God Hongtian

Chapter 38 The opponent breaks through

Yun Hao still underestimated the efficiency of the master's family in this matter.

Just over an hour after he agreed to advance the battle, the master's family approached the father and son again.

“At the invitation of the elders, the Young City Lord from the City Lord’s Mansion, Master Xu from the Baodan Tower, and many well-known and influential people in Liuyun City have all arrived.

Yun Hao, the elder ordered you to go to the martial arts arena immediately. Don't keep the guests waiting. If you don't show up within a quarter of an hour, the elder will announce that you have given up! "

After saying that, the person who came to deliver the message left directly.

"Hao'er... I don't want this martial arts gym, but don't fight Yun Feng."

Yuntiankuo said solemnly.

Although, the martial arts school is the culmination of his lifelong hard work.

But compared with his son, his son is more important!

He doesn't want the cloud

Hao went to the ring to suffer the humiliation of his opponent, and he didn't want Yun Hao to get hurt in the ring.

"Uncle Yun, let him go."

At this time, Ling Feiyu spoke.

She was worried too.

But she supports Yunhao's decision!

She looked at Yun Hao with a smile on her face and said: "In my heart, winning or losing this battle is no longer important. What is important is that at this moment, you no longer look like a boy, but have transformed into a boy." A responsible man.

I have decided that after this battle is over, you and I will fulfill our engagement and get married! "

When she said these words, Ling Feiyu couldn't help but recall the scene of Yun Hao protecting her when she was young.


Martial Arts Hall, Arena.

There were already people standing around.

The elders of the main family, Yun Ying, Yun Haisheng, and

Young City Lord Jiang Chuan, Bao Danlou Xu Yin and others were all sitting on a high platform watching the battle.

"Today, thanks to all of you for your compliments, I, Yun Ying, am here to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Yun Family of Beihan County. When we take charge of the Mad Sword Martial Arts School, we will definitely use the strength of the martial arts school to cooperate with all actions of Liuyun City to serve Liuyun City. Contribute to the construction and development of Yuncheng!”

Yun Ying was in a good mood and said politely.

Jiangchuan and others also responded politely.

Although the old marquis Murong Guang is unwilling to let outside forces interfere with the matter of the ancient tomb of life and death, the few people from the Yun family's family are not a big problem and cannot affect the situation. Moreover, these guys are pretty good and can be used for blood sacrifices. If so, the effect will be better.

The reason why Jiang Chuan came here in person was naturally because he wanted to see with his own eyes the scene of Yun Hao being humiliated after his fiasco, and then by the way, he wanted to meet Yun Hao, who had been dreaming of him.

Ling Feiyu.

In the field.

Xu Yin, the owner of Baodan Tower, said nothing.

Yun Ying took the initiative to show her kindness: "Master Xu, our martial arts school will have to rely on your care in the future."

Xu Yin said expressionlessly: "If you can take charge of the martial arts school, we will talk about it when the time comes."

"That's right, do you think you're certain to win? I, Brother Yun, will beat your guy named Yun Feng to pieces in a minute and tell you to go back to Beihan County!"

The Su family has quite a status in Liuyun City. The fat man also followed his father Su Zhenming and sat on the high platform. At this time, the fat man stood up with his hands on his hips and said: "The names of the Liuyun duo, you also Don’t ask around!”

"Don't be rude!" Su Zhenming, the head of the Su family, shouted coldly, then looked at Yun Ying and said: "The dog is speaking freely, please don't take it to heart, Elder Yun.


Yun Ying suppressed his anger and said: "It doesn't matter, young man, he is outspoken. I am not as familiar with him."

The fat man wanted to scold the old man Yunying again, but Su Zhenming pinned him down and made him unable to move.

At this time.

Yun Haisheng stood up, faced Yun Ying, and said, "Elder, everyone is here, we can start."

Yun Ying nodded.

Yun Haisheng turned around and shouted:

"Feng'er, come on to the ring!"

The next moment, a figure flew up and landed on the ring.

It's Yun Feng!

He wore a white gown and carried a long sword on his back. A confident and calm pride appeared on his face, and his aura was released without any concealment.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation.

"Sea Transformation Realm... Yunfeng broke through... He is a master of the Sea Transformation Realm!"

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