God Hongtian

Chapter 29 Blood Sacrifice Formation

The vicinity of the Tomb of Life and Death is heavily guarded.

These people nominally belong to the City Lord's Mansion of Liuyun City.

But ever since Yun Hao knew that the Shen Yong Hou Mansion was behind the matter of the Tomb of Life and Death, he knew in his heart that it was definitely not that simple.

Yunhao walked around the Tomb of Life and Death from a distance and observed secretly.

He discovered several auras of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

In a small place like Liuyun City, the strength of the Sea Transformation Realm can already be called a master.

Ju Ling, who is above the sea of ​​transformation, is already the most powerful person.

According to the impression in his mind, Jiang Zhiyuan, the city lord of Liuyun City, was only in the cultivation level of the Soul Gathering Realm for the first time.

Obviously, these powerful men in the Spirit Gathering Realm who have mixed into the team sealing the ancient tombs of life and death are the power of the Shen Yong Hou Mansion.

Yun Hao wanted to explore the situation of the Tomb of Life and Death first, but under the current situation, there was almost no chance of sneaking in directly.

He thought for a moment and made a plan in his mind.

I saw Yun Hao choose a hidden mountain forest, he circulated the vitality of his body, and a sense of pride burst out instantly.




Suddenly, the ground shook in the area where the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death was located not far away.

The powerful and sharp edge turned into wisps of sword energy, breaking through the ground and shooting straight out.

He stayed in Liuyun City to practice, and his aura could cause the reaction of the Su Xin Sword buried in the Tomb of Life and Death.

At this time, he was located near the ancient tomb of life and death and took the initiative to release his breath. Su Xinjian's reaction was naturally extremely violent.

"Damn it!"

"Something went wrong again!"

"What happened in this ancient tomb? Why have there been frequent unusual movements in recent days?!"

"Hurry up and get it under control. Don't let this noise get louder and louder. In addition, arrange for people to return to Yuncheng quickly and report to the old Marquis!"

The mutation in the Tomb of Life and Death caused some chaos, and then a strong man immediately stood up, organized manpower, and dealt with it in an orderly manner.

"Yuan Gang!"

Yun Hao stared at the middle-aged man who stood up to maintain the overall situation, his expression became more solemn.

Fortunately, he didn't try to sneak in directly just now.

Here, there is actually a strong man who has surpassed Ju Ling and reached the Yuan Gang level.

The cultivation level of Yuangang Realm, even if placed in Beihan County, is not an unknown person, but a giant with great influence!

At this time, Yun Hao had forced out the core force guarding and sealing this place.

The enemy is in the light and he is in the dark.

He bypassed the strongest group of people, chose an area with a slightly weaker blockade, and took advantage of the chaos caused by the movement just now to successfully pass through the blockade.

"The formation base set up by the Shen Yong Hou Mansion!"

Suddenly, Yun Hao looked at a deep pit not far away.

In the deep pit, there are pieces of spiritual light flickering.

The formation base is the basis of the formation. It is made by the formation master outlining the spiritual patterns and combining it with special materials.

A formation requires multiple formation bases to take shape.

The deep pit in front of me is just a formation base that has not yet been laid out.

Yun Hao stared at the flashing spiritual light in the pit, and he felt a bloodthirsty power.

Under the influence of this aura of power, the energy and blood in his body had a tendency to escape outward!

A cold light flashed in Yun Hao's eyes.

He has been able to confirm that the formation set up by Shen Yong Hou Mansion here is extraordinary. It has the vicious effect of sacrificing living beings and absorbing blood and converting it into attack power!

The thoughts in Yun Hao's mind were spinning rapidly, and he had already understood the true intention of the Shen Yong Hou Mansion.

They want to use blood sacrifice to forcefully open the Tomb of Life and Death!

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