God Hongtian

Chapter 91: Prayer, grief and anger, vomiting blood

The people who rushed into the hall in a panic and knelt on the ground temporarily attracted Mrs. Yun and their anger towards Yun Hao.

Old Mrs. Yun had a gloomy expression on his old face and said, "Tell me, what happened to Shaogang!"

"Old Master... Something bad has happened. Young Master Shaogang has been removed from his status as a core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, and his cultivation has been abolished. Now he has been escorted back to Qingfeng Martial Academy. It is said... it is said that he must be strict Deal with it, never tolerate it!”

As soon as these words came out.

Old Master Yun, Yun Feihu, Yun Ying, and Zhu Ying, who had just regained some consciousness, all seemed to have been struck on the head by a thunderbolt that seemed to fall from the sky.

My mind goes blank for a moment!

Old Mrs. Yun's old body was shaky. He hurriedly used both hands to hold the table in front of him to stabilize himself.

"Where's the news?" Mr. Yun forced himself to calm down and asked, his voice weak.

"It's nonsense, it must be a rumor!"

"Yes, Shaogang is the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy's Yuzhan Peak. He has already stepped into the Yuan Gang Realm. He is a genius cultivated by Qingfeng Martial Academy. How can Qingfeng Martial Academy remove his status? So what? Maybe destroy his cultivation?"

Zhu Ying held her rotten cheek, her eyes dull.

"Old Master, the news is absolutely true... Qingfeng Martial Academy's contact point in the county town came out, and a notice has even been posted on the door..."

Mr. Yun fell onto the chair behind him with a bang.

The Yun family has established a foothold in the county and has become a first-tier wealthy family. However, the Yun family's background is still far behind that of other big families in the county.

Finally, a very up-to-date Yun Shaogang emerged, giving the Yun family hope for further progress.

Yun Shaogang is the pride of the Yun family. Everyone thinks that Yun Shaogang

Gang is destined to lead the Yun family to a whole new level.

Just today, Mr. Yun had people put up lanterns and lights, preparing to cleanse Yun Shaogang. Just now, he told Yun Hao that he wanted Yun Hao to take a good look at what kind of person is worthy of being cultivated by the Yun family. of……

But the result...

Before Yun Shaogang came back, he had already lost his identity as a core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy and turned into a waste. He was even taken back to Qingfeng Martial Academy and dealt with severely...

Moreover, notices have been posted at the door of Qingfeng Wuyuan's contact point in the county. It is obviously confirmed that this matter is not a rumor.

"How could...how could it have become like this..."

Mr. Yun's already cloudy eyes seemed to have lost the last of their light.

"What is the reason?"

Yun Feihu took a deep breath and asked.

The man kneeling on the ground shook his head and said: "No one knows the specific reason. I only know that this matter was handled by Peak Master Qin of Yujian Peak."

Yun Ying immediately said: "Go to Shaoyang. Shaoyang and Shaogang stay together. He must know the reason!"

"Elder, Young Master Shaoyang... Young Master Shaoyang is dead... he died at the contact point of Qingfeng Martial Academy. It is said that his body was turned into pieces..."

"Okay...step back."

Old Mrs. Yun waved his hands, his arms felt as heavy as a thousand pounds, and his tone was full of sadness, helplessness, and panic!

Yun Shaogang obviously committed a serious crime.

Now, what Old Master Yun is most afraid of is that if Qingfeng Martial Academy continues to investigate, the Yun family will be implicated!

With the energy of Qingfeng Martial Academy, it is only a matter of words to make the Yun family disappear from Beihan County.

After the people who had come to report the news retreated, Mrs. Yun asked someone to help Zhu Ying out. He stood up from his position tremblingly and walked.

Staggering towards Yun Hao and Yunying.

"Yingzi, you are the core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy's Yuyin Peak. I hope you can intercede with Qingfeng Martial Academy on how they want to deal with Shaogang. The Yun family has no complaints, but what Shaogang did has nothing to do with it. The Yun family has nothing to do with it.

You are also a member of the Yun family, with the blood of the Yun family flowing in your body. You are also responsible for the rise and fall of the Yun family. Moreover, from now on, the Yun family will pour all its resources into you! "

Yunying's expression was complicated.

A few days ago, she had just become a core disciple and came back to announce the good news. As a result, she couldn't even see the old man in person.

Just now, in order to let Zhu Ying teach Yun Hao a lesson, the old man did not hesitate to throw her away, and he did not care about hurting her at all.

But now... the old man stood in front of her. He did not express any gratitude for his previous actions, but asked her to plead with Qingfeng Wuyuan out of family justice.

The complicated look on Yunying's face gradually turned into a sarcastic smile, and she said: "I am just an inconspicuous core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy. Since this is the decision made by Peak Master Qin of Yujian Peak himself, , even if I plead for mercy, it doesn’t make any sense.

As for the training of the Yun family...

Old Master, I am not Yun Shaogang's substitute, I don't need it! "

"Yunying, are you determined to die without saving me?"

"Yunying, are you right with the ancestors of the Yun family?"

Yun Ying and Yun Feihu shouted at the same time and stopped them both.

Mr. Yun did not give up and continued: "Yingzi, as long as you plead for mercy and let the Yun family survive this crisis, the Yun family will also do its best to cultivate Yun Hao!"

Yunying looked at Yunhao.

Yun Hao: "You can make your decision. Any promises made by anyone in the Yun family are not important to me."

Yunying nodded

: "Let's go."

The expression on Old Mrs. Yun's face was changing. Seeing Yun Ying and Yun Hao walking out of the hall, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yingzi, even if I beg you!

It was my fault in the past. I ignored you and attacked you just now. All the mistakes were my fault. As long as you can help plead with Qingfeng Wuyuan, I will agree to any of your conditions. May I? "

Qingfeng Martial Academy was like a big mountain. If it shook even slightly, the Yun family would fall apart and be doomed. He was afraid and could only bow his head!

Yunying finally relented. She did not look back, but nodded slightly and said, "I...will try my best."

Yun Hao was not surprised at Yunying's choice. He knew that even his father Yun Tiankuo would be soft-hearted and agree to the plea of ​​Mr. Yun.

Hearing Yunying agree, Mrs. Yun, Yun Feihu, and Yun Ying all breathed a sigh of relief!

However, they were not grateful at all. They all stared at Yun Hao in unison, their eyes full of resentment and resentment!

They dare not bear grudge against Yunying.

Yunying is their only life-saving straw now!

But Yun Hao...as a member of the Yun family, he turned a cold eye to this matter and refused them. It was precisely because of Yun Hao's refusal that Yun Ying's attitude became so firm!

After a while.

Yun Ying and Yun Hao had already disappeared from the sight of Mrs. Yun and the others.

"Old Master, Yunying agreed to help and beg for mercy, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Qingfeng Martial Academy severely punished Shaogang and even took Shaoyang's life, but no one came to our Yun family, so they probably won't pursue it too harshly."

Yun Feihu and Yun Ying each speak one sentence.

Mr. Yun didn't say anything. He walked out of the building tremblingly.

In the palace, looking at the red silk and lanterns hanging all over the place, I felt that all this was extremely dazzling and ironic.


He couldn't catch his breath, and with a loud sound, he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

Yun Feihu and Yun Ying immediately stepped forward, one on the left and the other on the right, to support Mr. Yun who almost fell.

Old Mrs. Yun's face was covered with blood, his expression was twisted, and he roared: "Forget it Yun Ying, who is Yun Hao? He is a ungrateful person. When this matter is over, I will make them and their son look good!"


The other side.

Yunying and Yunhao left the Yun family.

Yunying was in a low mood and didn't say a word.

After a while, Yun Ying said: "I really didn't expect that the Yun family would be so miserable..."

Yun Hao: "It will be good once you see clearly."

Yunying: "Second uncle's side... when he comes back, we will communicate with him well and let him let go of his obsession with the family."

Yunhao nodded.

Yunying said again: "By the way, how did you crack Zhu Ying's method?"

Yun Hao: "His formation has lost the control of his mental power, so naturally there is no need for me to crack it."

Yunying thought for a while and said: "It seems that Zhu Ying was promoted to the top yellow level array mage by forcibly improving her mental power in order to shine in the Qingfeng Martial Academy assessment. She is still unable to perfectly control the skyrocketing mental power. Suffered a backlash!”

Yun Hao didn't say any more.

Yunying continued: "You just hit Zhu Ying. Zhu Ying is the apple of the eye of the Zhu family, and the Zhu family is the first Array family in the county and has great influence.

Based on the Zhu family's consistent behavior, they will never give up. Therefore, next, we should stay at the contact point of Qingfeng Wuyuan, which is safer.

Before the assessment, you must not leave the contact point to prevent the Zhu family from retaliating! "

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