God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2152 Ninth Sky Mark

Chapter 2152 The Ninth Sky Mark

Jue Dian Tianshen was incompetent and furious, and finally left in embarrassment under the cold eyes of the hidden boss, like a defeated dog.

He went to another True God Realm.

But did not destroy the world at will.

In these fragile worlds, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, he got a memory after being slapped, and he didn't dare to mess around.

Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Oops, the Mystic Temple has been weakened since that battle, but there are still many giants surviving."

Having said that, his face was a little pale, and his body felt chilly.

He looked around, his eyes filled with fear, as if there were evil spirits trying to persecute him everywhere.

"These powerhouses are almost all hiding in various True God Realms, and my Celestial God Clan played the role of enemies of the Mysterious Temple in that battle..."

Having said that, he quickly restrained his breath, pretended to be a human, and carefully drilled into the universe in the Realm of God, peeking at the starry sky anxiously.

This small True God Realm made him feel the unprecedented fear of facing the unknown.

It is possible that in this world, there is a giant of a mysterious temple hidden.

It is also possible that there is a giant spirit treasure hidden.

Perhaps, they had discovered him a long time ago, and they were in the abyss, staring at him deeply.

At this moment, Jue Dian Tianshen recalled that day, the fear of the Tianshen family being dominated by the mysterious temple.


Li Ming, a native of Dongfang Longhuang.

He and his friends in the south defected to his friends in the north.

And the friend in the north took the two of them to find the friend in the west.

They traveled long distances, weathered wind and rain, and arrived at the Eighth God Realm in the West without any danger.

They thought they could be peaceful for a period of time, but before the stools were warmed up, terrible arrows struck and bombarded the Eighth God Realm in turn.

Although the bombing site was far away from them.

But the divine arrow was so powerful that it shook the ground where they were.

They were terrified, and the figure of a hot man appeared in their minds involuntarily.

"I just got the news that Ye Gushen did it, and the purpose was to kill the gods."

The friend from the west flew from outside the sky and said with a sullen face.

After listening to Brother Li, his body froze, his eyes became dull, and his slightly trembling lips showed that his mood was not stable.

Suddenly, he came back to his senses, as if his emotions had reached their peak, he suddenly burst out: "I have a grudge against you?"

Li Ming's friends in the south and the north roared in unison.

Western friends frowned when they saw this, and said in a deep voice: "The survivors of the Celestial Clan have started to hide in the west. If I don't expect, the ancient gods may make a big fuss in the West in order to kill the Celestial Clan." movement."

Brother Li's eyes turned red after hearing this.

Think he's a legend too.

The mere ruler ran from Longhuang in the east to Tianlu in the south. Before he could take a breath, he plunged headfirst into the north. It wasn't over yet. Now he came to the west again.

Even most Yuan Zun do not have this ability.

However, he still couldn't escape the hot man's attention.

"We can't stay in the west anymore. I have a friend in Longhuang in the East. Let's go to Longhuang. I heard that Longhuang is very peaceful now."

The western friend sighed and said helplessly.

He didn't know that Li Ming was from Longhuang.

Li Ming is just a friend of his friend's friend.

When Brother Li heard the word "Long Huang", his eyes went dark and he almost fainted.

Going around in the source of God Realm, and frankly back to the starting point.


The Nine Wastelands of the East.

One, Longhuang.

Empress Zhongyuan stands in the void, like a female emperor of heaven, flowing with eternal and indestructible divine power, as if from a myth, from a legend.

Those Yuanshen who wanted to see the super battle limit were amazed when they saw the woman who looked like a heavenly emperor.

But more, it's just bewilderment.

Such a god of war, why did he change his gender?

Could it be that Ye Gushen is a woman?

He's been disguised as a man all this time?

Oh no, Ice Empress is already walking with him, it shouldn't be a woman.

In the Nine Wastes, the news that the Ice Emperor and the Ancient God came together has already spread, but it has not spread in other places.

"The combat power has begun to decline."

Gu Yuexi felt that the strength of this body was declining rapidly.

"This is the strength of Chao Zhan's unlimited improvement. Even if the form is switched, this strength will still exist, but it will not last for long."

The long-legged beauty in red said lightly.

"The strongest ability of Empress Zhongyuan is to reflect the heavens and worlds and forcibly lock all enemies."

She said coldly again.

Once locked by the Empress of the End Yuan, no enemy can escape the lock of the divine arrow unless there is an eternal cover.

But the strength has to be greatly reduced, and it can't be like the super battle, the more you fight, the stronger you get.

Also at this time, Tianming, which had just recovered from the sky, once again condensed dark clouds, and even more muffled thunder reverberated across the sky and the earth.

Empress Zhongyuan sensed something, raised her head, and looked towards the sky.

Amidst the rumbling and thundering sound, half a trace of the sky descended upon the world.

"Here we come! That half-day mark has been drawn out!"

Ye Que exclaimed, and quickly switched forms, turning into a super war.

"No, Ye Gushen dealt with Jue Dian Tianshen, but he just drew out half of the sky marks, but he couldn't make up the sky marks!"

The long-legged beauty in red immediately gave feedback.

Sure enough, after the half of the sky mark was induced, it began to gradually dissipate because there was no follow-up effect.

Ye Que's pupils shrank slightly, he turned around abruptly, looked at Sirius who was still gnawing on the star sea worm, and shouted, "Come here."

The sound contained shock, which instantly woke up Sirius.

Sky Wolf stepped on the void, ran vigorously with all four limbs, and quickly approached Ye Que.

"Fight with me."

Chao Zhan scared Sirius to pee when he opened his mouth.

"If you can't win, you can't win."

Sirius started backing away with his tail between his legs.

Ye Que switched realms and returned to the dominator realm. Gu Yuexi had a tacit understanding with him, and also proclaimed his own realm to be the master.

At this moment, the Yuanshen level super war has become the master level super war.

"You try your best to defend, I want to attract the sky marks."

Seeing that the day mark was about to disappear, Chao Zhan rushed directly to Sirius without any explanation.


Sirius was stunned, dignified Yuanshen, how could he still attract Tianhen?

But he didn't think much of it.

Seeing that it was just a master-level super battle attack, he put away his fear.

He murmured: "Although I was forced into the game, I can't let it go. Now is the time for me to play a role in the overall situation!"

With a howl of a wolf, he rushed to the super-war of the master level, fighting each other in a defensive posture.

Another battle broke out.

Hitting and hitting, the half-day mark in the sky began to peck the world.

This half of the sky mark is still one-third short of being complete.

As long as Chao Zhan can seize this opportunity, there is a high chance that he can make up the sky mark.

But the good times didn't last long.

Beating and hitting, the sky mark that was slowly pecking the world stagnated again, gradually dissipating and leaving.

"It's hard to lead you out, how can I stop!"

He turned his head again, looked at the various parts of the Nine Desolations, and shouted to the sky: "Everyone, help me, let me fill up the remaining incomplete sky marks."

The voice reverberated across the Nine Desolate Lands and lingered for a long time.

However, no one responded to him.

Ye Que's face darkened, and he said coldly: "It seems that you don't want the quota for the Nine Desolation Wind and Cloud War!"

Rumble! ! !

A roar came from afar.

The source gods from all over the Nine Wastelands rushed over one after another.

"Ye Gushen, if you are able to participate in the battle, don't touch the quota, I will help you."

"As long as Ye Gushen doesn't move the Ancient Desolation quota, I will also help you."

All the major source gods talked at once.

"Why do I need so many quotas? Do I add to my troubles? Don't worry, as long as you help me make up the sky mark, I will naturally not move the rest of the quotas."

Ye Que said coldly.

At this point, another sentence was left: "Be careful when you start, if you destroy my body, you will bear the consequences."

He was worried about Gu Yuexi.

Now that Gu Yuexi has proclaimed himself to be the master of the realm, it is easy to be attacked by Yuanshen.

All the source gods swore to make a guarantee.

The Ancient God has one body and three forms, something everyone in Yuanshen circle knows.

No one dared to launch a sneak attack while the ancient god became the master, because it was useless.

Ye Que was worried, so he recalled the turtle form directly, and hung his natal stick on one side to deter those with ulterior motives.

As soon as this posture came out, the gods of Huangyuan adjusted their mentality, and a scuffle broke out with the mere super-war.

[Author's Digression]: And

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