God Hongtian

Chapter 80 The truth is revealed, return to Baodan Tower

In the Yun family's miscellaneous yard, Ling'er came to Yun Hao's residence.

Yuntiankuo went out early in the morning these days and didn't come back until evening.

Beside the wooden door, Xiao Hei lay down like a dog, his tongue sticking out, licking the fur on his body from time to time.

This guy seems to have really forgotten about being a wolf!

See Ling'er arriving.

Xiao Hei immediately stood up, looking affectionate, and wanted to run into Ling'er's arms.

On the way to Beihan County, Ling'er already knew that this was an unruly dog, so he immediately dodged and avoided the side.

"Master Yun." Ling'er shouted towards the house in front of him.

In the room, in front of Yunhao, Su Xin Sword was wrapped in sword essence and suspended in the air. His spiritual power was continuously output and injected into Su Xin Sword to repair the formation.

He felt it as soon as Ling'er arrived.

But it was at a critical moment when a small formation was being repaired, so I ignored it.


With Yun Hao's mental power, a small formation in the sword body was drawn out, and the last trace of spiritual patterns was outlined. Suddenly, the Su Xin Sword trembled slightly, and its edge was sharper than before.

Yun Hao then sheathed his sword and walked out of the house.

Almost at the same time, Yun Shaoyang also appeared, limping and trotting towards this side.


Seeing Ling'er, Yun Shaoyang's face was full of excitement.

He was sitting on his head by Xiao Hei that day, his face was on the ground, and his nose was flat. Although it has been corrected, the injury is still not healed. His expression was excited, and the injury was immediately involved. He grimaced in pain and sucked in cold air.

Ling'er looked at Yun Shaoyang's appearance with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

, said: "Are you okay?"

Yun Shaoyang gritted his teeth and glanced at Yun Hao, then said: "Ling'er, don't worry, I'm very good. I didn't expect that even you knew about this, and asked you to come to Yun's house to see me. It's really disappointing. I was flattered.

As for this debt, I don't need you to help me, Ling'er. I was just plotted by some despicable guys, and I suffered a loss due to my carelessness. After I recover from my injury, I will definitely take revenge myself! "

Ling'er blinked and said, "You may have misunderstood."

Yun Shaoyang: "What do you mean?"

Ling'er: "I just learned that you were injured."

Yun Shaoyang: "..."

Realizing that he was being sentimental, Yun Shaoyang was embarrassed for a while, and immediately said shamelessly: "Ling'er, you are a disciple of Alchemist Mu, and you are already a top alchemist in the Huang rank at a young age. Why don't you help me take a look? How's the injury?"

Ling'er: "Well...I really don't have time."

Yun Shaoyang was once again embarrassed and didn't know what to say.


Xiao Hei roared and uttered words: "Shame on you!"

Yun Shaoyang glared at Xiao Hei: "You big black dog, wait for me, I will stew you sooner or later!"

After saying that, he looked at Ling'er and said: "Ling'er, this big black dog is very disgusting, and this courtyard is a place where lowly people live. You are of noble birth, so let's talk somewhere else."

Ling'er looked at Xiao Hei: "I think this dog is quite cute."

Xiao Hei immediately rubbed his head against Ling'er's long legs.

Ling'er smiled and rubbed the dog's head with her hands.

Xiao Hei looked at Yun Shaoyang proudly: "I said before that you are worse than a dog, right?"

Yun Shao

Yang was speechless.

Really...he was actually envious and jealous of this big black dog at this moment!

Yun Shaoyang still refused to give up and said: "Ling'er, you are kind-hearted, don't be deceived by this wild dog."

Yunhao, who had been silent all this time, turned around and walked towards the house.

Ling'er realized something was wrong and hurriedly followed, shouting: "Mr. Yun, wait..."

When Yun Shaoyang saw this, he also shouted: "Ling'er, do you know this bastard?"

As soon as Ling'er heard this word, a layer of frost appeared on his face.

Yun Shaoyang continued: "This bastard is the son of Yun Tiankuo, who was expelled by our Yun family back then. This man is despicable, insidious, and cunning..."


Ling'er scolded, looked at Yun Shaoyang, and said coldly: "Yun Shaoyang, I'm not familiar with you. I'm here to see Mr. Yun Hao. You don't have anything to do here, so you can leave!" "

Yun Shaoyang was completely confused.

What's going on?

Ling'er actually knows Yun Hao?

Moreover, he made a special trip to Yun’s house to find Yun Hao?

Xiao Hei grinned and showed his fangs: "You are a waste that is worse than a dog. You obviously can't defeat my master, but you are still here shamelessly slandering my master. If the dog master doesn't bite off a few kilograms of your meat today, then I won't. dog!"

next moment.

Xiao Hei rushed towards Yun Shaoyang.


Yun Shaoyang was caught off guard and was knocked down by Xiao Hei. The luxurious clothes he had just put on were torn to pieces. Xiao Hei's mouth was merciless and he only picked out the meaty places to bite.

After a while, Yun Shaoyang covered his bloody butt with both hands, yelled, and ran away as if running for his life!

Xiao Hei took a mouth full of meat, spit it out, and then ran back

Yun Hao's side said: "Master, next time he comes, I will bite off his bones!"



Ling'er followed Yun Hao and entered the house.

Looking at the old and tattered furnishings, Ling'er couldn't help but frown and said, "This Yun family is really ignorant!"

Yun Hao said: "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Ling'er immediately looked serious and said: "Master Yun, Master and I returned to Baodan Tower and immediately reported what happened in Liuyun City to the owner of the building.

The original poster took this matter very seriously and even launched a secret investigation.

After investigation, it was found that the person who leaked Mr. Yun’s identity information was Yan Wen, the deputy building owner.

That Yan Wen was cunning and treacherous. Perhaps he sensed a hint of danger, so he escaped in advance.

However, Mr. Yun, don't worry, Baodan Tower will capture Yan Wen no matter what and give you an explanation.

The poster discussed with my master and they knew that Mr. Yun didn't like publicity, so they specially ordered me to come and let him know that they could go over and sign the contract. "

Just as Ling'er finished speaking, he added: "By the way, Pavilion Master Yun has been moving around the county frequently in the past few days, so the host has arranged in advance for a strong man at the eighth level of Yuangang Realm to protect him secretly."

This was a request that Yun Hao had made to Mu Baifeng before.

Although the contract has not been signed yet, Baodan Tower has already made arrangements.

A strong man at the eighth level of Yuangang Realm is definitely a top power in the county town of Beihan County.

After all, the number of Jindan realms in the county cannot exceed the number of one palm.

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Then I will go to Baodan Tower tomorrow morning."

A sweet smile appeared on Ling'er's face.

Dong Zi blinked his eyes, with a hint of cunning, and said: "Mr. Yun, it will be dark soon. The night in the county is very beautiful. How about I take you out for a walk?"

Yun Hao: "Thank you Miss Ling'er for your kindness. I'm afraid there may be inconvenience today. Let's wait for another day."

Ling'er: "...Okay."


The next day, early morning.

Inside the Baodan Tower in Beihan County.

Mu Baifeng, the chief alchemist, stood in front of an old man with a hesitant look on his face and said: "Master, are you too impatient?

Although Yan Wen has escaped, he still has great influence in Baodan Tower.

We used thunder to eradicate some of the guys who followed Yan Wen to the Valley of Fire, but I'm afraid there are still some who have slipped through the net.

If Yun Hao is called over at this time, and another thief wants to take action..."

The old man sighed and said: "This matter must be finalized as soon as possible. You also know how much impact the Purifying Pill of Flame Valley has had on Baodian Tower.

This time, even a deputy owner who had been with Baodan Tower for decades defected to the Valley of Fire.

I don't dare to wait any longer. If I wait one more day, more alchemists may betray Baodan Tower.

According to what you said, there is a very powerful alchemist behind Yun Hao.

Therefore, if we want to promote health soup, we must first sign a contract with Yun Hao. Otherwise, if we offend Yun Hao, we will offend the mysterious alchemist behind him.

As for Yan Wen's henchmen, even if there are still, Yan Wen has already escaped. At this juncture, the remaining rats don't dare to show up again. "

at this time.

Ling'er hurried in and said: "Lord, Master, Mr. Yun is here."

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