God Hongtian

Chapter 25 Yun Hao’s plan, innocence

"The people from the City Lord's Mansion are here!"

"Huh, let's see what kind of tricks this Yun Hao wants to play!"

"Young City Master, if this bastard Yun Hao wants to play tricks today, please execute him on the spot. Don't let such a vicious demon go unpunished again!"

A large number of people shouted.

"Everyone, please rest assured that our City Lord's Palace will not wrongly accuse any innocent person, but we will never let any evil person go!"

Jiang Chuan said, and then his eyes swept over Ling Feiyu with a fiery meaning. When he looked at Yun Hao, a cold light surged in his eyes.

Yun Hao met Jiang Chuan's gaze and looked at him.

Likewise, his eyes were also cold and murderous!

Jiang Chuan's inner calm that he finally recovered was broken again. Being watched by Yun Hao, he felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body, as if he had no secrets at all.

Especially the one in Yun Hao's eyes

The killing intent... made him very uneasy and guilty.

Jiang Chuan hurriedly looked away, then pretended to be calm and shouted sternly: "Yunhao, the people in your carriage must be handed over to the city lord's palace immediately!"

Yun Hao looked calm and said: "The person in the carriage is the key to my innocence. No one can take him away from me until my grievances are revealed."

Jiang Chuan's expression darkened and he shouted: "The person in the carriage is Wu Ji?!"

"Exactly!" Yun Hao responded.

Jiang Chuan snorted coldly and said: "It's Wu Ji, that's right. This person committed a heinous crime in the county and recently fled to Liuyun City. The county governor's office has given an order to let us use the power of Liuyun City. Help capture him.

There are some important secrets involved in him. Once this secret is leaked, the county governor will be angry, and none of you can bear this responsibility.

Therefore, Wu Ji must now

Leave it to our city lord’s palace for detention! "

Don't wait for Yun Hao to speak.

The fat man on the side spoke.

"Jiang Chuan, my brother wants to prove Wu Ji's innocence and you want to imprison Wu Ji. There is no conflict, right? On the contrary, you have to be there when the truth is revealed later, right?

how? It's important for you to please the county magistrate, but my brother's innocence is not important?

You kept saying just now that you would never wrongly accuse any innocent person, but now you are extinguishing even the hope of proving your innocence. This is so unreasonable! "

At this time.

Yuntiankuo shouted: "I don't care about the criminals that the county governor wants to arrest. I only care about my son's innocence. Before this matter is resolved, I won't agree to anyone who wants to take Wu Ji away!"


Ling Feiyu didn't say anything, and directly drew his sword out of its sheath, making his attitude clear!

Yun Hao stared at Jiang Chuan, who had an ugly face, and said calmly: "Xing

The scene will arrive soon. If you don't want to waste time, I don't mind asking Wu Ji to confess here! "

With that said, he turned around and entered the carriage, as if he wanted to take Wu Ji out.


Jiang Chuan hurriedly spoke to stop him, and then said: "No need, the City Lord's Mansion has obtained sufficient evidence. What happened the night before was not your fault, but Wu Ji's crime.

This is a public notice from the city lord's palace. It will be posted on the city wall soon, which is enough to prove your innocence! "

He didn't dare to let Wu Ji come out and confess.

After saying that, he directly threw a prepared notice towards Yun Hao.

Yunhao took it and took a look. The notice clearly listed many pieces of evidence that Wu Ji was the murderer.

Yuntiankuo hurriedly came forward. After reading the notice, he looked up to the sky and laughed.


"My son is innocent!"

"God opens your eyes, God opens your eyes!"

How long has this person worked hard in Liuyun City?

The ten-year-old man's eyes were red with excitement at this moment, and the emotions accumulated in his heart were finally released.

Ling Feiyu also stepped forward and took a look at the notice, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Fatty was more direct. He took the notice from Yun Hao and rushed into the surrounding crowd.

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly. My brother was wronged. If any of you dare to whisper and slander my brother behind his back in the future, if the fat man finds out, he will not be polite!"

On the opposite side, Jiang Chuan shouted again: "I have cleared your name, now you can hand me over to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Yun Hao jumped up and jumped off the carriage.

"Dad, Feiyu, fat brother, let's go."

Seeing Yunhao and the others leaving, Jiang Chuan immediately winked at his confidants.

The man immediately rushed over and got into the carriage neatly.

But soon, this man got out of the carriage, with an expression that looked like his whole family was dead...

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