God Emperor

Chapter 953 Luofeng Mountain

Returning to the main camp of Youzi Tiangong and walking into the cave, Zhang Ruochen took out paper and pen from the space ring.

While meditating, write on the paper.

It took a whole night to write four letters in a row, put them into envelopes, and sealed them.

The names of four people were written on the envelopes of the four letters, namely: Niangqin, Huang Yanchen, Kong Lanyou, and Chi Yao.

In fact, Zhang Ruochen wanted to write more letters to more people and explain more things.

However, time is too short, so I can only write to the four most important people first, namely the person closest to me, the person most responsible, the person I feel most sorry for, and the person I hate and love the most.

The reason why he felt most sorry for Kong Lanyou was because he had lied to her twice in a row, but he had to lie to her.

An old friend from eight hundred years ago, it was only after Kong Lanyou heard the name "Zhang Ruochen" that she came to see him in person as a stranger, and she came to see him twice in a row.

This shows how important the name Zhang Ruochen is in her heart.

In fact, Zhang Ruochen understood many things, but due to various reasons, he finally chose to escape.

Zhang Ruochen took a deep breath, handed the four letters to Xiao Hei along with the Divine Wood Map of the Universe, and said, "If I don't return from the Endless Abyss, help me give these four letters to them."

Xiao Hei took it and said, "You mean there are things you haven't done, is it writing a suicide note?"

Zhang Ruochen smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't count! I just feel that there are some things that should be explained. If I don't die in the endless abyss, these four letters will naturally be useless."

"Actually, I think that we should spread the secret of the three gradients of the endless abyss. In this way, Confucianism, Taoism and the court will definitely send strong men to investigate the life and death of the talented woman with the holy book. There is no need for you to go and take risks yourself. ." Xiao Hei said.

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said: "First, if we do that, those who want to kill the talented woman with the holy book will definitely enter the first gradient first."

"Second, when I go there, I'm not just investigating the life and death of the talented woman with the Holy Book, but there is also a more important thing." Xiao Hei asked: "Is there something more important?"

Zhang Ruochen's eyes were quite deep and he said: "Based on some information I got from the King Hai Ming, plus the undead vampires I met in the Endless Abyss last night, and the death of the talented woman with the holy book. I finally feel that the Endless Abyss There seems to be a shocking secret hidden underneath. Maybe we can only find the answer if we go down once."

It's dawn and it's a new day.

Zhang Ruochen made up his mind to make another trip to the Endless Abyss today.

However, he had just walked out of the cave when he heard the call from King Wuliang Banner, asking him to go to the entrance of Cangtian Valley.

"What on earth is going on?"

Zhang Ruochen thought for a moment, spread out his body skills, disappeared from the spot, and rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

The mouth of Cangtian Valley is an empty snowfield.

At this moment, on the snow, there are one hundred and twenty flag bearers wearing black armor standing neatly. The flag bearer with the weakest cultivation level is also the Great Perfection of Tianji Realm.

Among them, the flag bearers of the Fish and Dragon Realm account for even half.

Such an elite army is enough to destroy a Semi-Holy Family.


A black beam of light fell from the sky, condensing into the semi-saint clone of Wuliang Banner King, standing ten feet above the ground.

"Meet the Banner King."

The one hundred and twenty flag bearers below roared at the same time, creating a surge of momentum.

Zhang Ruochen has also arrived outside the valley, standing not far away, looking at the one hundred and twenty flag bearers and Wuliang Banner King with a puzzled look.

The King of Wuliang Banner glanced in the direction of Zhang Ruochen, and then raised his voice: "To the east of the Endless Abyss, in Luofeng Mountain, eight hundred miles away, there are traces of a small number of blood beasts. The deputy palace master ordered that within today, we must Destroy them all, Flag Master Gu, let you lead the team to handle this matter, okay?"

From Xiaohei, Zhang Ruochen had already learned something about the blood beast.

Zhang Ruochen showed a puzzled look and asked: "Lord Banner King, what kind of creature is the blood beast?"

The Wuliang Banner King fell to the ground, and a circle of holy energy shot out from the palm of his hand, forming a domain, wrapping him and Zhang Ruochen in the domain.

The King of Infinite Banners stared at Zhang Ruochen and said: "Only people at the level of the banner master are qualified to know some of the secrets of the Endless Abyss. Since I have sent you out to execute the characters, I will now tell you the secret of the blood beast."

There is a layer of domain wrapping, and the flag bearers at the outer gate cannot hear the conversation between Wuliang Banner King and Zhang Ruochen.

Wuliang Banner King looked solemn and said, "You must have heard of the Blood Queen, right?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Of course I have heard of it. It is said that the Blood Queen is the most powerful saint-level figure in the history of the Immortal Vampire Clan besides Pluto." The King of Wuliang Banner nodded and said: "Eight hundred years ago, The Blood Queen fought with Emperor Ming, and in the end, the Blood Queen fell into the endless abyss."

"In that battle, the blood of the Blood Queen was spilled on the first gradient. Some savage beasts absorbed the tyrannical blood and turned into bloodthirsty beasts. The mission of our Youzi Tiangong is to kill those blood beasts. Kill them all to prevent them from escaping from the ancient snow mountain."

Zhang Ruochen's heart moved and he asked doubtfully: "What does the first gradient mean?"

"The first gradient is in the endless abyss."

Seeing that Zhang Ruochen still looked puzzled, King Wuliang Banner added: "Actually, the Endless Abyss is divided into three gradients. Entering the first gradient and the second gradient, there is actually a certain chance of returning to the ground. Only Only by falling into the third gradient can there be no return.”

"This matter is top secret. Only people above the flag master are qualified to know. You must keep it a secret. If it gets out, it will definitely lead to death."

Zhang Ruochen nodded and said, "Who was the first to discover the secret of the endless abyss?"

"Of course he is the current leader of the Blood God Sect." Wuliang Banner King continued: "It is said that three hundred years ago, the leader was still very young and came to the ancient snow mountain for training and was attacked by a blood beast. After killing the blood beast, The leader went alone to trace the source of the blood beasts, all the way to the endless abyss. Finally, he discovered that there were two layers of worlds below the abyss, and those blood beasts climbed out of the first gradient."

Zhang Ruochen asked: "Has Lord Banner been to the first gradient?"


Wuliang Banner King immediately shook his head and said: "The leader has issued a ban. Without his order, no one is allowed to go to the first gradient. Besides, the first gradient is quite dangerous. There was once a banner king who secretly entered the first gradient and wanted to go Exploring the secrets there, there was no return. The leader personally went to rescue him, but only brought back a skeleton."

Wuliang Banner King glanced at Zhang Ruochen and said: "Gu Banner Master seems to be very interested in the first gradient? I must remind you that people at the level of Banner King have died down there. With your cultivation level, it is best not to go It’s good to take risks.”

"I understand," Zhang Ruochen said.

"First go and exterminate the blood beasts in Luofeng Mountain. This is your first mission. You must complete it cleanly and beautifully." King Wuliang Banner said.

Zhang Ruochen led one hundred and twenty flag bearers, all riding wild elephants, and galloped out to Luofeng Mountain, rolling up endless wind and snow.

"To say so many words to a dying person, I can be considered as the most benevolent and righteous person. His Highness the Son of God should be waiting for him at Luofeng Mountain!"

The Wuliang Banner King smiled and spread out, turning into a ball of black smoke and dissipating in the air.

"Go to Luofeng Mountain first, and then find a chance to escape."

Zhang Ruochen sat on the back of the beast and made such a decision in his heart.

Manxiang ran extremely fast, and half an hour later, Zhang Ruochen could already see the outline of Luofeng Mountain.

At this moment, Zhao Shiqi's voice reached Zhang Ruochen's ears through a thousand-mile sound transmission, "Sir, Luofeng Mountain is a trap set by Wuliang Banner King and the Son of God, and they want to use this to get rid of you."

Zhang Ruochen was slightly startled. He released his mental power and followed the sound waves to explore back. He quickly located Zhao Shiqi's location.

That's Luofeng Mountain.

His Highness, the Son of God, had tried to kill Zhang Ruochen several times and had successfully angered Zhang Ruochen.

If we don't get rid of him, I don't know what other methods will be used in the future.

"The King of Wuliang Banners is also in Luofeng Mountain?" Zhang Ruochen's eyes were a little cold.

"Not here."

Zhao Shiqi continued to transmit the message and said: "The Son of God thought that the young master was only a second-level semi-saint, so he only brought four banner kings. The subordinates and the young master joined forces to take care of them all. Do you want to take action?"

"of course yes."

Zhang Ruochen added: "Wait until I arrive before taking action. It's best not to leave anyone alive."

Zhang Ruochen rode a wild beast, pretending to be completely unaware, and continued towards Luofeng Mountain with one hundred and twenty flag bearers.

Mei Lanzhu stood on the top of an icefall cliff in Luofeng Mountain, looking at the flag bearers getting closer and closer, with a sneer on his face: "Gu Linfeng, this idiot, actually came to Luofeng Mountain. Qi Feng Why don’t the flag owners take action immediately?”

"Son of God, don't worry. I have already arranged the divine hurricane formation. Even if Gu Linfeng is a seventh-order semi-saint, he will definitely be dead." Qi Feng Banner Master grinned, opened an iron fan, and fully mobilized all his mental strength. Give a wave.

The surface of the iron fan emitted a dazzling brilliance, and slender inscriptions flew out.


Inspired by the inscriptions, the Divine Storm Formation started to operate.

The snow-capped mountains with a radius of a hundred miles were all shaking, and dense wind blades flew out, flying towards Zhang Ruochen and the one hundred and twenty flag bearers, completely engulfing them.

"Ah... there's an ambush..."

"Save me...attack formation..."

In the mountain col, there were screams one after another.

Those flag bearers were attacked by the wind blade and could not resist it. Their bodies were torn apart and turned into a mass of corpses, falling in a pool of blood.

Seeing this scene, Mei Lanzhu showed a satisfied smile on her face and said: "The Divine Hurricane Formation is indeed the top level six attack formation. Gu Linfeng should be too dead to die. It's a pity that in order to kill him, he An elite flag bearer was lost.”

Zhao Shiqi stood behind Mei Lanzhu and said with a smile: "If there is no flag bearer to be buried with him, who would believe that a big shot of the Blood God Religion would actually die here?"

"Gu Linfeng is just a clown, does he deserve to be called a big shot?" Mei Lanzhu glanced at Zhao Shiqi and sneered, looking quite disdainful.

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