God Hongtian

Chapter 2 Tomb of Life and Death

Yun Hao was originally the strongest person in the human race of Cangjie, and he created endless glory in Cangjie!

His whole life was writing legends, and he was praised as the person who had the most hope of becoming a god in hundreds of thousands of years!

He used to be high-spirited and brilliant.

However, he was finally stuck at the threshold of becoming a god.

After a long time, he consumed all his energy, but he still couldn't become a god!

On his way to becoming a god, he discovered a shocking secret!

Cangjie... is a prison!

All the creatures in Cangjie are prisoners!

The heaven and earth energy of Cangjie has long been applied with countless runes. The creatures in Cangjie who absorb the heaven and earth energy to open the path of cultivation also absorb these runes into their bodies.

After the runes enter the body, they turn into layers of shackles, completely blocking the way to becoming a god!

The mastermind behind all this is the heavenly god standing above the sky of Cangjie!

After learning the truth, he was unwilling! He was angry!

Even though the gods in the Heavenly Palace were extremely powerful.

But he was determined to shoot his sword to the sky, kill the gods in the Heavenly Palace, and fight with the gods!

He wanted to fight his way to become a god!

He used his amazing sword skills to defeat high-level and slash the gods with his sword, but after all, one person's strength was limited. He finally shed blood in the sky and died at the hands of the gods in the Heavenly Palace. The legend of the human race's generation of sword emperors came to an end.



But who would have thought that there is always a way out!

A wisp of Yun Hao's soul was protected by a mysterious stone tablet that was once found in a secret place. It floated between heaven and earth for a long time, and finally entered the cycle of reincarnation and was reborn!

But his memory has been sealed, but today the torture of the City Lord's Mansion helped Yun Hao break the last shackles.

After a long time, when Yun Hao had completed the fusion of the memories of the two lives, he woke up faintly.

At this time, he found himself in a carriage. Just as he opened his eyes, Ling Feiyu threw herself on him and cried, "You must live well. How could you abandon me!"

"Feiyu, thank you for believing in me and saving me." Yunhai thanked him from the bottom of his heart. If it weren't for Ling Feiyu, he would have been finished in this life.

Although he was the young master of the Crazy Sword Martial Arts School in this life, he was also a waste known to everyone in Liuyun City and was completely unable to practice.

Ling Feiyu had always been loyal to him and pulled him out of the gate of death today.

"What happened? Why did you go to the brothel?" Ling Feiyu asked with tears in her eyes.

A bitter look appeared on Yun Hao's lips, and he said, "I was in a bad mood yesterday and left the martial arts hall. I found a place to drink some wine, and then I was in a daze and didn't know anything. I didn't remember going to the brothel at all, let alone killing and dismembering people... I was wronged, someone deliberately hurt me!"

When he said the latter

, Yun Hao's emotions became excited, but when he exerted force, the dense scars on his body were involved, and he gasped in pain.

Ling Feiyu looked solemn, silent for a moment, and then said: "I believe what you said, but others will not believe it. Next, there are only three days. If the truth cannot be found out within three days, the City Lord's Mansion will send you to the Tomb of Life and Death!"

"The Tomb of Life and Death?" Yun Hao was stunned.

Although he has been unable to practice, he also knows something about the Tomb of Life and Death, and is very clear about its cruelty.

Ling Feiyu's face was always filled with deep worry. She said, "The City Lord's Mansion has determined through some clues that this ancient tomb of life and death actually belongs to a peerless strongman named Cang Yao.

They will conduct a deep excavation of the ancient tomb of life and death next. The cruelty inside is probably a hundred times or a thousand times greater than before.

You don't have to think about this matter for now. I will handle it. You can have a good rest in the carriage."

After saying that, Ling Feiyu opened the curtain and went out. He personally drove the carriage and took Yun Hao back to the Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall.

"Cang Yao?!" Yun Hao's expression suddenly changed.

Isn't that his most beloved disciple?

Is she dead too?

"Yes, I know the situation is very critical, but don't worry, I'm here!" Ling Feiyu said.

Yun Hao didn't respond, his mind was turning.

When he entered the Heavenly Palace, he had clearly prepared a retreat for Yao'er. Why did this happen?

Just then,

The carriage stopped.

"We're home." Ling Feiyu's voice sounded, and he opened the curtain.

When she looked at Yun Hao, Ling Feiyu's heart suddenly trembled.

She saw an extremely unfamiliar light in Yun Hao's eyes, and there seemed to be a magnificent momentum surging in that light, as if there was a sword energy that wanted to cut through the sky!

Yun Hao immediately put away the power brought by the recovery of memory.

After a trance, Ling Feiyu's mind quickly recovered. She looked at Yun Hao again, and the breath that made her palpitate was gone. Yun Hao was still the Yun Hao she was familiar with, but she always felt that Yun Hao was a little different from before.

"I'll help you down." Ling Feiyu calmed down and said.

"Yes." Yun Hao responded. In fact, after the dusty soul was revived, it had baptized his scarred body. Although the injury was still very serious, he could actually take care of himself.

"After you got into trouble last night, Uncle Yun knelt at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion all night to plead for you, but the City Lord refused to see Uncle Yun. Today, Uncle Yun went to find someone from the main family, hoping that they would go to the City Lord's Mansion to plead for you, so he didn't go to Caishikou. If it still doesn't work by noon... Uncle Yun will go to rob the execution ground."

After listening to Ling Feiyu's words, a burly figure of a bearded man appeared in Yun Hao's mind.

His father in this life is Yun Tiankuo!

Yuntiankuo is both father and mother

, pulling him up.

Even though he couldn't practice, Yun Tiankuo never complained. He only wanted to accumulate more family property so that Yun Hao's future life could be guaranteed.

When he learned that this tough man who had always been strong and unwilling to bow his head went to the door of the city lord's mansion and knelt all night.

My heart is bleeding.

"The master's bunch of beasts!" Yun Hao gritted his teeth.

The head of the Yun family is located in Beihan County. Yun Tiankuo is a branch of the Yun family. He came to Liuyun City alone to work hard and founded the Mad Sword Martial Arts School!

After the master saw how well Yuntiankuo managed the Mad Sword Martial Arts School, he became interested!

Especially recently, after the ancient tomb of life and death was discovered within the boundaries of Liuyun City, the family is even more ready to take action, because according to the rules of Liuyun City, the ancient tomb of life and death can only be explored by the forces of Liuyun City.

In order to get a piece of the ancient tomb of life and death, the master family has been secretly planning to seize the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall.

The reason why Yunhao went to drink yesterday was because he had a conflict with the master's family and suffered a loss!

Just when Yunhao and Ling Feiyu entered the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall.

A cold, wild sound reached their ears.

"Yun Tiankuo, if you want to ask my father to come forward and intercede for your son who was stabbed a thousand times, it's not impossible. You must first sign the transfer agreement of the Mad Sword Martial Arts School!"


"Did I tell you to stand and sign?"

"Kneel down for me!"

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