God Hongtian

Chapter 94 Phoenix Nirvana, news about Ling Feiyu

The next few days were peaceful.

Yun Hao lived in the contact point of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy in the county city, practicing quietly.

With the help of Lieyang Pill to temper his body, his strength was steadily improving every day. Now, the high-level treasure body stage has reached the late stage.

If we use the common realm division in the cultivation world, it is equivalent to the seventh level of Huahai Realm.

The formation repair of Suxin Sword has reached a threshold.

All that can be repaired has been repaired.

Only after getting Gengjin and repairing the cracks in the sword itself can we continue.

In two days, it will be the annual recruitment assessment day of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. On this day, the peaceful county city set off a wave.

Zhu Xiaotian, the head of the first formation family in Beihan County, announced that Zhu Ao and Zhu Ying, who were originally scheduled to participate in the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy assessment, will no longer participate in the assessment, and will be directly exempted from the assessment to join Cangxing Martial Arts Academy!

For a while.

The streets and alleys of the county city were full of discussions.

"The Zhu family's move is a strong counterattack against Qin Lan's protection of Yun Hao!"

"Qin Lan is confused. As the head of a peak in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, she should have considered the overall situation, but she offended the Zhu family so badly for an unknown Yun Hao..."

"Zhu Ao, the sixth level of the Juling Realm, was the top genius of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy this year and a strong contender for the first place. And Zhu Ying, at a young age, is already a top-level Huang-level formation master with a promising future. Now, Qin Lan has pushed them to Cangxing Martial Arts Academy!"

"What is Yun Hao's background? Is it worth Qin Lan giving up two geniuses to protect him?"

"A member of the Yun family,

He is the son of Yun Tiankuo who was expelled from the Yun family 25 years ago. He has some talent, but it is said that this person is too picky. Yu Ding, quite arrogant, arrogant, ignorant and presumptuous! "

"Qin Lan is not protecting Yun Hao, but she has taken a fancy to Yun Ying. After all, Qin Lan's Yu Jian Peak has declined greatly, and there is not even a core disciple. She probably wants to dig Yun Ying from Yu Yin Peak to Yu Jian Peak. In Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, occasionally digging people is not uncommon. "

"Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy... Alas, it's no good. It has lost to Cang Xing Martial Arts Academy in the newcomer competition between the two academies for ten consecutive years. Qin Lan has pushed two top seedlings to Cang Xing Martial Arts Academy. It seems that this year's competition will be the worst loss for Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy in the past ten years! "

When the controversy over the two geniuses of the Zhu family directly exempted from the assessment and joined Cang Xing Martial Arts Academy reached its peak, another heavy news exploded in the county city!

Miss Murong Qing of the Shenyong Marquis Mansion, worshipped Cang Xing Martial Arts Academy and became the last disciple of Dean Li Xuanyin!

"Murong Qing... practiced Qi at the age of eight, condensed True Yuan at the age of nine, entered the Transformation Sea at the age of eleven, gathered Yuan to become a spirit at the age of fourteen, and was promoted to Yuan Gang at the age of eighteen. Now at the age of nineteen, she is already the third level of Yuan Gang!" "Such a genius joined the Cangxing Martial Academy. The lineup of new recruits recruited by the Cangxing Martial Academy this year is really terrifying!" "According to the information I got, Dean Li Xuanyin of the Cangxing Martial Academy recently accepted a mysterious closed-door disciple. His origin is unknown, but it is said that he is as beautiful as a fairy and his qualifications are even more terrifying. He has only been at the Cangxing Martial Academy for less than a month, and he has impacted the third level of the Transformation Sea to the Gathering Spirit Realm!" "I have also heard about this. My buddy is in the Cangxing Martial Academy. He told me that when the closed-door disciple accepted by Dean Li some time ago condensed his Yuan Ling, the sky was filled with mist and auspicious phenomena!" "It is said that I also heard that Li The mysterious female disciple of the dean is the Yuan Ling condensed when she observed a picture of the Phoenix Nirvana, so her Yuan Ling is most likely the spirit of the Phoenix! "


"Phoenix Yuan Ling... This is the Yuan Ling of the divine beast. It is definitely the first Yuan Ling in the Qingfeng Dynasty from ancient times to the present!"

"In the territory of the dynasty, a large number of extremely prestigious men have appeared in the Cangxing Martial Academy of Beihan County one after another, just to meet the mysterious female genius, but so far, the mysterious female genius has never said more than three sentences to these admirers."

"Such a woman, if anyone can win her heart, I'm afraid that the ancestral graves of the eighteen generations of ancestors will be filled with smoke!"

"Think too much, there is no man in the Qingfeng Dynasty who can match that female genius. Her future is destined to jump out of the Qingfeng Dynasty and move towards a broader world!"

Qingfeng Martial Academy, County City Contact Point.

Yun Hao practiced quietly, the flying sword was dark blue, flying and shuttling in the room, as agile as if it had life.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Knocks on the door sounded. Yun Hao's mind moved, he took back the flying sword, ended his practice, and said, "Please come in."

Yun Ying pushed the door open and entered.

"Cousin, what's wrong?" Yun Hao asked.

Yun Ying: "I came to say goodbye to you. Master Qin Feng will take all the participants to the assessment site later, and I have to go back to Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy.

In addition...

I have already pleaded with Master Qin Feng about Yun Shaogang's matter.

Master Qin Feng promised me that he would no longer pursue the responsibility of the Yun family, but Yun Shaogang was thrown into the mine by Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy to mine for ten years as a punishment.

You... won't blame me for helping to plead for you, right?"

After a period of contact with Yun Hao, Yun Ying felt more and more that there seemed to be a layer of fog on Yun Hao, which made her unpredictable. When facing Yun Hao, she always had a sense of... humbleness!

Yun Hao looked calm and said, "No."

Yun Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, I have to remind you of something. With your talent and strength, you will definitely have no problem passing the assessment, but... after passing the assessment, try to choose Yuyin Peak. I am at Yuyin Peak, so it is convenient for me to take care of you.

As for Peak Master Qin, she helped us. We remember his kindness, but we must not choose Yujian Peak because of favors. Yujian Peak in Beihan County is really in decline now... They have been in decline for a year The resources that can be obtained are not as good as the resources of Yuyin Peak for two or three months.

Moreover, Peak Master Qin has a bad temper... causing Yu Jianfeng to be in an embarrassing situation at Qingfeng Martial Academy. Do you understand all of this, right? "

Yun Hao: "Okay, I understand."

At this time.

A melodious bell rang.

Yunying: "Let's gather together quickly. Chief Qin Feng is taking you out. Come on, I'll wait for you at Yuyin Peak!"


In a house not far from the contact point of Qingfeng Wuyuan, an old man stood in the yard with his hands behind his back.

The melodious bell ringing from the Qingfeng Martial Academy contact point came slowly.

At this time.

A middle-aged man walked up to the old man with a hurried look, bowed and said: "Deputy Deng.

Dean, Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy’s assessment site and assessment methods have been clarified and can be taken at any time! "

The old man named Vice President Deng slowly said with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth: "Over the years, Cangxing Martial Academy and Qingfeng Martial Academy have been competing openly and secretly.

Among them, it was our Beihan County Cangxing Martial Academy who suppressed the Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy the most.

But that's not enough!

This year, we must give Qingfeng Martial Arts School another hard slap in the face, which will make them lose all face!

In addition, Dean Li also told us to kill a boy named Yun Hao who was taking the Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy exam!

Fan Jun, I’ll leave these things to you! "

The middle-aged man named Fan Jun was stunned, and then asked: "Is there something special about Yun Hao?"

The old man hummed and said: "He is somewhat involved with Ling Feiyu, the disciple that Dean Li has just accepted. Ling Feiyu has condensed the true phoenix spirit. He has a bright future and has been noticed by Cangyue Taoist Academy."

When Fan Jun heard this, he nodded immediately and said: "Cangxing Martial Academy has been established in Qingfeng Dynasty for some time, and ten or eight geniuses have been sent to Cangyue Taoist Academy, but they were all beaten back.

And this Ling Feiyu is indeed better than the previous geniuses. If she can successfully join Cang Yue Taoist Academy, then we will also gain countless benefits.

Don't worry, Vice President Deng. I will definitely do these two things to make Qingfeng Martial Academy lose face and to kill Yun Hao and break Ling Feiyu's bond! "

The old man hummed and said, "Then hurry up and do it. I'm right here, waiting for your good news!"

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