God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1458 Just... Suddenly...

"With one order, a million ancient gods descend?"

Bai Yu teased.

"Do you only use this trick to fool people?"

Bai Yu sneered.

Ye Que used this trick more than once, and most creatures in the universe know about it.

He opened the door without fear of Ye Que.

After all, Ye Que alone cannot shake the God Realm, not even a high-level method.

In his eyes, Ye Que is just a weak person who is constantly hunted down but can't do anything.

And the Thirteen Stars kept disappearing, Ye Que came here just to court death. (Before being sealed by the Good Fortune Gate, the old patriarch disappeared for a while, so that the Protoss and Star Demons became very arrogant, see Chapter 1169 for details)


Many protoss creations descended, killing intent enveloped Ye Que.

Between the Six Realms and the God Realm, the law-creating creatures must not kill each other.

However, the ancient gods are excluded.

This is an established rule from the past.

"Are you coming alone?"

A five-level method of making goes to the gate of good fortune.

Ye Que smiled coldly: "Didn't you see that there are a group of people behind me!"

Bai Yu and the others laughed, laughing at Ye Que as an idiot.

"The ancient gods have long since perished in the universe. Even if you use Nightmare, at least you have to pursue a sense of reality. Don't use the million ancient gods fabricated by Nightmare to insult our IQ!"

Bai Yu took a step back, intending to hand over the battlefield to many methods.

One of the tenth-order methods didn't take Ye Que seriously at all.

"I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for a long time, let me go to the starry sky for a walk!"

The tenth-order construction method came to the door, moved the whole body, and the bones creaked, and then looked down on Ye Que indifferently: "Ants! Get out of the way!"

Ye Que smiled: "I've never seen such a gift of heads."

He staggered a step and really stepped aside.

Then, millions of ancient gods all ignited golden flames, each of them held a weapon in his hand, and the bloodlines were all the same.

After all, the bloodlines of every ancient god are not unified.

As we all know, opening a bloodline is more difficult than obtaining a star pattern.

Most of them can only open one to three, and more than four are terrible evildoers.

People with seven bloodlines like Ye Que are another matter.

After all, hooking up is an exception.


The tenth-level method of creation walked out of the gate of good fortune, looked at the million ancient gods, and smiled teasingly.

"Wait for me to take a look too."

In the previous battles, Bai Yu worked very hard and won the satisfaction of the creation, so his status is not weak, so he flew out with the tenth-order method.

"It's so vivid, so lifelike, the nightmare of the ancient gods, so powerful! You can fabricate so many false ancient gods at will!"

Bai Yufei flew towards the million ancient gods, and he really rushed into the crowd.

This scene was so explosive, there was a sense of wanting to stick my head over there, and say, come on, my neck is so itchy, and I have a sense of sight to bleed me.

"Hey, even Gu Yuan is here. It's been a long time. It's a pity that you are just fabricated by Nightmare. Otherwise, I really want to kill you again!"

Bai Yu put on a half-smile, and ran around in the crowd, even meeting Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan stared at him with indifferent eyes, and said indifferently: "Yes, long time no see."

"You can still talk, Nightmare is amazing."

Bai Yu turned his head and sneered at Ye Que.

As for the other ancient gods, they were about to make a move, but before doing so, they all looked at Ancient God Ye.

Seeing many ancient gods in the tenth-level method, he looked at Ye Gushen, and immediately sneered, releasing the coercion of the tenth-level method.

However, his little coercion of creating the law is like a drizzle, and it can't make any waves at all.

For one reason only.

Among the millions of ancient gods, there are a lot of creations.

More or less bloodlines and star patterns do not mean strength or weakness.

Among the millions of ancient gods, the ancient gods with few bloodlines and star patterns, those who have reached the realm of creating dharma and creation, should be caught in a large number.

It's just that in terms of leapfrog ability, there are no ancient gods with multiple bloodlines and star patterns.

"They're all looking at you, and you haven't shown your true colors yet?"

Bai Yu hopped among the million ancient gods, and he was speaking to Ye Que, but he jumped to the very center of the million ancient gods.

"It's almost there, let's solve it as soon as possible! They just solved it smoothly, the important thing is the dark taboo!"

The old patriarch turned around and went to the deepest dark taboo.

Today, half of the dark taboo creatures in the entire universe have been wiped out, and the remaining half is in the cosmic sea.

He turned into Changhong and went to support him.

Bai Yu jumped into the depths of the million ancient gods, and when he heard that sentence, he was stunned: "Thirteen stars? Eleven stars? Wait, did this fly away on its own initiative?"

"if not?"

Gu Yuan turned around and looked at Bai Yu who jumped to the center of the million ancient gods.

"Is this the chief culprit who harmed the ancient gods?"

A creator-level ancient god in the deepest place asked.

"Probably yes, as ancient gods, these guys should be exterminated!"

There is also an ancient god who said indifferently.

"This God Realm is the homeland of the ancient gods in the universe. In other words, it is also our homeland in the future. If the God Realm is occupied, we must take it back!"

More and more ancient gods spoke out, and there were many voices discussing it, and it became more and more lively.

"You... are you real?"

Bai Yu gathered in the deepest part of the group, and when he heard the humming sound, he suddenly felt that these people were too real, as if they were all real people.

"Are you a fake?"

An ancient god grabbed Bai Yu's collar, and that powerful creation power suddenly suppressed him.

Bai Yu's complexion was instantly constipated, and his heart skipped a beat.

Oh huh~

This sudden scene caught him off guard.

Anyway... quite suddenly...

Ye Que turned his head to look at Bai Yu, and said calmly: "Looking at your unhappy appearance, is there something on your mind? Speak up and let everyone have a good time."

call out--

That arrogant Protoss tenth-order method, Sa Yazi ran to the door.

"Destroy them!"

Ye Que shouted angrily.

Rumble! ! !

Millions of ancient gods became a golden sea of ​​flames, burning the starry sky and brightening the universe.

They made a move.

At that moment, the world was shaken.


Bai Yu screamed in despair.

At this moment, he finally realized that these millions of ancient gods were not created by nightmares, they were all real! ! !

This stuff is so capable, jumping to the center, this f*ck is not necessarily a peak creation, it's a cow.

"Save what! You all have to die!"

Ye Que grabbed the tenth-order method with one hand, and smashed it on the door of good fortune.

"I just thought, this door should be very solid, hit it with your head, do you have any objection?"

Ye Que wanted to know how hard this door could be.

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The tenth-order method collapsed, and the brain was smashed with holes, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

How dare he have an opinion.

The point is that he didn't even have a chance to speak.

In three or two hits, it was smashed into a bear biscuit, and it spiraled into the sky on the spot, and it was cool for a moment.

"Help... Patriarch save me!"

Bai Yu peed in fright.

He was not instantly killed, because Gu Yuan wanted to kill him himself.

"You have no chance. Back then, you and all the powers in the God Realm harmed me. Today, I will kill you with my hands. Then watch the God Realm collapse. The past will end here!"

Gu Yuan held the law knife and walked towards Bai Yu.

His aura has soared to the level of creating a law.



The two great creations of the protoss, one of the third rank and the other of the fifth rank, were killed.

"A bunch of ants!"

That fifth-order creation is mighty and majestic, like an invincible god of war in the starry sky. He doesn't pay attention to millions of ancient gods. There is indifference, but also disgust and contempt in his eyes.

He has come, he has come to destroy the ancient gods.

That invincible demeanor made Bai Yu excited, and even arrogance appeared on his face.

Then the fifth-order creation was carried by God Ye Gushen, and smashed back to the God Realm with a bang, everyone was stunned.

"I have been renting the God Realm for so many years. It is reasonable for me to collect some rent. Anyone who thinks it is unreasonable should stand up and speak out. I am very talkative!"

This guy was tough, carrying a door panel bigger than him into the God Realm.

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