God Hongtian

Chapter 99: Hunting demons and gathering fire

Yunhao, who was acting alone, had grasped the approximate distribution location of the monsters. At this time, he came straight to a valley where rocks were piled up.




The sound of a huge bellows echoed in the valley.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, a pile of rocks exploded, gravel splashed, and dust flew up.

I saw a monster beast that was as big as a small hill rushing out from the stirring dust.

The best of the yellow class, the one-horned fire rhinoceros!

This is a monster beast whose strength is equivalent to that of a Spirit Gathering Realm warrior. Its whole body is covered with hard scales, and there is a sharp horn in the middle of its head.

There is fire flowing in the horn.

The two big nostrils of the one-horned fire rhinoceros were filled with strong air currents. Its big eyes stared fiercely at Yun Hao, and its two front hooves were constantly pulling at the ground.


A low growl.

The huge body of the one-horned fire rhinoceros immediately burst out at extremely fast speed and rushed towards Yun Hao. The fire at the position of the horn above its head also swept across, covering its whole body.

Like a ball of fire, a fierce impact.

Yun Hao looked at the one-horned fire rhinoceros that was attacking, his expression remained unchanged, and his steps did not move. He pointed out the sword finger with his right hand, and in an instant, sword energy burst out from his fingertips.

Thirty-Six Meridians Sword Technique!

A total of thirty-six sword qi waves set off a sharp whistling sound wave, which instantly turned into a sword qi cage.

The one-horned fire rhinoceros was trapped in it.

The sharp edge easily tore through the layer of flames covering the One-Horned Fire Rhinoceros, splitting open the layer of armor-like scales under the flames!

The one-horned fire rhinoceros roared angrily in pain. The fire on the horn above its head shrank suddenly, and then suddenly spread out, forming a circle of terrifying fire waves, burning all the sword energy around it.

After just one confrontation, the One-Horned Fire Rhino suffered a huge loss. He lost the courage to continue fighting with Yun Hao, turned around, and ran away!

Yun Hao took one step forward, using the Frightening Illusion Step. His figure was elegant and free, but his speed was incredibly fast, and he caught up with the One-Horned Fire Rhinoceros in an instant.

The sword is still pointed at one point.

Dielang Nine Ultimate Sword!

The nine sword lights merged with each other in an instant and turned into a blazing wave of sword energy, drowning the one-horned fire rhinoceros.

When the sword energy light waves dispersed.

The one-horned fire rhinoceros fell to the ground. Its huge body no longer had a piece of intact skin and flesh, and it had lost the breath of life.

Yun Hao took out the demon core.

The demonic core of the One-Horned Fire Rhinoceros is red like a flame, and the fire attribute energy contained in it is rapidly passing away.

With a thought, Yun Hao raised the vitality seal and directly extracted the flame energy from the one-horned fire rhinoceros demon core.

Even if Yun Hao does not extract the flame energy in this demon core, it will all disappear after some time.

The assessment of Qingfeng Martial Academy only requires demon cores, and

No other requests are made.

After a while.

The flame energy in the one-horned fire rhinoceros demon core gathered into a ball in Yunhao's hand, and a mini version of the one-horned fire rhino could be vaguely seen roaring in the firelight.

Yun Hao's spiritual power rushed into the flames, instantly erasing the remaining traces of the One-Horned Fire Rhinoceros.

Yun Hao put the demon core into the storage ring, found a flat bluestone next to it, and sat on the ground.

The flame extracted from the core of the one-horned fire rhino demon floated in front of him under his control.

Next, what he has to do is... create fire!

Fire is divided into acquired and innate.

At the headquarters of Baodan Tower in Beihan County, the flame used by the owner Lu Yi to make elixirs is the imperfect intermediate acquired fire.

Yun Hao helped Lu Yi purify that wisp of fire into a perfect intermediate acquired fire.

Now, he also needs to condense his own fire. After all, whether it is repairing the Su Xin Sword or refining higher-level elixirs, flames are needed.

Innate fire is naturally the best choice.

But innate fire is too rare.

It is estimated that if the entire Qingfeng Dynasty is turned upside down, it will be difficult to find a trace of innate fire.

At this time, you can only settle for the next best thing.

The flames of the one-horned fire rhinoceros are not very strong, and even if they condense the perfect acquired fire, they can only be considered low-level.

But...Yunhao has his own way!

I saw his hands quickly forming seals, and wisps of vitality and spiritual power, forming

into the flames floating in front of you.

The flames surged and gradually condensed into a spark mark.

This is a heaven-level fire control technique called Taiyan Fire Technique. The fire condensed by this method can devour other flames and promote the continuous evolution of the fire!

Now, let's make do with the weaker fire, gradually devour the flames, and evolve. Even the innate fire can also devour and fuse!

In his previous life, he used the Taiyin Fire Technique to combine a large number of powerful monster flames and innate flames, giving birth to a supreme fire that can burn the world!

It is not difficult for Yun Hao to refine the flames of the One-Horned Fire Rhinoceros to condense the fire. He has succeeded in a moment. Next, he only needs to spend another half-quarter of an hour to warm up this wisp of fire. Completely formed.

But at this moment.


The earth shook!

Perhaps it was the smell of blood left by Yunhao's hunt for the one-horned fire rhinoceros that stimulated the nearby monsters. Several monsters appeared around this rocky valley.

Five heads of the middle grade of the Yellow Order.

The two ends of the upper grade of the yellow steps.

The best end of Huangjie.

A total of eight monster beasts stood in different positions, all staring at Yun Hao, with a fierce light in the eyes of each monster beast.

Yun Hao continued to warm up the newly formed fire, and glanced at the surrounding monsters.

Just as these monster beasts were about to attack Yun Hao, suddenly, a figure exploded from another direction.

Shoot and arrive.

It’s Shi Feng!

Shi Feng's figure was as strong and strong as an arrow leaving the string, and he rushed in front of the two yellow-ranked monster beasts in an instant.

His fists swung like two huge hammers, swung out hard.



Two high-grade yellow-level monsters had their heads smashed directly by Shi Feng's fist!

Instant kill!

Just as Yun Hao had judged before.

Even though Shi Feng is only at the Sea Transformation Realm, his physical strength is quite astonishing. When fully exploded, he can defeat the second and third level warriors of the Spirit Gathering Realm with his physical strength alone.

With this strength, it is easy to crush and kill high-grade yellow-level monsters.

Shi Feng suddenly appeared and killed two monsters. He was so frightened that the five remaining yellow-level low-grade monsters turned around and ran away.

There was only one yellow-level top-grade monster left in the field.

This is a tiger with black spots and vertical eyes. Its fur is black and covered with circles of patterns that look like eyes. The eyeballs of its eyes are upright and flashing with an evil light.

Shi Feng jumped up and jumped in front of Yun Hao.

"I may not be able to defeat this big tiger, so you retreat first."

Shi Feng turned his back to Yun Hao and stared at the fierce black-spotted tiger with vertical eyes.

And this time.

The black-spotted vertical-eyed tiger's tail stood up, and a tiger roar shook the forest. The mountaintop at its feet exploded into pieces, and the tiger's body was killed. In the evil vertical eyes, a layer of blurred light swept over first, and the stone was blown away. Maple drowned!

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