God Emperor

Chapter 673 Shock

It wasn't until Elder Fan Jing's sword energy surged to the opposite side of Zhao Wuyan that he quickly made a move.


The long sword left its sheath and struck first, Zhao Wuyan stabbed out diagonally, defeating Elder Fan Jing's sword move. In an instant, the "snow mountain" and the sword energy collapsed at the same time, turning into invisible true energy and dissipating in the air.

Zhao Wuyan's sword was pressed against Elder Fan Jing's eyebrows, and he said without changing his expression: "You are defeated!"

Elder Fan Jing closed his old eyes and said: "What a brilliant swordsmanship, I am so convinced by my defeat."

Zhao Wuyan put away his sword, his eyes still cold, turned around, and walked off the fighting platform, leaving only an aloof figure behind.

In addition to Lin Yue, another dark horse rushed out on the A-shaped battlefield.

Before today, Zhao Wuyan had always been unknown, and very few people had heard of his name. However, this battle alone was enough to make him famous in Liangyi Sect.

"Zhao Wuyan should have cultivated Jianyi to the fourth level, right? He is really powerful. He defeated Elder Fan Jing with just one move. His attainments in swordsmanship are probably better than Xu Changsheng's."

"There is another powerful enemy. This sword competition is becoming more and more interesting. I wonder if there will be some geniuses emerging?"

Zhao Wuyan's performance was naturally quite amazing. With just one strike of his sword, everyone present remembered him.

"He has cultivated Jianyi to the fifth level." Zhang Ruochen thought to himself.

Even Xu Changsheng has only cultivated to the fourth level of Jianyi. Among the monks of the Fish and Dragon Realm, he is already quite remarkable.

Zhao Wuyan has cultivated Jianyi to the fifth level, which shows that he has become one of the popular figures competing for the top ten.

Of course, some people realized that the next round of competition would be between Lin Yue and Zhao Wuyan, and everyone suddenly began to look forward to it.

Between these two dark horses, who will have the last laugh?

Next, Zhang Ruochen was still watching the monks' sword fights on the battlefield, learning the essence of their moves, discarding the dross, and finally integrating them into his own swordsmanship.

In the afternoon, the first round of fighting ended.

There were a total of ninety-two contestants on stage A, half of whom were eliminated. Only forty-six people successfully advanced to the next round of competition.

The fierce confrontation continued, and the second round of fighting was obviously more intense than the first round of fighting.

This time, the opponent Xu Changsheng encountered was No. 53 "Tan Qingshan".

Tan Qingshan is also a very powerful disciple of the Holy Tradition. He cultivated Jianyi to the third level and became a sword cultivator.

Even with Xu Changsheng's cultivation level, he fought with Tan Qingshan for hundreds of moves before defeating him.

However, everyone can see that if it is really a life and death battle, Tan Qingshan can completely escape from Xu Changsheng's hands.

If the person he met was not Xu Changsheng, he would definitely be among the top 100.

Gradually, the battle that everyone was watching finally ushered in, Zhang Ruochen and Zhao Wuyan walked towards the fighting stage.

Below, all the inner disciples cheered, some were calling "Lin Yue"'s name, and some were calling "Zhao Wuyan's" name.

Even those holy disciples who participated in the competition were paying close attention to this battle.

Dao Xuanqi from the Law Enforcement Yuan narrowed his old eyes and said to Han Zhang next to him: "Lin Yue is extremely talented. It is said that when he broke into the second mountain of the ancient sacred mountain, he challenged three words and defeated The three gatekeepers are still too low in cultivation after all, and they will probably suffer a big loss against a top powerhouse like Zhao Wuyan."

Although Dao Xuanqi didn't say it clearly, several saint disciples around him could tell that he didn't think much of Lin Yue.

Han Zhang smiled and said: "Zhao Wuyan's strength is indeed very powerful. He should have cultivated Jianyi to the fifth level. Even if I meet him, I will probably have no choice but to be inferior."

"In five years at most, Lin Yue's strength will definitely surpass Zhao Wuyan, but now, it is unlikely that he will be Zhao Wuyan's opponent." Xu Changsheng said coldly.

Dao Xuanqi, Han Zhang, and Xu Changsheng all won two games in a row and entered the top 100.

Their eyesight is of course far beyond ordinary people, since none of the three of them think highly of Lin Yue. It can be seen that Lin Yue will lose in this competition in all likelihood.

At this moment, there was a sound of exclamation from below the A-shaped battle platform, and everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the gate.

"Senior Sister Qi is here!"

"Is Qi Feiyu here to cheer Lin Yue up?"

The crowd retreated to the left and right like a tide. Then, a beautiful woman wearing a green robe walked in from the outside. She was very slender, with skin as white as jade. Her long black hair hung straight down, tied in the middle with a blue jade belt. Tie up.

Qi Feiyu's whole body was filled with white holy light, like a goddess descending to earth. Because of the protection of the Holy Light, ordinary inner disciples cannot see her face clearly, resulting in a hazy and mysterious beauty.

Now, all the disciples of Liangyi Sect know that the relationship between Lin Yue and Qi Feiyu is extraordinary.

For such a crucial battle, Qi Feiyu personally came to watch and cheer, which further proved her friendship for Lin Yue.

Zhao Wuyan also glanced at Qi Feiyu below the fighting platform, and a look of surprise flashed across his calm eyes.

Even a man like him couldn't keep calm when he saw Qi Feiyu, who was as beautiful as a fairy. He couldn't help but feel jealous of Lin Yue who was standing opposite.

Originally, his mood was very calm, but due to the arrival of Qi Feiyu, there were obvious fluctuations, and the eyes he looked at Zhang Ruochen became a little cold.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen also knew that Qi Feiyu was under the battle platform, but he just smiled slightly, his mood still quite calm, staring at Zhao Wuyan opposite, and said: "Lin Yue, Changshengyuan."

Zhao Wuyan took a deep breath and said: "Taiqing Palace, Zhao Wuyan."

Zhao Wuyan's arm quickly turned, and with a swish sound, a bright and dazzling sword light flew out from the scabbard, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.


On the entire battlefield, with a radius of thirty feet, hundreds of purple thunderbolts as thick as wine glasses appeared, condensing into a sea of ​​electricity and erupting with terrifying power.

It is conceivable that if it were not for the protection of the formation, just the power of thunder and lightning would be able to smash all the monks in Zhiyuling Mountain to ashes.

The inner disciples below were all frightened and couldn't help but retreat.

However, the five half-saints sitting above them all frowned.

Zixia Semi-Saint said: "Zhao Wuyan should have won against Lin Yue. However, at this moment, his mood became impatient and he was very eager to show his powerful cultivation. In this way, he fell into the trap of ”

Semi-Saint Jinglan said: "Lin Yue seems to have fallen below, but he has been calm from beginning to end. If he can find Zhao Wuyan's flaw, he may not be able to win."

"Lin Yue's own cultivation level is still only the fourth transformation of fish and dragon after all. The gap between him and Zhao Wuyan is too big, and the chance of winning is very slim."

Relatively speaking, even if Zhao Wuyan's mentality is worse than Lin Yue, he can still crush Lin Yue with his powerful cultivation.

The gap in realm cannot be made up for by other factors.

"The Taixuan thunder moves."

Finally, Zhao Wuyan took the lead and struck Zhang Ruochen on the opposite side with a sword.

As the long sword moved, hundreds of lightning bolts were all twisted together, making a "chichi" sound, like a thick lightning whip, twisting and changing, and slashed towards Zhang Ruochen.

What Zhao Wuyan performed was the middle-grade ghost-level swordsmanship, Taixuan Swordsmanship.

Taixuan Sword Technique is the unique skill of Taiqing Palace. If you can practice it to the transformation state, you can even mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a hundred miles radius, integrate it into the sword technique, and explode with unparalleled power.

Once upon a time, a half-sage from the Taiqing Palace used the Taixuan Sword Technique to split a city in half with just one sword, leaving a 100-meter-wide ravine in the ground.

Zhao Wuyan displayed his great Taixuan Sword Technique, causing a huge shock to all the saintly disciples present.

"Zhao Wuyan has actually mastered the middle-level ghost-level Taixuan Sword Technique. I have never heard of his name before. This person is really well hidden."

"With the power of Taixuan Sword Technique, even if Xu Changsheng were to fight against him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to gain any advantage."

"Zhao Wuyan's strength, as long as nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be able to break into the top ten."

The Taixuan Sword Technique is extremely famous in Liang Yi Sect, and the disciples of the Holy Tradition who can successfully practice this set of sword techniques must be top-notch experts. As a semi-saint, he is enough to stand out among the heroes.

Facing Zhao Wuyan's strong attack, Zhang Ruochen also felt a lot of pressure.


Zhang Ruochen pulled out the Grain Water Sword, quickly drew a circle, and swept the lightning whip into the inside of the circle, leading it to the outside of the battle platform.

If Zhang Ruochen is allowed to use it, this move will probably be broken.

Zhao Wuyan naturally would not give Zhang Ruochen a chance to defeat the sword move. He snorted coldly, jumped with his feet like an earth dragon, flew directly in front of Zhang Ruochen, and stabbed Zhang Ruochen between the eyebrows with his sword.

At this moment, Zhang Ruochen was not only attacked by thunder and lightning, but also had a sharp sword coming towards him. He was attacked from both sides.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely lose.

Even the contestants below all think so and feel that the winner will be determined soon.

Zhang Ruochen, however, remained calm and composed. He sheathed his sword and the Gu Shui Sword formed a straight line with his body, as if he had reached the legendary state of man and sword uniting.

Seeing Zhang Ruochen's strange gesture, Qi Feiyu's beautiful eyes below the fighting platform flashed with a strange light, and she said to herself: "Has he made another breakthrough in the realm of swordsmanship?"

"Could it be Jianyi's ninth level?"

Zixia Semi-Saint's pair of semi-saint eyes burst out with dazzling brilliance, obviously she was quite shocked.

You must know that in the entire Kunlun Realm, there are only a few dozen people in the Fish and Dragon Realm who have cultivated to the tenth level of sword perfection in the past thousand years.

Most of these people later became sword masters.

Now, Lin Yuecai has cultivated his fourth fish-dragon transformation and has cultivated Jianyi to the ninth level. Doesn't it mean that in the Fish-Dragon Realm, he has a good chance of cultivating to the tenth level of Dzogchen?

Not to mention Half-Saint Zixia who was surprised, everyone present who had some eyesight was quite shocked.

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