In the open space, groups of people gathered here, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Don't bullshit me, I want this Bai Ze King Body!"

"You have already chosen an ancient butterfly king body, don't be shameless, we are six great caves, choose one from each cave!"

The elder of Xuandingdongtian, blowing his beard and staring, has the intention of rolling up his sleeves and fighting against Yuxiaodongtian.

"Here you are, look at your desperate efforts, we Yuxiaodongtian and Xuandingdongtian are both in the same place, don't hurt your peace."

The elder of Yuxiaodongtian curled his lips and said.

That arguing looks like an elder, like a bandit who divides the spoils.

"The king's physique is a rare physique in the human world, and his future achievements will at least be at the level of a great emperor. Therefore, these guys have been stimulated, and they will fight to the death."

There was a hint of complacency in Qilin's tone.

Ye Que thought to himself, his avatars are all rare king bodies, so my ancient god body, is it possible that I want to break through the sky?

"how about you?"

he asks.

"Uncle Qi Wangshu, the elders of our Yan's Dongtian are looking for you."

The girl who was teased by the unicorn before ran over with a blushing face.

The corner of Qilin's mouth curled up, he stretched out his hand, pointed to the sky and said, "Sister Shui'er, what do you think is that?"

Sister Shui'er looked up and said, "It's a cloud, a beautiful cloud."

"Sister Shui'er, how can you say they are beautiful in front of them?"

Qi Wangshu frowned.

Sister Shui'er was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

She groaned, her neck turned red, her eyes were filled with autumn water, and she whispered like a mosquito: "Uncle Wang Shu, I... I... Oh, I'm ignoring you."

Then he turned around and ran away.

It made the girls on the side feel admiration.

Ye Que was really speechless.

This guy is either flirting with girls, or on the way to flirting with girls.

Letting out a breath, he said: "It seems that you have entered Yan's cave."

"Qi Wangshu, come here quickly."

The elders of Yan's cave went to shout in person.

"Hey, who is this next to you?"

This elder's words attracted all the people from the cave force.

These guys, all of them [湖悠书] are king bodies.

Originally divided up, there were six of them, which happened to be divided equally.

Suddenly, a newcomer appeared, walking with Qi Wangshu of the Qilin King Body...

In the bottom of everyone's heart, there is a thought.

Most of this person is also a king body.

Must be fought over.

Everyone, like a beauty who sees naked, has hunger and thirst in their eyes.

Ye Que's body trembled.

"This is your friend, right? In this way, we still lack a seat for a core disciple in Yan's Cave, so let him be."

The elder of Yan's cave walked forward calmly.

In his mouth, the words of the core disciple were extremely flat.

But what fell on the ears of the following disciples was shocking.

Core disciples!

After that, they will be able to compete for the status of the successor of the cave!

Each of them is an extremely rare existence with a bright future!

Because of this, Dongtian's selection of core disciples is very strict.

without any exaggeration.

A core disciple needs to be selected from one hundred thousand disciples.

But when the elder met a stranger, he actually gave up his position as a core disciple.

This is too shocking, too childish.

But think about it.

In front of Wang Ti, even if he was an inheritance disciple, he couldn't compare to him, so what if he was given the status of a mere core disciple?

"It's just a core disciple, this little friend, come to my Suyue Cave, as long as you come, I will give you the status of inheritance disciple."

The elder of the Suyue Cave, with a beautiful appearance, opened his mouth like jade beads falling on a jade plate, jingling.

"I'm in Suyue Cave."

Di Xiwei said.

"I have no shortage of beauties in Jingyuedongtian. Once my little friend comes, I will pass on the identity of a disciple to you, and I will give you a martial arts weapon."

The elder of Jingyuedongtian is also a beauty, she opened her mouth unceremoniously.

"Ye Que."

Huang Youyao was beside this person, and there was hope in her eyes.

Obviously, she entered the Jingyue Cave.

"Suyue and Jingyue are both places for female cultivators. They are too yin and not suitable for this little friend Ye Que. Why not come to my real emptiness! The exercises I practice are all open and close, very It suits him!"

The real elder is a strong man with a steel tower, and he speaks in a low voice.

The one following him was actually Gu Long.

Gu Long is also a strong man with an iron tower, but he is also suitable for the real world.

For a while, the six great caves were facing each other, all fighting for each other.

"What does it mean to be too Yin Qi? He came to my Suyue Cave, and he can do double cultivation, and his strength will improve faster."

The elder of Suyue Cave said coldly.

"Exactly! I have a pure moon and a cave, and there is no shortage of beauties."

Jingyuedongtian was not too polite, and used sex. Lure.

The other caves cursed in a low voice.

Usually do not recruit male disciples, all of them are pure and pure.

Who would have thought that such shameless means would be used.

"Come to my Real Void Cave, I will give it to you as an inheritance disciple, and I will also give you a Martial Emperor-level weapon!"

The elder of the strong man in the iron tower gasped in surprise.

That's a Martial Emperor-level weapon.

In Dongtian, Emperor Wu is the strongest, followed by Emperor Wu.

The Martial Emperor's weapon is also a rare and rare weapon among the Dongtian forces.

"My Yan's cave is the same!"

"My Profound Cauldron Cave Heaven also has the same conditions!"

"The same is true for me, Yuxiaodongtian!"

The elders of other cave forces are not far behind.

The disciples who followed the elder all around were extremely envious.

Ye Que hesitated for a moment, glanced around, and finally, under the expectant eyes of everyone, said seriously: "The one with the highest price wins."


Qilin almost choked.

Damn, you can still play like this.

You are an ancient god, are you so worthless?

Especially Di Xiwei, holding her forehead and shaking her head.

This guy's thinking is indeed different from that of normal people, and he is always so shameless.

Huang Youyao covered her mouth and snickered.

Old Gods is pretty interesting.

The elders of the Six Great Caves were also taken aback for a moment, and then a strange look appeared on their faces.

This guy is really weird.

I don't know if recruiting this force will be a troublemaker.

But when I think of this person, most likely he is also Wang Ti, no matter what he is.

That's right.

As a result, the elders of the six great caves fought again.

This one will add weapons, that one will add skills, the other one will give you a beauty, and the other one will give you everything...

The froth flew all over the place, and it was almost a fight.

Ye Que watched with relish, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Where's Jin Duande?"

That's right, Jin Duande is also an ancient beast, and should also be a king body, why didn't you see them fighting for it?

Qilin coughed, pointed to the most dilapidated corner and said: "He has a toad body, and the king body on his body is covered by the toad attribute. The group of Dongtian elders don't want anyone, so they are self-closing there."

Ye Que laughed out loud.

Tell you to cheat people at ordinary times.

You are a broken German, you should be deflated.

"Don't talk about it, I will directly give him the emperor-level inheritance, three Martial Emperor-level weapons, and give him the identity of the first inheritance disciple!"

The elder of the Xuanding Cave Sky yelled with red eyes, shaking the hearts of the other elders of the Cave Sky.

To the emperor level inheritance?

That is the foundation of the power of the cave.

Not the direct inheritor, not the most trusted person, and it is absolutely impossible to pass it on easily.

Is Xuanding Dongtian crazy?

The elder of Xuanding Dongtian saw that no one was fighting for it, so he looked at Ye Que and said, "My Xuanding Dongtian means what I say, and I will say it in front of other caves today. As long as you join this power, all the conditions I mentioned before will be accepted." have."


Ye Que chose the one with the highest price.

He is in urgent need of resources now, and anyone who is willing to pay a high price for him will be willing to afford resources.

"Then come here, let me personally test what king body you are."

The elder of Xuandingdongtian suppressed his ecstasy and spoke calmly.

Immediately, the eyes of the other cave elders lit up.

The rest of the ancient gods and beasts were even more looking forward to the scene that would shock the audience when the ancient gods appeared.

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