God Hongtian

Chapter 308: The woman who dares to touch me will die

The hotly discussed topic in the streets and alleys of the Imperial City suddenly shifted from Yun Hao to another matter.

In order to cancel the marriage between the little princess and Prince Chiba of the Sirius Dynasty, the emperor actually made the decision to cede territory and pay compensation. This made the fire in everyone's heart instantly ignite and explode!

"Hunjun, Hunjun!"

"Since the founding of our Qingfeng Dynasty, has there ever been such a shameful incident?"

"Every year, one million silver tributes, 10,000 war horses, 3,000 sets of high-grade yellow-grade battle armor, and 3,000 high-grade yellow-grade battle knives are paid... and the land of three counties is ceded to the Sirius Dynasty... How stupid is this? Lift?"

"Does our Qingfeng Dynasty really have no strength to fight? If we want to fight, I can step on the border and fight with the wolf cavalry of the Sirius Dynasty, even if I fight with this old bone, but... what will happen to this faint king? What did you do? You didn’t even dare to fight, so you bowed your head to the Sirius Dynasty!”

"Women have been wrong since ancient times. The country, as expected, the foolish king actually ignored the life and death of millions of civilians in the dynasty for the sake of his daughter. The children of the three counties became slaves of the Sirius Dynasty... How desperate must they be?"

"She is a woman, and she has no regard for the foundation of her dynasty. It's time for this foolish king to step down from the throne!"

"How virtuous and capable is Chu Xinyue? She is more important than millions of people in three counties? It is a disaster for the country and the people, and it is a disaster for the country and the people!"

Public outrage arose.

The emperor was insulted.

This is a storm of public opinion that no one can suppress.

Inside the palace.

Chu Xinyue's face was pale and her eyes were red. She was sitting by the window, heartbroken.

"Princess, take a rest..." The maid stepped forward to comfort her.


Chu Xinyue shook her head and said in a sad voice: "My father was reviled by all the people because of me, and I was also cast aside by the people..."

Maid: "Princess, they don't know your pain, but isn't your life important? People's opinions are extreme and biased... Don't take it to heart, Princess."

Chu Xinyue choked up and said: "But... I am a princess. As a royal woman, I should shoulder important responsibilities. If it is for me alone, the Qingfeng Dynasty will lose all dignity and the people of the three counties will become slaves." ……I can not do it."

Say it.

Chu Xinyue stood up and said, "Change my clothes."

Maid: "Princess, where are you going?"

Chu Xinyue showed pain on her face, but she said firmly: "This incident started because of me, so naturally I will end it. I will personally find Prince Chiba of the Tianlang Dynasty, follow him to the Tianlang Dynasty, and be his wife." !”

"Princess, you must not do this... If you go, what will happen to Mr. Yun? You and Mr. Yun are a match made in heaven..."

"When I leave, tell Yun Hao for me that I have no luck in this life, but hopefully in the next life, I, Chu Xinyue, will definitely marry him as his wife, wash and cook for him, have children for him, and grow old with him... We live and die together!”

Speaking of this, Chu Xinyue burst into tears.


One night passed.

Yunhao in the secret space has refined all the Xuanshui lotus seeds.

In the kidney world, the water attribute energy is full, and Yun Hao's essence becomes fuller.

He walked out of the secret space.

"Brother Yun!"

Dongfang Xiu shouted anxiously, pulling a woman and rushing over.

"Brother Yun, little princess

The maid came to you and said she had something important, but we couldn't find you. Fortunately, I met Luo Li, who said you were here. "

"What's wrong?" Yun Hao looked at Chu Xinyue's maid, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart.

The maid burst into tears and said: "Master Yun... hurry up and stop the princess... In order to eliminate the public anger and for the sake of the people of the three counties, the princess left the palace at dawn today. She went to the group of envoys from the Sirius Dynasty. Where the group lives, she and Prince Chiba are going to the Tianlang Dynasty to get married...

The princess also said that after she leaves with Prince Chiba, let us tell you that if there is an afterlife, she will marry Mr. Yun as his wife, wash and cook for Mr. Yun, have children, and grow old together with Mr. Yun. When we grow old, we will share life and death together! "

In an instant.

There seemed to be an explosion in Yun Hao's head.

An extremely terrifying edge burst out instantly!

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the place!

Dongfang Xiu was stunned for a moment, then immediately ran away.

He did not inform Qin Xiao and Han Qianshan, nor did he go to find his seventh uncle Yuan Chunqing. Instead, he went straight to Yun Hao's residence in Qingfeng General Hospital.


The residence of the envoys of the Sirius Dynasty.

A group of vulgar people from the Sirius Dynasty blocked Chu Xinyue.

"Hey, this little princess from the Qingfeng Dynasty is indeed very tender and pretty."

"Tsk, but our Prince Chiba doesn't want to see you, so you can get out!"

"Comparing you with the wealth that the Qingfeng Dynasty pays as tribute every year and the land of the three counties, Prince Chiba obviously prefers the latter, hahaha!"

Behind Chu Xinyue, several maids rushed forward.

, shouted angrily: "How dare you be rude to our princess? You are looking for death!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, several warriors from the Sirius Dynasty rushed forward and knocked Chu Xinyue's guards away.

Chu Xinyue looked indifferent and said without any change in expression: "I want to see Prince Chiba!"

"not see!"

"Let's go, Prince Chiba said, you were the ones who wanted to get married back then, and you were the ones who wanted to cancel the marriage. There is no regret medicine in this world!"

"Prince Chiba is preparing to set up a competition. Take this opportunity to show off the majesty of our Heavenly Wolf Dynasty and let you cowards of the Qingfeng Dynasty know how powerful the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty is. Don't get in the way and delay us here. It’s time!”


In front of a group of Sirius Dynasty warriors, Chu Xinyue pulled out her sword and said, "Get out of here!"

at this time.

Prince Chiba of the Sirius Dynasty suddenly appeared. He pushed away several of his subordinates. The tall and burly man looked down at the petite and frail Chu Xinyue.

"It's such a pity. If I knew you were so good-looking, maybe I wouldn't agree to your emperor canceling the marriage." His tone was extremely contemptuous, and he looked at Chu Xinyue wildly.

Chu Xinyue: "I can go with you now!"

Prince Chiba: "You can come with me, but... you can only be my concubine, hahaha, if you are willing, then there is no problem."

Chu Xinyue bit her lip and said, "Okay!"

Prince Chiba laughed and said: "Since you insist on following me, I will take you away in a few days. Hahaha, before that, you still have to do what you have to do. We can't cancel the competition! "


Xinyue: "The issue of setting up a competition has something to do with the compensation for ceding land. If I go with you, there will be no need for compensation for ceding land. Then the issue of setting up a competition is naturally meaningless."

Prince Chiba sneered and said: "You want to follow me. You are willing to be my concubine. I didn't say that I don't want the tribute and land from your Qingfeng Dynasty!"

Chu Xinyue's expression changed drastically and she said, "You..."

Prince Chiba laughed wildly and said: "What am I? Either get out, or wait until the competition is over and follow me to the Tianlang Dynasty to be a concubine, hahaha!"

Chu Xinyue's delicate body trembled with anger.

When she came today, she had already put down all her pride and dignity.

She agreed to be a concubine, just hoping to take on the responsibilities of a princess for the Qingfeng Dynasty!

But the other party was completely teasing her...

Prince Chiba sneered and shouted: "I'm going to set up a competition. If you don't get out and continue to waste my time, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu Xinyue stood on the same spot without moving even a step.

Prince Chiba glanced at one of his subordinates.

Suddenly, the warrior of the Sirius Dynasty walked towards Chu Xinyue with a ferocious smile: "What if you are a shameless thing, so what if you are the princess of the Qingfeng Dynasty? Master, I will fully experience the feeling of beating a princess today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man punched out with a roar, and his cultivation level at the Golden Core Realm exploded without reservation.

But at this moment.

"If you dare to touch my woman, you... are seeking death!"

An angry shout resounded like thunder throughout the world, followed immediately by a simple long sword slashing down in the air, splitting the body of the person who attacked Chu Xinyue in half and exploding!

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