God Hongtian

Chapter 22 Dog bites dog, take action

As the energy of the three Jade Blood Body Building Pills dispersed and were refined by Yun Hao using Taichu Creation Technique, the energy and blood in his body increased at an extremely fast speed.

Because the feeling of weakness caused by the inner fire lasted for most of the day, it quickly disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, there were faint sounds of bursts of Qi and blood rushing through him, and layers of faint Qi and blood glow spread from Yun Hao's skin.

Although this is only the primary treasure body and belongs to the initial stage of Taichu Creation Art, it already contains a magnificent power.

According to the description of the technique, if you practice the Taichu Creation Technique to the extreme and your body becomes a god, the magnificent rays of energy and blood alone will be able to reflect the sky, earth and sky, shaking the universe!

As the practice unfolds and the strength increases, just like the first practice, the ray of feeling coming from the direction of the ancient tomb of life and death also becomes stronger.

The ancient tomb of life and death seems to be approaching

Calling Yun Hao impatiently.

This time, Yunhao's perception became much clearer, but in the end he was still unable to make a specific and accurate judgment!

Unconsciously, the night gradually deepened.

A figure stumbled into the valley and came to the lonely grave.

There was a pop.

This figure knelt down with both legs.

"Mom, I have to leave Liuyun City. I won't be able to see you often in the future. I hope you won't be angry."

This person is none other than Wu Ji!

After he finished speaking, he knocked his head vigorously on the ground three times and then stood up.


He couldn't hold it back and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

Blood fell to the ground.

The ground was scorched black.

The strong fire poison exploded in his body and could not be suppressed at all.

Just when Wu Ji was about to leave.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

One after another figures,

Shooting from all directions.

Wu Ji suppressed the fire poison in his body and looked at the men in black around him, with deep indignation on his face.

"What I promised Jiang Chuan has been done. He wanted to force Ling Feiyu to throw himself into his arms. Ling Feiyu didn't agree. This has nothing to do with me. Why are you still pushing me hard and killing everyone! "Wu Ji roared.

"If I want to blame you, it's your ignorance. You clearly agreed to leave, but you still stayed in Liuyun City. Wu Ji, your death has come. I advise you, it's best to just surrender. Otherwise, what's waiting for you will be What a miserable way to die!"

The man in black who took the lead shouted coldly.

Wu Ji gritted his teeth, shouted loudly, and then tried to break through.

He is a Sea Transformation Realm cultivator and possesses fierce palm skills, but the fire poison erupting in his body is too fierce. In addition, among this group of black-clothed men, there is also a Sea Transformation Realm monk who is no weaker than him.

In just a moment, Wu Ji suffered heavy injuries, his whole body was covered in blood, and the fire poison that was already out of control exploded even more fiercely.

At the critical moment, driven by the instinct to survive, Wu Ji showed the ferocity of a desperado and cut a bloody path to escape.


A group of men in black were behind and launched a pursuit.

Wu Ji rushed into a dense forest and suddenly stopped in a hurry.


A sword light burst out from the forest.

Wu Ji narrowly avoided it!

However, the next moment, his whole body stiffened.

A sword appeared from behind him and was placed on his neck.

"If you dare to move, I will chop off your head!"

A cold voice sounded.

It was Yun Hao.

He was practicing medicine near Wu Ji's mother's grave. When he noticed the movement just now, he rushed to it as soon as possible.

When he passed by, he saw Wu Ji fighting with a group of men in black.

Now, he took the opportunity to take action and suppress Wu Ji!

At this time.

There was a lot of noise nearby.

The pursuers arrived.

Among the group of men in black, there was an existence in the sea transformation realm.

Although Wu Ji was also in the Sea Transformation Realm, the reason why Yun Hao was able to control Wu Ji so easily was because Wu Ji was at the end of his strength. The injury and the explosion of fire poison caused him to lose the reaction and strength that the Sea Transformation Realm should have.

With Yun Hao's current strength, if he really wants to deal with a sea-changing monk who is in excellent condition, he will definitely have to pay a huge price.

However, in addition to the Sea Transformation Realm, the opponent also has a group of True Yuan Realm warriors, who are numerous and powerful!

Therefore, Yun Hao made a decisive decision and struck Wu Ji on the neck with his palm, knocking him unconscious. Then he grabbed Wu Ji's collar, used a secret method to conceal his aura, and left at the speed of a phantom step!

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