God Emperor

Chapter 3 Huang Ji Realm

The Queen is sitting in the tent under the altar, wearing a high bun with a phoenix crown and a robe with hundreds of birds facing the phoenix with hanging tail. She looks about 28 or 9 years old, beautiful and dignified, and not as old as Zhang Ruochen imagined. , but it also gives people a noble and elegant temperament.

She said: "The king is practicing in seclusion in the Palace of Life and Death. This time the 'Sacrifice Ceremony' is presided over by me. Imperial Master, have you detected the grade of the divine martial mark opened by His Highness the Ninth Prince?"

The national master of Yunwu County held an ancient book in his hand, shook it, and said: "The "Complete Book of Divine Martial Seals" records the patterns of all the martial arts seals that have ever appeared in the Kunlun world, from the first-grade martial arts seals to the ninth-grade martial arts seals. , all recorded in the book, but none of the marks match His Highness the Ninth Prince’s Divine Martial Mark.”

The Queen Queen glanced at Zhang Ruochen, with some indifference: "Since the test results cannot be found, it may be that there is no grade of divine martial arts mark. In other counties, there have been some warriors who have opened unknown divine martial arts marks, and their final achievements have been very good. limited."

The eighth prince immediately spoke up and said: "The queen is right. After all, the ninth brother is already sixteen years old and has missed the best age for cultivation. For him, even if he activates the fourth-grade divine martial arts mark or the fifth-grade divine martial arts mark, it will not matter. Achievement."

The Queen agreed with the eighth prince's words and said: "Since the ninth prince has only opened the mark of divine martial arts without grade, and he is already sixteen years old, in order to save the royal family's training resources as much as possible, let's only give the ninth prince a marrow cleansing solution!"

Concubine Lin's face changed slightly: "Queen, the first year after opening the Mark of Divine Martial Arts is the most important year. After the Seventh Prince opened the Mark of Divine Martial Arts, he received a total of twelve marrow cleansing solutions, which can cleanse the marrow every month. Once. Why can Chen'er only get one portion of the marrow cleansing liquid?"

The Queen's tone was a little colder, and she said: "The seventh prince opened the seventh-grade divine martial seal when he was three years old. How can the ninth prince compare with him?"

The Eighth Prince smiled and said: "Seventh Brother is the Queen's legitimate son and has inherited the Queen's powerful bloodline. Who in the entire Yunwu County can compare with him? Whether Yunwu County will be more prosperous and powerful in the future depends on Seventh Brother alone. ”

He added: "I have something to say that Concubine Lin and Ninth Brother don't like to hear. A finger of Seventh Brother is ten times more important than Ninth Brother's life. There is no comparison at all."

Concubine Lin bit her lips and continued to fight for Zhang Ruochen, saying: "When the Eighth Prince opened the Mark of Divine Martial Arts, he also received four copies of the marrow cleansing liquid."

The queen was very unhappy and said: "The higher the talent, the more resources you get. The ninth prince has the lowest talent, so naturally he gets less resources."

"But..." Concubine Lin said.

The Queen became even more impatient and said in a deep voice: "I have made a decision, Concubine Lin. If you dare to say one more word, do you believe that I will have someone drag you out again and punish you?"


Zhang Ruochen suddenly raised his head when he heard the Queen's words.

Did the queen ever scold her mother with a stick?

After Concubine Lin heard the Queen's words, her whole body trembled slightly, as if she recalled something terrible, and she immediately closed her mouth.

At this moment, someone had delivered a marrow cleansing solution and handed it to Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen took the marrow cleansing solution and walked to Concubine Lin. He turned around and stared deeply at the Queen sitting above, and said: "Mother, let's go back!"


Concubine Lin was heartbroken and unwilling, but in the end, she nodded bitterly.

The Queen Empress stared at Zhang Ruochen and Concubine Lin's leaving figures and said, "In three months, the royal family's year-end assessment will be held. The ninth prince must practice hard and strive to complete the 'Marrow Cleansing and Chongmai' within three months. Become a true warrior. When the time comes, the king will also come out of seclusion, and I hope you can surprise him."

Then the eighth prince's disdainful voice sounded again: "Even if there are three parts of the marrow cleansing solution, it is impossible to complete the marrow cleansing and Chongmai within three months. It took me half a year to do it. With the qualifications of the ninth brother, it is estimated that it will take a month." More than 10 years old!

Zhang Ruochen did not look back, but he was very determined in his heart and said to himself: "I will never let you down."

Returning to the Ziyi Side Hall, Zhang Ruochen couldn't wait to close the door and start practicing.

Although I don’t know what kind of divine martial mark is opened, but now that I have it, I can definitely cultivate the true energy.

The first step is to open up a "qi pool" under the mark of Shenwu.

The so-called "qi pool" is a pool that contains true qi.

As your cultivation level increases, the "qi pool" will gradually expand.

Generally speaking, to open a "qi pool", it must be done under the guidance of elders.

For Zhang Ruochen, who has rich cultivation experience, it is not difficult to open a "qi pool". It only took him half an hour to successfully open it.

Other monks would have to spend at least several days trying.

"This body is indeed very weak. It only has a Qi pool the size of an egg. It can hold too little Qi!"

It is not enough to open up a "qi pool".

The qi pool is just a place where true qi is stored.

In order for the true energy to circulate throughout the body, one must open up his or her own meridians for cultivation.

Only by completing this step can you possess true energy and become a true warrior.

Next is the second step, cleansing the marrow and Chongmai.

Zhang Ruochen took out the small jade bottle containing the marrow cleansing solution and sniffed it gently with his nose. After confirming that it was the real marrow cleansing solution, he poured the entire bottle of marrow cleansing solution into his mouth.

The marrow washing liquid went into the throat and was very cold. Just a moment later, the coldness disappeared and was replaced by a scalding heat.

Like a ball of fire burning in the body.

A trace of flame penetrated every meridians in Zhang Ruochen's body, and then merged into the meridians.

That's when...

"The Sutra of the Nine Heavens Ming Emperor, the first level, Taihuang Huang Jingtian."

Practicing different techniques will naturally open up different meridian routes.

The more advanced the technique, the more meridians there are, the more complicated and mysterious it is.

There are a total of thirty-six meridians in the "Nine Heavens Ming Emperor Sutra".

Of course, Zhang Ruochen does not need to open up all the meridians now. He only needs to open up the first meridian to complete the marrow cleansing and meridians.

"They said that I couldn't complete the Marrow Cleansing and Chongmai even after three months. I must prove with practical actions that I can succeed tonight. Becoming a warrior is not difficult, but it is just the first step in practice."

Zhang Ruochen relied on his training experience in the previous life, used the only ray of true energy to rush the meridians with all his strength, and soon opened most of the first meridians.

A severe pain came from his body, as if his meridians were about to be severed, making Zhang Ruochen tremble all over.

Other Chongmai practitioners must have given up and declared Chongmai failure when encountering this situation.

However, Zhang Ruochen gritted his teeth and persisted with strong willpower, letting the sweat slide across his skin and dripping to the ground, never giving up.

"Only...the last short paragraph..."

Hope is right in front of you, and you must succeed.

Must succeed!

Zhang Ruochen mobilized all the few infuriating energy in one go.


A loud noise came from the body, making a deafening sound that almost made Zhang Ruochen faint.

After the pain disappeared, Zhang Ruochen felt a stream of cold air flowing through his meridians.

An unprecedented feeling of relief spread throughout my body.

"Successful! Successfully completed the Marrow Cleansing and Chongmai and became a true warrior!"

Hachioji completed this step and took four doses of marrow cleansing solution, which took half a year.

Zhang Ruochen only used it for one night and only took one portion of the marrow cleansing solution.

Completing the marrow cleansing and pulse channeling is the cultivation level of the 'Early Huangji Realm'.

Martial arts practice is divided into four realms: "Huang, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven", namely: Huangji realm, Xuanji realm, Earthly realm, and Tianji realm.

Each big realm is divided into seven small realms, which are: early stage, middle stage, late stage, small extreme level, middle extreme level, great extreme level, and great perfection.

Four big and seven small.

Zhang Ruochen is now at the early stage of Huangji Realm.

In the "early stage", "middle stage" and "late stage" of the Huangji realm, the meridians and Qi tanks are opened, making the physical body stronger and stronger. Every time you advance to a small realm, the strength will be greatly enhanced.

The eighth prince is in the late Huangji realm and can lift a boulder weighing three hundred kilograms with his bare hands and throw the boulder ten feet away. The force of his punch was comparable to that of a bull.

Most warriors in the late Huangji realm can cultivate "the power of an ox".

Above the "late stage", there are the four realms of "small pole", "middle pole", "great pole" and "great perfection".

By breaking through the late Huangji Realm, you can reach the lower Huangji Realm, and you will immediately have the "Power of the Four Bulls", quadrupling your strength.

Therefore, when a warrior at the lower level of the Huangji Realm versus a warrior at the later stage of the Huangji Realm, it would be like an adult beating a child, one against ten.

The "middle pole position", "great pole position", and "dzog perfection" that go up are even more terrifying, possessing power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Those realms are still far away from Zhang Ruochen. There is no need to think too much now. Steady practice is the key. Only by taking one step at a time can you go further.

The Eighth Prince has been practicing for eight years and has only reached the late stage of Huangji Realm. He can only be regarded as an ordinary talent.

"It took the Eighth Prince half a year to complete the marrow cleansing and Chongmai. It only took me one night."

"It took the Eighth Prince eight years to cultivate to the late stage of Huangji Realm. I must complete this goal within three months. For me, it is not impossible to achieve it."

Three months later, it will be the year-end assessment of the royal family. All young warriors of the royal family, including princes, princesses, and relatives of the emperor, will all participate to test the results of their training over the past year.

In the royal family, if you want to gain status, be respected, and obtain more training resources, you must prove your strength and potential.

Three months!

Within three months, he must cultivate to the late stage of the Huangji Realm. Even if it is not for himself, he must also fight for the dignity that belongs to him for the mother who cares and loves him.

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