God Hongtian

Chapter 58: Just a golden elixir

Murong Guang looked stunned and looked over.

The sights of Qin Lan and Hurricane Wolf were also attracted by this strange scene.

Immediately afterwards, the surging sword light and the surging energy and blood glow returned to Yun Hao's body and the Su Xin Sword in his hand like an ebbing tide.

He used the Origin Sword Sutra to cultivate the Su Xin Sword, and saved the sword when it was on the verge of complete collapse.

At the same time, the edge of the Su Xin Sword entered his body, and he completed the sword element in the Shiyuan Sword Sutra. He also used the sword element to temper his body, breaking the bottleneck of Taichu Creation Art, and promoted him from an intermediate treasure body to a high-level treasure body. body!

Yunhao ushered in a comprehensive sublimation!

"Little bastard, hand over everything you got inside!" Murong Guang roared.

Yun Hao looked at Murong Guang indifferently and said: "The things here do not belong to you, and you are not qualified to touch them."

The aura on Murong Guang's body suddenly turned into layers of golden light waves, sweeping in all directions!

The power of the golden elixir exploded to the extreme.

"I am a strong man in the golden elixir. I am more qualified than you to own everything here!"

Yunhao smiled with a smile on his face.

Drawing a cold arc, he said: "Just a golden elixir, what does it count?"

"What an arrogant and ignorant ant, how dare you say such arrogant words, I will let you know what the power of the golden elixir cannot be blasphemed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden energy emanating from Murong Guang's body, as he pressed down with his hands, instantly created a terrifying power that caused the sky to collapse and the earth to collapse.

Yun Hao, with one hand behind his back and a sword in the other, was calm and composed under the pressure of the golden elixir, without any trace of panic or nervousness.

Seeing that golden energy was about to fall on him.

In Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, spiritual power swept out violently.

next moment.

The power of the infinite dazzling array was activated by Yun Hao, and a brilliant ray of light seemed to appear out of thin air, violently penetrating the golden ocean of vitality.

He is like a god standing in the aurora of heaven and earth, with divine majesty, and there is a supreme edge in his calm eyes.

Even though he was standing on the ground, Murong Guang was flying in the sky.

But at this moment, Murong Guang felt an extremely absurd feeling in his heart.

It was as if Yun Hao on the ground was looking down at him!

This is

A kind of inferiority stemming from the instinct of life, he regards Yun Hao as an ant, but now, he really feels like an ant!

Murong Guang gritted his teeth, his old face so gloomy that it seemed like water would drip out of his face. He roared again and formed seals with his hands.

The golden vitality transformed into a golden eagle.

Heavenly carving seal!

This golden eagle swooped down, its golden feathers whizzing and shooting like a broken arrow!

In addition, a pair of sharp claws of the golden eagle also opened suddenly. When it rushes in front of Yun Hao, these sharp claws will mercilessly scratch Yun Hao's head and explode Yun Hao's head. The body is torn apart!

Sword essence lingered around Yun Hao, intertwined with the brilliant light of the formation, and the cracked Su Xin Sword in his hand rose up diagonally.

The seemingly ordinary sword stance, but in an instant, the power of the Wuji dazzling array was stirred up.

The terrifying power of the formation came out with this sword.


Su Xin's sword trembled slightly.

The sonorous sound of the sword directly annihilated the sound waves generated by the cry of the golden giant eagle.

The cold light of the sword energy blooms with unparalleled power, and nothing can stop it!

That's like leaving

The golden feathers of the stringed arrows exploded one after another in the cold light of Yun Hao's sword energy!


With extremely sharp sword energy, he slashed past the swooping golden giant eagle.

The giant golden eagle split into two!

Golden light rained down, but Murong Guang in the air groaned, his body shook violently, and he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.


He suppressed the energy and blood in his body, but it was in vain. A large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth and nose, and his pale old face covered with wrinkles was covered with blood stains, making him look miserable!

The method of the Heavenly Eagle Seal seems to release the vitality. In fact, the golden giant eagle is mentally connected with the person who is applying the seal. Yun Hao chopped the golden eagle with a sword, which naturally caused Murong Guang to suffer serious backlash. .

"The power of the golden elixir cannot be blasphemed?"

Yun Hao's voice sounded immediately, his tone filled with unabashed disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took one step forward and soared into the sky, like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss, soaring upwards and soaring into the sky!

The sword moves again!

In an instant, thirty-six sword energies burst out.

It was the Thirty-six Meridian Sword Art that he created for Cang Yao.

every sword

Qi is not only blessed by the edge of Jian Yuan, but also amplified by the dazzling infinite array!

The extremely fast sword energy whizzed through and intertwined with each other. The picture was brilliant and beautiful. At the same time, the sharp edge exploded vividly.

Murong Guang was completely panicked, raised his toes in the air, and retreated.

However, his speed was completely negligible in front of Yun Hao's thirty-six sword energies. In an instant, Murong Guang was drowned by the waves of light set off by thirty-six sword energies!

Qin Lan on the side was simply stunned.

Murong Guang is in the Golden Core realm!

Looking at the thirty-six counties of the Qingfeng Dynasty, the powerful people in the Golden Core Realm are the top beings in the pyramid of each county!

A truly strong man in the Golden Core Realm was actually vulnerable to a blow in front of Yun Hao.

And...how could Qin Lan not recognize this set of swordsmanship?

Thirty-Six Meridians Sword Technique!

It's just that... this set of swordsmanship, in her hands, and in the hands of the young man in front of her, was like heaven and earth!

Qin Lan thought of what Yun Hao said just now.

A mere golden elixir...

Sure enough, in front of him, a strong person in the Golden Core Realm was nothing more than a mediocre person!

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