God Hongtian

Chapter 88 Gengjin clues, catching up with the wind and washing away the dust

Yun Hao carried the seriously injured Yun Ying into the house to heal.

He had very little contact with Yun Ying.

But Yun Ying had secretly helped his father to establish the Kuangjian Martial Arts School.

After Yun Hao came to Beihan County, Yun Ying came forward to help Yun Hao out of trouble and forced Yun Feihu, the elder of the Yun family, to retreat.

Before coming to the contact point of the martial arts academy, she also forced the spiritual wood marrow, which was obviously extremely precious to her, to Yun Hao.

Moreover, Yun Ying wanted to help Yun Hao get a chance to participate in the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy assessment. Just now, facing Yun Shaogang, who had the cultivation level of half-step Yuan Gang Realm, Yun Ying did not escape alone, but stood in front of Yun Hao.


Yun Hao had already accepted this cousin from the bottom of his heart.

On the bed in the house.

Yun Hao sat cross-legged, supporting the unconscious Yun Ying with one hand, and with the other hand, circulated the vitality of the flesh and earth and injected it into Yun Ying's body one after another.

Yun Ying's injury was not too serious.

But Yun Hao took it very seriously.

In a short while, Yun Hao had already forced out the blood stasis in Yun Ying's body, and then infused the power of Qi and blood to nourish Yun Ying's body.

He found that there were several blockages in Yun Ying's meridians, which were not caused by the injury this time, but should be due to some hidden dangers that occurred during the practice.

Although this hidden danger is small and does not cause any harm on weekdays, Yun Ying will not feel any discomfort, but it will become a big obstacle for Yun Ying to advance to the Yuan Gang Realm.

Therefore, Yun Hao unblocked the blocked meridians in Yun Ying's body.

Half an hour passed after a period of conditioning.

Although Yun Ying has not woken up yet, her breathing has become even, and a rosy glow has appeared on her pale cheeks.

When she wakes up, it will probably not take long for her to successfully enter the Yuan Gang Realm.

Yun Hao got off the bed and walked out of the house.

Outside the house,

there was only one Qin Lan left.

"Mr. Yun, Yun Shaogang has confessed what he did.

I abolished Yun Shaogang's cultivation and had him taken back to Qingfeng Martial Academy, and then further dealt with him according to the rules of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

The elder Zhou Hai, who was in charge of the registration for this assessment, neglected his duties, which allowed Yun Shaogang to take advantage of the opportunity, so I have also sent Zhou Hai back to Qingfeng Martial Academy to be dealt with."

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Lan was uneasy.

After all, Yun Hao was in her territory and almost suffered a disaster.

She couldn't see any expression change on Yun Hao's face, so she suppressed her uneasiness and changed the subject, saying, "I heard that Mr. Yun came to Beihan County, so I went down the mountain from Qingfeng Martial Academy and entered the county city. I wanted to visit the Yun family today, but I never thought that such a thing would happen...

If Mr. Yun has any requirements for the handling of this matter, just tell me, I will do it according to Mr. Yun's instructions."

When in the Tomb of Life and Death, Yun Hao saved her twice.

Moreover, she believed that the core inheritance of the 36-pulse sword art of Yujian Peak came from the sword sect behind Yun Hao, and Yun Hao was a mysterious disciple of the sword sect!

Therefore, she gave all the flying swords of the peak master of Yujian Peak to Yun Hao to show her sincerity.

Yun Hao: "The matter will be handled according to the rules of your Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. In addition, I heard that your Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy has Gengjin?"

Qin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Indeed, more than a year ago, the dean got almost half a catty of Gengjin from the main hospital, but... Gengjin has been used up."

"Used up?"

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

Qin Lan: "Gengjin was used by the peak master of Yuqi Peak to refine weapons. He wanted to refine a Xuan-level upper-grade sword, but failed and only forged a Xuan-level lower-grade sword."

"Where is that sword?" Yun Hao asked.

If he could find that sword, Yun Hao would be fully confident that he could extract the Gengjin from it again. Half a catty of it would be enough to repair all the cracks on the surface of the Suxin Sword!

Qin Lan: "In the past two years, the Qingfeng Martial Academy and the Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County have been fighting fiercely. Every year, both sides recruit people, and the Cangxing Martial Academy has attracted most of the excellent talents. Therefore, the dean of our Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County directly took out the lower-grade Xuan-level sword as a reward this time, hoping to attract outstanding talents. Whoever can get the first place in the assessment will get the sword." Yun Hao's thoughts turned. Qingfeng Martial Academy is quite influential in the Qingfeng Dynasty. His father, Yun Tiankuo, also hopes that he will join Qingfeng Martial Academy. The Gengjin he needs to repair the Suxin Sword is hard to find in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty. The only way to get Gengjin now is to participate in the assessment and get the first place! Yun Hao was never a person who was indecisive. He made a decision immediately and said, "Master Qin Feng, please include my name in the assessment list."


Qin Lan's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she heard. After a long pause, she said, "Mr. Yun, you are from the Sword Sect... Will it have any impact if you participate in the assessment of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy?"

Yun Hao: "I am a member of the Sword Sect, and I do what I want."

Qin Lan immediately said, "Okay, I will include Mr. Yun's name in the assessment list."

She was excited.

Yun Hao is the descendant of the mysterious Sword Sect. If he joins Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, it will definitely be a great blessing for Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy!

Yun Hao: "By the way, has Su Jun arrived at Yujian Peak?"

Before he left Liuyun City, the fat man had already set off for Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy according to Yun Hao's instructions.

Qin Lan nodded and said: "The little fat guy found me. I used the peak master's privileges to take him into Qingfeng Martial Academy. I wanted him to stay at Yujian Peak, but he didn't want to..."

Yun Hao: "My fat brother, what's going on now?"

Qin Lan showed a dumbfounded expression and said: "That little fat guy saw that monster meat is often eaten at the Beast Control Peak, so he insisted on going to the Beast Control Peak. Even if he is a handyman disciple, he wants to go, and there is nothing that can stop him!"

Yun Hao: "..."

This is indeed the style of the fat man.

Going to Yujian Peak to become a formal disciple, and having the care of the peak master, but compared to eating, Fatty chose to eat. Thinking about it this way, Yun Hao no longer felt strange.

It's okay, monster meat contains domineering energy, and Fatty is very suitable for the sky-swallowing skill. Eating more monster meat will have a better effect than swallowing pills at Yujian Peak.

at this time.

Yunying finally woke up and walked out of the house.

When Yunying woke up, she found that her injuries had been healed to some extent, and her physical condition was better than before the injury. She was full of doubts.

After walking out of the house, she saw Yun Hao and Qin Lan. She immediately guessed the truth and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Yunying pays homage to Master Qin. Thank you Master Qin for saving my brother Yun Hao and for healing me."

Before Qin Lan could speak, Yun Hao took the lead and said, "Cousin, Master Qin has promised to add a quota for me to participate in the martial arts assessment."

As soon as these words came out.

Yunying immediately bowed again and said, "Thank you so much, Master Qin. My younger brother, Yun Hao, will never let you down."

Qin Lan saw that Yun Hao didn't want to reveal too much, so he nodded and said: "Yun Hao's talent

He has a good character and is a good seedling. I believe that after he joins Qingfeng Martial Academy, he will be as good as you. "

Yun Hao looked at Yunying: "Cousin, since the matter has been settled, let's go back first."

Yunying hummed, then looked at Qin Lan and said: "Peak Master Qin, that Yun Shaogang..."

Qin Lan: "My cultivation has been abolished, my status as a disciple of the Qingfeng Martial Academy has been abolished, and I have been escorted back to the Martial Academy to await my fate."


Yun family.

Yun Ying and Yun Feihu were standing outside a simple and elegant courtyard.

"Old man, Shaogang is back." Yun Ying said.

The next moment, the closed door opened, and an old man who looked like he was dying walked out shakily on crutches. He glanced outside and said, "Where are the people?"

Yun Feihu smiled and said: "Shaogang went to the contact point of Qingfeng Martial Academy first. Calculating the time, we should be home soon."

A pleased smile appeared on the old man's old face full of wrinkles and spots, and he said: "Shaogang is a good boy. He has been smart and upbeat since he was a child. Hurry up and prepare a banquet. Old man, I want to take care of Shaogang today!"


The old man thought of another thing and said, "Where are Yuntiankuo and his son?"

Yun Ying: "Yun Tiankuo left the county town and went to do some unknown activities. As for his bastard Yun Hao, he still stays in the county town."

The old man hummed and said: "Call Yun Hao too. I will meet him by the way and let him admire Shaogang's demeanor. It can also be regarded as a beating. I want him to know how high and thick the sky in the county city is." , lest his unruly spirit bring trouble to the family."

Yun Ying and Yun Haisheng both smiled.

Call Yunhao?

I just don’t know if Yun Hao can come back alive from Qingfeng Wuyuan’s contact point!

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