God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1456 There are quite a lot of evildoers in the ancient gods, except for hanging

Ye Que had just healed Jin Duande, when he heard Di Xiwei's voice, he dropped the little prince and went straight to his wife.

Jin Duande gradually improved, and his mood stabilized. When he opened his eyes and saw that it was the eldest brother, he was so moved.

"Brother, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, you will... Oh shit!"

Jin Duande's tears were all ready, he wanted to perform the plastic brotherhood to the peak, but before the emotion reached the peak, Ye Que threw him away.

With a bang, his head fell heavily to the ground, his recovering body couldn't stand the toss, and he passed out on the spot.

"You Yao."

Ye Que went to rescue You Yao first.

Half of her body was gone, which was caused by being polluted by dark objects.

Ye Que immediately circulated the Yang Liuzi Jue to remove the dark objects, and then performed the technique of regenerating the crippled body to regenerate You Yao's body and save her life.

But she was so badly injured that even though her breathing was steady, she was still in a coma.

"We can only wait, let's save the others first."

Di Xiwei went to hold the butterfly and listen to Han.

Ye Kuang nodded, cast a spell, let the fission clone appear, and then saved people in large numbers.

Gradually, Gu Fayue, Die Tinghan, Qi Wangshu, Bai Yechen, Gu Cardinal, Jin Wu, Bing Yining, the ninth patriarch of the void, Fa Xiaomei, Bei Xingxue, Hun Xingyue and others all got better one by one.

Di Xiwei's mood also changed from heavy to light.

But she had a delicate mind, and soon realized that something was wrong.

Why are there more and more women surrounding Ye Que.

She frowned, looking at Ye Que with a somewhat unfriendly look, the knife in the ring was already ready to move.

Ye Que coughed, and then fell into deep thought. After a while, he said: "Xiwei, we still have important matters to deal with, so we must not play games. After saving people, we must quickly get rid of the gods and star demons." family."

Speaking of this, he clutched his heart and said: "Otherwise, my heart is not at ease! Do you know how miserable they did to us back then!"

Di Xiwei's face softened.

But ah.

There is a saying.

Don't be afraid of godly opponents, but pig teammates.

"Brother Ye is guilty!"

Zhi Yangning laughed out loud in his mind.

"You even have a woman inside you?"

On Di Xiwei's forehead, there were some black lines, the kind that could pierce Ye Quexing's roots.

"Xiwei, which place do you think is the most suitable place to hold my wedding with you?"

Ye Que spoke suddenly.

Di Xiwei lost her mind, was stunned for a while, and then really thought about it.

Rumble! ! !

There was a roar from the starry sky in the extreme west, and the power of creation was also shaking.

Ye Que looked up and easily saw the truth.

It was the old patriarch who moved the Good Fortune Cauldron and released the Star Demon Race inside. There happened to be three creator gods inside.

Ye Que's face darkened instantly, he gritted his teeth and said, "These bastards!"

He took out a beating stick, placed the Ten Laws on his body, two heavy wheels sank and floated beside him, and thirteen jade stars of seeking Tao surrounded his body.

boom! ! !

Platinum flames are burning and rising.

He emerged from nirvana like a flame.

"Go, kill the devil!"

The fission avatar turned in place and turned into a giant Shiyuan tortoise. Ye Que stepped on the giant tortoise and rushed towards the extreme western starry sky.

"I will settle accounts with you later!"

Di Xiwei put away the knife and jumped onto the giant turtle.

People who can still move, such as Die Tinghan, Gu Fayue, Bing Yining and others, did not follow, but took care of others here.

"Wait a minute."

Bai Yechen took the hand of the golden crow beauty and called everyone of the same sex to stop.

Gu Cardinal, Jin Duande and Tugou are puzzled.

"Hey, you guys with brain problems, do you want to die?"

Qi Wangshu's face has more scars, but it looks more vicissitudes and melancholy, a proper girl killer.

He looked at the sky at a classic forty-five degree angle, and said melancholy: "Look at who is standing next to our elder brother."

When everyone looked at it, they suddenly realized.

"Today is a special day, so let the two of them get along with each other. It's not appropriate for us to be by the side."

Bai Yechen said lightly.

"Oh, women are troublesome!"

Jin Duande limped forward and sneered disdainfully.


call out--

The giant tortoise traversed the starry sky, and the ancient god was burning a platinum flame different from other ancient gods. The daughter of the great true god stood beside him, which was quite eye-catching.

Many powerful people looked over, including many ancient gods.

"Ten laws, among them are several top-level laws, very monstrous ancient gods! In our era, they are also top-notch ones."

A rare ten-star ancient god agreed.

"Not only that, he has thirteen stars, he also has seven bloodlines, and he also has ten laws, eyes of good fortune and eyes of chaos, and most importantly, he is an ancient god of good fortune. The best of the best!"

A 12-star ancient god said with a straight face, as soon as the words came out, many people agreed.

"A member of my Ancient God Clan has always been proud and aboveboard. Judging by his temperament, you can tell that he is the top of his class!"

Eleven star ancient gods participated in the discussion.

"Go and see?"

An ancient god suggested.

"The Ancient God Clan will often have monsters. Although this 13-star monster, it's all basic operations!"

"That's true. In the peak era of our ancient god race, it is not difficult for evildoers to create first-level ancient gods and easily surpass fifth- and sixth-level powerhouses."

"I see him making eighth-level creations. Although he is reluctant to deal with first-level creations, he can do it. There is no need to look at it. This is a common thing among the ancient gods!"

As soon as a group of veteran ancient gods finished speaking, their mentality exploded.

"Let you toss in the past and kill you!"

While cursing, Ye Que grabbed and beat the three creations of the Star Demon Clan.

Rumble! ! !

Three creations, one of two levels, one of five levels, and one of eight levels.

Now, he was blown away by Ye Que!


A weapon of an ancient god fell to the ground.

There were also ancient gods who stood there dumbfounded, almost dumbfounded.

So what is he?

An eighth-level method of making, according to the three creations to beat.

The three key creations are the second-order, fifth-order and eighth-order.

Not only them, but the other great gods from the ancient times also refreshed their worldview, just like seeing monsters.

"Better than me back then!"

Fighting Saint Ape held his stick and stroked his chin.

"Talented people emerge from generation to generation."

A certain great true god stroked his beard with one hand, and violently beat the headless humanoid creature with the other, and the scene exploded.

"As expected of the Ancient God of Good Fortune chosen by the Empress Good Fortune, who can be called the number one person in the history of the Ancient God Clan, it is time to set a record!"

Ancient Yama murmured.

And his words were not refuted by the million ancient gods.

Because what he said was indeed true.

"Ahem, I take back what I just said. Although there are many evildoers in my ancient gods, they are amazingly talented, but they are not good at anything!"

"Well, not bad, except for hanging!"

A group of veterans blushed hotly in pain, and were beaten back when they just said something, that was an uncomfortable horse.

boom! boom! boom!

Ye Que took a beating stick, blocked the three major creatures and beat them violently.

"Old patriarch, if you still don't believe me, most of the creations in this universe are full of water, and they are not the guys on the mainland! It's easy for me to fight, so don't make a move, I want to avenge myself!"

This is true, Ye Que is a super top eighth-order method, and all kinds of strength in his body, even if it is on the mainland, it is also an awesome horse.

Even top-notch creations like Mo Ding, who are endowed with physical strength, were suppressed by Ye Que.

When we came to the universe and saw these creations with a lot of water, it was not just casually hitting them.

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