God Hongtian

Chapter 83: Little Black Shows Power and Suppresses

In the alchemy room.

Yunhao's second batch of Fierce Yang Pill was at the critical moment of condensation.


His brows furrowed slightly.

In his induction, someone entered the alchemy room.

According to Mu Baifeng, in the entire Beihan County Baodan Tower, no one except Lu Yi could enter without using a token.

But the person's aura was completely different from Lu Yi's.

Xiao Hei, who was lying on the ground lazily licking his fur, also noticed the movement. Without Yunhao's instructions, he stood up and was ready to bite.

next moment.

Yang Sheng's figure burst into view.

The moment he saw Yun Hao, he shouted: "Death!"

Without any hesitation or any nonsense, he immediately unleashed his strongest power and slashed at Yun Hao with one strike!

This act was extremely risky. He used a plan to lure Lu Yi out of the city. He had to kill Yun Hao as quickly as possible, and then leave the county while no one noticed.

Delay a little more time.

His risk will rise linearly!

And this risk is completely worth it for Yang Sheng!

As long as he kills Yun Hao and carries Yun Hao's head to the Flame Valley, he can get a perfect acquired fire seed provided by the Flame Valley!

With the perfect acquired fire, he has the confidence to become a mid-level Xuan-level alchemist before he is thirty!

A mid-level Xuan-level alchemist can be on an equal footing with a strong person in the Golden Core realm. Moreover, he believes that with his talent, he will definitely succeed in the Valley of Fire.

Be treated to the highest standards!

Given time, he will definitely be able to reach the level of a top-grade alchemist in the Xuan level. By then, he will be the top-level alchemist in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Although Yang Sheng is an alchemist.

But his cultivation level is not bad either, and he possesses the power of the third level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

In his opinion, killing Yun Hao was completely effortless.

The sword that Yang Sheng slashed was blazing, carrying waves of fire and heat.


Yun Hao didn't even look at him, he was still concentrating on refining the pill.

He didn't want to waste the medicinal materials in the alchemy cauldron. Now was the critical moment for condensing the elixir. Even if he was slightly distracted, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

"Don't bite him to death yet."

Yun Hao just said calmly.


next moment.

Xiao Hei roared, showing his fighting status.

Its size suddenly changed to that of a large buffalo. The black fur on its body faded away, and a layer of black scales with a metallic luster covered its body. Its eyes were like abyss!

Xiao Hei's streamlined body jumped up, and explosive power burst out.

The flaming sword light struck by Yang Sheng was directly shattered by Xiao Hei's power!

An expression of extreme fear and horror suddenly appeared on Yang Sheng's face.


Xiao Hei's speed was extremely fast, like black lightning. He slapped Yang Sheng's chest with his claws, breaking Yang Sheng's ribs and causing his body to fall to the ground.

Xiao Hei swooped down and stepped on Yang Sheng's hands and feet with four wolf legs.

"Click, click, click..."

Yang Sheng's

All hands and feet are broken!

Before Yang Sheng screamed, Xiao Hei turned around and sat on Yang Sheng's face, fearing that Yang Sheng's scream would affect Yun Hao's alchemy.

Anyway, it also has black scales on its butt, so it’s not afraid of Yang Sheng biting it!

"You are worse than a dog and you want to harm my master? Haha!"

Xiao Hei sarcastically said.

Yang Sheng, whose face was being sat on by Xiao Hei, was in a mess...

Is this a dog?

What kind of dog is this?

Such terrifying power... This is at least a Yuan Gang Realm dog!

The key is... is it really a dog?

Yang Sheng's inner confusion was immediately replaced by despair.

He failed, his plan was exposed, and he was bound to die!

The pain caused by the injuries on his body was like a tide, hitting his endurance one after another. After a while, he fainted.

Xiao Hei moved his buttocks away and muttered: "Fortunately...fortunately...not dead!"

As he said that, he glanced at Yun Hao in fear.

After all, Yun Hao said, don't bite him to death...

The next moment, Xiao Hei was out of combat mode and transformed back into a big black dog guarding the home.

"Woof woof woof!"

I shouted a few times and it was very comfortable. It was much more interesting than howling like a wolf!

It’s great to be a dog!

After a while.

The medicinal properties in the alchemy furnace have been fused and condensed into elixirs. Yun Hao no longer needs to keep an eye on the remaining steps of elixir warming.

He stood up and walked towards Yang Sheng, who was unconscious on the ground.

Xiao Hei, who was lying down again, immediately stood up with excitement and acted very positive and motivated, saying

: "Master, please tell me how to deal with him, Xiao Hei will work for you!"

"Wake him up."

Yun Hao said calmly.


Xiao Hei directly lowered his mouth and bit off a piece of meat from Yang Sheng's body. The severe pain caused Yang Sheng to open his eyes and let out a heartbreaking scream.

"Tell me, who sent you here!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

Yang Sheng, whose face was covered in blood, had a distorted expression and growled: "Yun Hao... Unless you promise to let me go, I will tell you!"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Yun Hao's expression was indifferent and his tone was cold. As soon as he finished speaking, his spiritual power swept out from the Consciousness Sea Aperture. In an instant, he had formed a mysterious hand seal and forced his spiritual power into Yang Sheng's head!

This is a simple exercise of mental power.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Sheng's expression full of pain seemed to freeze, and his eyes became dull, and Yun Hao's mental power brought out an illusory figure from Yang Sheng's head.

It can be vaguely seen that this illusory figure looks exactly like Yang Sheng.

This is Yang Sheng’s soul!

Yang Sheng's soul was forcibly captured by Yun Hao, and he was obviously hit by Yun Hao's mental power, causing his soul to be extremely unstable.


Whatever Yun Hao asked, Yang Sheng's spirit answered.

Soon, Yunhao got the answer he wanted.

Just now, he was unable to determine whether the matter was related to Bao Dan Tower. After learning the truth, he ruled out Bao Dan Tower as a suspect.

It turns out that Yang Sheng and Yan Wenyi

In this way, he had secretly received the benefits from the Flame Valley. This time he took action because the Flame Valley promised to give him a perfect acquired fire.

Yun Hao waved his sleeves lightly.

Yang Sheng's soul returned to his mind again.

His soul was weak after all, and after suffering such a blow, his whole person had become stupid.

Xiao Hei: "Master, kill him?"

Yun Hao: "Throw him out to Mu Baifeng."

He had already sensed that outside the alchemy room, Mu Baifeng, Ling'er, and several powerful men from the Alchemy Tower were preparing to forcefully break the formation restrictions in the alchemy room and rush in.


Xiao Hei immediately bit Yang Sheng and dragged him out of the alchemy room.


Mu Baifeng and others, who were about to break the formation and rush in to rescue Yun Hao, were all dumbfounded.

With a flick of Xiao Hei's head, Yang Sheng, who was half-dead and had become demented, was thrown at Mu Baifeng's feet.

"My master has a good temper, but Master Gou has a bad temper. If this happens again, don't blame Master Gou for getting mad!" Xiao Hei raised his head and said proudly, then turned around and re-entered the alchemy room.


"Master Mu, what should we do now?"

"Alchemist Mu, who is the person in the exclusive alchemy room of the original poster?"

Mu Baifeng took a deep breath and said, "Don't ask any questions you shouldn't ask. As for Yang Sheng's fate, it is his own fault. In addition, if what happened today is spread, you will not end well! "

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