddess to appear in ten thousand years. To lose to her..."

Before Feng Yan finished speaking, Feng Xi said: "You don't think it's embarrassing, but I still think it's embarrassing. If you don't cross the sea of ​​truth with her, you can at least be a little more decent. What now? You are all accomplished. Her foil, do you know what a stepping stone is?"

In front of this sister, Feng Yan had no temper at all. He rubbed his nose and whispered: "I'm not the only stepping stone..."

Feng Xi's beautiful eyes stared at him, and Feng Yan immediately closed his mouth.

After a long while, Feng Xi spoke again: "The Fengshentai Conference is only held once every ten years, so the opportunity is quite rare. However, if you want to gain something from the Fengshentai, there will definitely be certain dangers, so you must prepare in advance. Ichiban, don’t embarrass our Feng family again.”

"Understood, I'll get ready now."

Feng Yan fled out of the temple and walked out of the gate. He felt a lot more relaxed. He looked up at the clear sky and said to himself: "If I had known that I would be punished so miserably, I shouldn't have come to see her. "

"Finally finished."

In the secret training room, Zhang Ruochen grabbed the day arrow in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and showed a satisfied smile.

After spending most of the day, Zhang Ruochen finally carved three time marks on the day arrow.

In this way, this arrow will become an even more terrifying fatal arrow.

Arrows are just superficial attacks.

The time stamp flying out from the arrow is a "hidden arrow" that is difficult to guard against.

Zhang Ruochen made this arrow specifically to deal with the Thousand Stars Goddess. This woman most likely has practiced the Way of Nothingness and cannot fight her in close combat.

It would be a great thing if we could shoot the Thousand Stars Goddess from a distance.

With the Blue Sky Bow and White Sun Arrow, Zhang Ruochen quietly left Kongling Island and rushed towards Qingming Island.

Qingming Island, like Kongling Island, is also a suspended island. It is less than ten thousand miles away from the Temple of Truth. The rules of the Holy Path are very active, making it an excellent place for cultivation.

A divine disciple who can have a cultivation island within ten thousand miles of the Temple of Truth is also the best among divine disciples.

Going to the training ground of a divine disciple to kill someone is extremely dangerous. However, Zhang Ruochen was forced to have no choice but to do this.

Both of them possess the secret of truth and will definitely try their best to kill each other.

If Qianxing Tiannv were to take action first, Zhang Ruochen would be even more passive.

Zhang Ruochen first changed his appearance, then put on a mask, and took out the seeds of the True Illusion Holy Flower and pinched them in his palm. In an instant, his figure disappeared into the air.

When he came to Qingming Island, Zhang Ruochen was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he hid and observed secretly.

There is a large defensive formation on the island, and it is impossible to attack it with ordinary strength.

However, with the power of the Vulcan Gauntlet, drawing the Blue Sky Bow, and using the penetrating power of the Day Arrow, it is very possible to penetrate the formation mask and kill the Thousand Stars Goddess with one arrow.

Zhang Ruochen found a higher mountain peak, almost level with Qingming Island, which was the best place to take action.

After two days of observation and waiting, Zhang Ruochen looked far away and finally saw the figure of the Thousand Stars Goddess on Qingming Island.

The Thousand Stars Goddess walked with two other graceful women. They were like fairies in the heavenly palace, so beautiful that they were astonishing even when viewed from dozens of miles away.

Zhang Ruochen was not in the mood to appreciate their peerless beauty, so he grabbed the Blue Sky Bow and White Arrow.

Red flames appeared on the two gloves of the Vulcan Armor, like two small rounds of burning sun, causing Zhang Ruochen to explode with unprecedented power.

It is unknown what level of sacred weapons the Blue Sky Bow and White Sun Arrow are. As Zhang Ruochen's cultivation level increases, the power they emit becomes more powerful.


Zhang Ruochen tried his best to pull the blue sky bow into a full moon.

Just as Zhang Ruochen locked onto the Thousand Star Goddess and was about to shoot, a loud laugh rang out from behind him: "Brother, I finally found you, haha."

Xiang Chuannan rushed out from nowhere, looking heartless, and slapped Zhang Ruochen on the shoulder.


Zhang Ruochen's arm and the White Sun Arrow shook at the same time, and then turned into a white light and flew out, shooting towards the distant Qingming Island, leaving a long tail.


Sure enough, the White Sun Arrow was extremely powerful and shot through the formation light shield of Qingming Island.

However, because of Xiang Chuannan's sudden appearance, the White Sun Arrow deviated from its direction and hit the bottom of Qingming Island, shaking the huge island violently, with a large amount of soil and rocks falling from mid-air.

The island owner of Qingming Island, Qie Huairou, exuded a chilling power and shouted: "Who is so bold as to attack Qingming Island?" Then, Qie Huairou grabbed a holy sword with murderous intent, turned into a white rainbow, and flew dozens of miles away in an instant, swinging the sword down. "Boom." The mountain where Zhang Ruochen stood just now collapsed and turned into a flat ground. Qie Huairou's voice alarmed the monks within a thousand miles, and everyone looked in the direction of Qingming Island. They saw that the suspended island surrounded by holy energy was missing a corner, and some temples collapsed, looking quite dilapidated. They were quite shocked, and at the same time they were also very curious, who on earth dared to attack Qingming Island? Qingming Island is less than ten thousand miles away from the Temple of Truth and belongs to the core area. Even the Great Sage dare not act rashly, and even the killers of the three major killer organizations dare not kill people in this area. "Swish! Swish! Swish!"

All the formations on Qingming Island were activated and started to operate, forming a twelve-layer defense shield.

All the cultivators on the island were extremely nervous and entered a combat state.

Qianxing Tiannu seemed calm and composed. She pointed her finger into the void and immediately stopped the White Day Arrow that was about to fly away. She put it into her two delicate hands and observed and studied it carefully.


Ordinary cultivators can't see the time mark at all, but Qianxing Tiannu was born with a pair of special holy eyes, which can see the three time marks on the White Day Arrow.

"Could it be him?"

A strange look appeared in Qianxing Tiannu's eyes.

Then, she raised her snow-white chin and looked into the distance. Her rosy lips curled up slightly, and she said with a smile: "What does this guy mean by making such a big noise?"

Qianxing Tiannu probably guessed that the person who shot the White Day Arrow was Zhang Ruochen.

However, because Zhang Ruochen's arrow was too inaccurate, Qianxing Tiannu did not think that he wanted to kill her. Instead, she guessed that Zhang Ruochen might want to pursue her, so he deliberately made such a low-level trick to attract attention.

Qianxing Tiannu has such confidence. With her charm, there are too many men who fall in love with her at first sight. It doesn't seem strange to have another Zhang Ruochen.

"It's so childish and ridiculous." Qianxing Tiannu thought secretly.

Concubine Huairou flew back to Qingming Island with the holy sword, a little exasperated, and said: "This person's speed of escape is amazing. When I arrived, he had already escaped without leaving any trace. I don't know which of the three of us is the enemy of this person."

Qianxing Tiannu smiled with a peach face and handed over the White Day Arrow.

"Is this the arrow that pierced through the defense of Qingming Island?"


Qi Huairou grabbed the White Day Arrow and mobilized her spiritual power to inject it. Then, she showed a look of surprise in her eyes and said, "What a strange arrow. The method of refining the weapon is quite special. It is impossible to detect the number of inscriptions inside."

"This arrow alone is a priceless treasure."

Qianxing Tiannu did not speak out her guess. After all, the three time marks on the arrow only showed that the other party was very likely to be Zhang Ruochen, but not necessarily him.

"Give it to me. I want to continue studying it." Qianxing Tiannu smiled.

Qi Huairou did not see any clues on the White Day Arrow, so she gave it to Qianxing Tiannu.

Qianxing Tiannu held the White Day Arrow in her hand, and a cunning light appeared in her eyes. Such a precious arrow is in her hands. The owner of the arrow will definitely find her again.

Zhang Ruochen grabbed Xiang Chunan with one hand and used spatial teleportation dozens of times, escaping hundreds of miles away. He was relieved when he was sure that his concubine Huairou did not chase him.

Fortunately, his cultivation reached the Saint King level, and he could teleport very far each time, and he could teleport continuously, so he could escape easily.

The reason why he brought Xiang Chunan with him was because he was worried that he would be exposed if he fell into the hands of his concubine Huairou.

After stopping, Zhang Ruochen's face was very ugly, and he summoned the ancient sword of Shenyuan and pointed it at Xiang Chunan's eyebrows.

"Brother, what are you doing? We have no grudges, why do we have to fight with swords?" Xiang Chunan was puzzled.

Zhang Ruochen's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he asked, "Why are you there?"

Xiang Chuan was slightly stunned, and then said, "I heard that the Temple of Truth will hold a Conferred God Platform Conference soon, and I wanted to join in the fun, so I stayed in the area where the Temple of Truth is located. Today, I was strolling outside, and suddenly I looked up and saw you standing on the top of the mountain."

"How can it be such a coincidence?" Zhang Ruochen didn't believe him.

Xiang Chunan said: "It's such a coincidence. It means that we are really destined. Hey, how about we become brothers?"

Looking at his honest and honest look, Zhang Ruochen really couldn't stab him out with a sword, so he said: "Around my body, there is an illusion formed by the seeds of the true illusory holy flower. Moreover, I also used secret techniques to transform Body shape. If you just look at it, how could you see through the illusion? "

Xiang Chunan blinked his eyes and laughed loudly: "To be honest, I have a pair of clairvoyance. Within a thousand miles, all illusions cannot be hidden from my eyes, including the monk's transformation technique."

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