God Hongtian

Chapter 627: Entering the Space of Ten Thousand Swords

On the Wanjianmen side, combined with the power of the Martial Palace, they selected ten warriors at the peak of the Dao realm and ten at the peak of the Heavenly Realm.

It's not that we can't find more monks at these two levels, but for this operation, we must find someone we can completely trust.

Anything that is even slightly suspicious cannot be used.

If they enter the Ten Thousand Swords Space and another mole appears in their team, the chaos will inevitably increase and the situation will become even worse.

The team assembles.

Fu Dongyang from the Martial Palace, glanced at the people selected by the Martial Palace, and said: "Your mission is to cooperate with the actions of Wanjianmen and follow the orders and prohibitions. Do you understand?!"


The demon-suppressing guards responded in unison with firm expressions.

The head of Wanjian Sect, Zhong Zhongjun, cupped his hands towards Fu Dongyang and said, "Commander Fu, I will take them there first."

After saying that, Mr. Zhong immediately led the people to the entrance of Wanjian Space.

Wanjian Space is the starting point of Wanjian Sect’s fortune.

Wanjian Sect attaches extraordinary importance to Wanjian Space, with layers of formations interlocking with each other.

Under normal circumstances, even those in the holy realm would not have a chance to pass through these formations silently.

The master of Feijian Hall glanced at Yun Hao next to him and said, "Jian Hongchen, do you know how the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land sneaked in?"

"Please make it clear, Hall Master." Although Yun Hao had an idea, Feijian Hall Master

If you want to say something, just let her say it. If she doesn't show curiosity at all, then something is wrong.

Master of Feijian Hall: "Forbidden Orb, this is a rare treasure that only exists in forbidden source stones.

Once the power of the Forbidden Orb is activated, unless it is a heaven-level imperial formation, all formations will be disturbed for half a quarter of an hour. During this half-quarter of an hour, the formation loses power and can be restored after half a quarter of an hour.

If I hadn't had an idea at that time and had suspicions, the leader and the others would immediately come over to investigate and confirm the matter from some clues. Otherwise, no one would have known that the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land had sneaked into the Ten Thousand Swords Space.

A forbidden orb can be used three times.

In order to sneak into the Ten Thousand Swords Space to seize the Emperor Sword this time, Donghuang Holy Land has spent a lot of money.

When you were connecting the mountains, you used formation methods to deal with the demons. I saw it, so I know that you are a high-level formation master. But if you encounter people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, you must be careful. They have used the power of the forbidden beads, so don't even think about relying on the formation.

This is also the reason why the sect and the Martial Palace select people from both sides, but do not choose the formation master. The ability of the formation master is destined to be completely restrained by the people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land! "

The Forbidden Orb mentioned by the Master of Feijian Hall does have such miraculous abilities, just as Yun Hao speculated.

Next to him, a Wan Jianmen

The peak Heavenly Realm warrior suddenly asked: "Since the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land can use the Forbidden Orb to make the formations under the Imperial Formation ineffective, will they have strong men who have surpassed the Dao Realm and sneaked into the Ten Thousand Swords Space?"

The Master of Feijian Hall: "At the entrance of Ten Thousand Swords Space, the formation that suppresses the realm of cultivation is not an imperial formation, but it was arranged by an emperor-level powerhouse himself, and it is tainted with the aura of an emperor-level powerhouse.

Even if the Forbidden Orb can still destroy the suppression of this formation, it will definitely cause great disturbance.

But they sneaked into the Ten Thousand Swords Space silently, which meant that they did not have anyone who was stronger than the Taoist Realm in their team. This operation in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land was stealing, so they did not want to make too much noise. . "

At the entrance of Wanjian Space, the formation that restricted the realm of cultivation was arranged by Di Fei, the chief master of the Martial Palace. As Yunhao stood here, he noticed a familiar aura.

Di Fei must know about the Jianxin Holy Land. He did this to prevent too strong monks from entering, so as not to damage the Jianxin Holy Land.

At this time.

Lord Zhong, who was leading the way at the front, stopped.

In front, the monks who had surpassed the Taoist realm were covered by the formation arranged by Di Fei and could no longer move forward.

Lord Zhongzhong turned around, looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone, I leave the rest to you!"

Everyone looked solemn, and everyone knew in their hearts that once they entered the Wanjian Space and Donghuang

After the encounter between the people of the Holy Land, it was a brutal life and death fight!

Feijian Hall Master: "Du Long, Lin Xing, you two are taking care of Dianjian Hongchen, do you understand?"

Du Long and Lin Xing both looked like middle-aged men.

Du Long is at the peak of the Dao Realm, and Lin Xing is at the peak of the Heavenly Realm.

Du Long is from Feijian Hall, and Lin Xing is from Zhanjian Hall.


They both responded in unison.

Mr. Zhongzhong waved his arm.

Suddenly, a team of twenty-one people rushed into the Ten Thousand Swords space.

Seeing everyone's disappearing figures, Mr. Zhong's expression became even more solemn and serious.

The master of Feijian Hall stepped forward and said: "Master, have the two ancestors discovered the secret of the three holy swords?"

During the battle against the Demon King, the three holy swords independently inspired the origin of the sword spirit. This thing is so weird.

Others didn't know what was going on, and thought it was Wanjianmen's method.

But the identity of the leader of Feijian Hall is very special. She knows a lot. In addition, after solving the demon clan, Patriarch Jinghong and Patriarch Tianque did not show up again. Naturally, we guessed that they must be studying the three holy swords independently. Explosive secrets.

Regarding the master of Feijian Hall, Lord Zhongzhong had nothing to hide, and said: "The two ancestors suspected that there were still people helping secretly at that time, using some mysterious magic method to ignite the original power of the sword spirit."

The master of Feijian Hall suddenly looked surprised and said: "My father once

It has been said... that the swords in the Wanjian Space all belong to the former Supreme Sword Emperor. Even if the Wanjian Sect controls the three holy swords, it is impossible for the sword spirit to truly surrender.

Because those sword spirits have witnessed the true pinnacle of swordsmanship, and no one can be completely recognized by the sword spirits.


The supreme sword emperor of the human race reappears in the world!

No... that magnificent Sword Emperor has long since fallen. Could it be... could it be that the successor of the supreme Sword Emperor has appeared? ! "

This guess shocked the Feijian Hall Master himself.

Lord Zhong: "Master Di once said that there are only two descendants of the Supreme Sword Emperor. One did not receive his orthodox inheritance and became a traitor, and the other left because he was in a desperate situation. On another road that is almost lifeless..."

Master of Feijian Hall: "It may not be that there are really only those two people. Maybe, the inheritance of the Supreme Sword Emperor was retained in some special way and was obtained by others!"

Mr. Zhongzhong: "Who do you think is most likely to be helping secretly?"

The leader of Feijian Hall thought for a long time, her expression changing, and then she looked at the entrance of Wanjian Space. A figure had already appeared in her mind!

Lord Zhong knew that the master of Feijian Hall must have made a guess, so he followed up and said, "Whether it is him or not depends on the outcome this time!"

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