God Hongtian

Chapter 73: With this little strength, I dare to be cruel

As soon as Yun Hao said these words, Hu Biao, who was from the Flame Valley, was stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that the name of Valley of Fire would make people like Yun Hao panic and tremble.

But what I never expected was that Yun Hao would be so arrogant!

Hu Biao bared his teeth and said with a ferocious smile: "Okay, what an ignorant bitch, how dare you speak to me like this? If so, I will kill you!"

At this time.

The old man standing behind Hu Biao took a step forward.

A powerful force burst out.

The energy gathered in his hands, and a layer of fine steel-like gloves formed directly on the surface of his hands.

Yuanqi Chenggang is a strong person in Yuangang realm.

The old man's eyes were staring straight at Yun Hao, as if he were looking at a dead man.

Hu Biao snorted coldly and said: "Back off, this kind of trash can be crushed to death by this young master with just one finger!"

The old man didn't say anything, took a step back and stood back to his original position.

As soon as Hu Biao thought, the storage ring in his hand suddenly showed a cold light. Hao Ran was a narrow and long knife.

There is a blood groove engraved on the body of the knife, and the whole body is glowing with a red color.

Hu Biao raised the long knife, licked the blade with his tongue, and said with a hint of intoxication on his face: "Yun Hao, Yun Hao, I gave you a choice, but you want to die, I will definitely fulfill your wish.

Anyone who knows me well should know my killing methods.

you do not

I know, I don't mind telling you.

I like to cut off the opponent's limbs first, and then cut off the opponent's skin and flesh one by one.

This method is much more exciting than killing directly!

You are honored to be able to experience this feeling right away, hahaha! "

While talking.

The vitality in Hu Biao's body has also exploded.

The vitality was agile and transformed into the form of a giant wolf.

Obviously, Hu Biao, who was born in the alchemy force, is not weak in strength and is a warrior in the spirit gathering realm.

Ling'er's face turned pale. The situation was completely beyond her control. She had only one way now, which was to delay time and wait for her master Mu Baifeng to arrive.


Ling'er hurriedly shouted: "Hu Biao, if you dare to touch a single hair on Yun Hao, Bao Dan Tower will declare war on you in the Flame Valley!"

Hu Biao laughed and didn't take it seriously, saying: "If we want to declare war, Baodan Tower can just send horses over. They are just a group of sick cats without sharp teeth and claws. We really think that we in the Valley of Fire will be afraid." ?”

Ling'er gritted her teeth and circulated the energy in her body. She took out a long whip from the storage ring. The whip shook. Her Yuanling was a long snake, perfectly integrated with the whip.

Hu Biao's expression was full of contempt: "You are only at the third level of gathering souls, and I am at the fifth level of gathering spirits. How dare you stop me from killing a waste like Yun Hao?


You are going to kill someone anyway, so I will kill you too.

It's just a pity that Yun Hao has already played with your skin and flesh. I will never play with a woman that others have played with! "

Ling'er looked extremely solemn and whispered: "Master Yun, Mr. Yun, I will stop them, you go first!"

This Ling'er's attitude actually changed Yun Hao's perception of her.

"Mr. Ge, keep an eye on him and kill anyone who wants to leave!" Hu Biao shouted.

The old man named Ge Lao nodded. His power had never dissipated and he was ready to take action at any time.

From Ling'er's perspective, the current situation was extremely unfavorable to their side.

But she had no other choice.

Hu Biao laughed wildly: "Suffer death!"

I saw him rushing forward suddenly, slashing hard with the long knife in his hand, and the giant wolf Yuanling instantly merged into the vicious light of the knife.

Ling'er stirred up her vitality and whipped her long whip, and the spirit snake entangled itself in the light of the giant wolf's sword.


With just one collision, the snake-shaped Yuanling in Ling'er's whip was torn into pieces by the giant wolf Yuanling.

A powerful storm broke out, and Ling'er's body lost its balance and flew backwards.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Hu Biao laughed wantonly, jumped into the air, and swung his knife to kill Ling'er, who was flying backwards.

Seeing that the blade of the long knife was about to split Ling'er's body in half, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

A crisp sword cry resounded.

Hu Biao felt a flash of sword light in front of him, which was extremely dazzling and his vision became blurred.


next moment.

The extremely severe pain erupted from his chest and swept through his whole body!

in the air.

Yun Hao wrapped one hand around Ling'er's waist and hugged her. The long sword held in his other hand had already penetrated Hu Biao's chest.

Hu Biao was hung in mid-air by Yun Hao's sword.

Ling'er was stunned, looking at Yun Hao's side face blankly, her heart beating wildly.

"With this little strength, do you dare to be cruel?"

Yun Hao said calmly, with no emotion at all in his tone, as if what he was doing at this moment was insignificant.

This scene appeared too suddenly.

Hu Biao didn't even know how Yun Hao flew into the air.

Not only Hu Biao was like this, but even Ge Lao, the Yuan Gang Realm powerhouse who was responsible for protecting Hu Biao, didn't react at that moment!


At this time, Hu Biao finally came to his senses from the severe pain and let out a shrill scream.

He wanted to burst out his vitality and break Yun Hao's sword, but an extremely overbearing force raged in his body, like countless sharp swords shuttled through his blood and blood meridians, making it impossible for him to gather a trace of vitality.

The flesh on Ge Lao's originally expressionless face was shaking at this moment.

He was a Yuan Gang Realm warrior, but Yuan Gang Realm warriors were nothing in the Flame Valley.

Hu Biao was the son of an elder in the Flame Valley. If Hu Biao died here, he would not be able to escape the blame!

Old Ge said in a low voice: "Yun Hao, let Young Master Hu Biao go!" Yun Hao stood in the air, looking down at Old Ge below, and said: "I said, either get out or die." Old Ge looked fierce and said: "Yun Hao, I was careless just now, so you took advantage of the power of the formation, but your formation can't stop me. I advise you to be sensible and let Young Master Hu Biao go immediately. I can promise to take Young Master Hu Biao away immediately. If you want to kill Young Master Hu Biao now, I will kill you immediately!" He has sensed that there is the power of the formation in the Crazy Sword Martial Arts Hall, and naturally guessed what Yun Hao's outburst just now was. No matter what, Hu Biao's life is more important, and at this time, Old Ge has to compromise! Yun Hao said calmly: "Threatening me is the stupidest thing to do."

While speaking, the sword energy from the Suxin Sword that pierced Hu Biao's chest burst out again, and in an instant, it cut off Hu Biao's heart veins. Then, with a wave of the Suxin Sword, the body fell to the ground like garbage.

Ge Lao's eyes turned red in an instant, and he shouted: "You killed Master Hu Biao, and all of you in the Kuangjian Martial Arts School must be buried with Master Hu Biao!"

"Just you?"

Yun Hao said indifferently.

The anger in Ge Lao's heart completely broke out, and suddenly shot towards Yun Hao in the air.

The pair of palms slapped out fiercely, and the vitality condensed into Gang in the air, turning into palm prints all over the sky, like a violent storm, trying to drown Yun Hao!

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