God is Coming

Chapter 806 It's all a misunderstanding!

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The call of the frigate of the 4th Fleet echoed repeatedly in the public channel: "Please stop all activities immediately, seal up the military supplies, and wait for receipt. Now, this ship will start counting and recruiting assets, please cooperate! All blocking or sabotage operations, All will be charged with treason!"

While the frigate was broadcasting, it rushed straight to the blocking light-year destroyer. The commander of the destroyer was from the Federation, and he was not very clear about the dynasty's laws. When he couldn't get Chu Jungui's order for a while, he was forced to retreat, otherwise the two ships would collide.

In the command cabin of the frigate, the captain is a very young major with a cold face. Seeing the destroyer back away, he immediately sneered and said, "Forgive them for not daring to resist! I will seal everything that can be seen in a while, and the history of light years is up to today!"

The frigate accelerated towards planet 4. The captain still didn't feel very happy. Suddenly, he clicked on the command platform and fired several missiles at the light-year-old destroyer!

Captain Guangnian was startled and angry, and asked, "Why did you fire at our ship?"

"You were too slow to hide just now!" the major captain of the 4th Fleet said coldly.

"You..." Captain Light Year was too angry to speak, but he still restrained himself. The nature of firing on the 4th Fleet was different, and he didn't dare to make a decision without an order from above. And what if the frigate is sunk? The 4th Fleet will only send more starships.

The major of the frigate sneered, and said again: "The destroyer you are sitting on now belongs to our 4th Fleet. What does it matter to you if I hit my starship a few times?"

Several balls of flames lit up in the space, and the missiles launched by the frigate were extremely fast, and the light-year destroyer had no time to dodge, and was hit several times in a row. The incident happened suddenly, the destroyer didn't even have time to open the shield, and the secondary guns were also in a stopped state. As a result, several missiles were firmly hit, and a large piece of armor was blown off.

Looking at the deep hole on the hull, the captain of the frigate laughed loudly and said: "This is the end of neglect! I know you are not convinced, and you want to kill me. But if you don't accept it, you have to bear it, and I will Waiting for you to fire! Come on, fire, as long as you fire a cannon, I don't need to say what will happen to you!"

Inside the orbital station, Li Ruobai's face was ashen, staring at the major's distorted face on the screen. The girl didn't have such a good temper, she directly mobilized a few defensive guns on the orbital station, and was going to fire back a few shots when the frigate approached.

Li Ruobai pressed her hand and shook his head.

The girl was immediately dissatisfied, and said angrily: "He has bullied us all over our heads, I don't feel comfortable if I don't hit him a few times!"

Li Ruobai said: "This is a trap! This person is obviously cannon fodder, who provoked us to do it. As long as we do it, we will catch them. If my guess is right, I am afraid there is someone hiding not far away. shooting scene."

"Is it just for them to be transferred? As long as they are recruited, they will never get it back." The girl said.

Li Ruobai smiled wryly, and said, "Of course I know, let's think of a way..."

Li Xinyi said coldly: "Is it still useful to think of a way now? If you want me to tell you to sink it, you can just say that I did everything afterwards!"

Li Ruobai was even more helpless, and said: "You are putting Tianyu's Li family on the opposite side of Xu Bingyan, Uncle Youran will most likely not agree."

Li Xinyi said angrily: "They insist on standing on the opposite side of us!"

Li Ruobai knew it, but he couldn't do anything right now.

At this moment, Chu Jungui pointed at the star map and said, "I found the guy who hid."

A starship appeared on the star map. After zooming in, it can be seen that it is a high-speed destroyer. The surface has been made invisible, and the main engine is turned off to lie in ambush, recording every move of the Lightyear Corps.

With a thought of Chu Jungui, the four light-year destroyers had already outflanked the hidden destroyer. The destroyer knew that it had been exposed, so it immediately revealed its identity and said on the public channel: "I am Yue Youde, Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Fleet. I am responsible for the preliminary inventory and material storage of this certification investigation. Please give it..."

Before he finished speaking, he was overwhelmed by harsh sirens, several high-energy beams slammed on the ship, and the main engine was instantly damaged.

Yue Youde was taken aback, and exclaimed: "What are you going to do? We are..."

This time his words were drowned out by the sound of explosions again. An attitude engine exploded under the continuous bombardment of the main gun, causing the destroyer to roll several times.

Under the continuous attack of the four light-year destroyers, the destroyer was soon covered with bruises. It could only parry, but had no power to fight back. The power was also declining rapidly, and it was impossible to escape.

Chu Jungui's voice sounded on the public channel at this time: "Surrender immediately, or sink."

The major of the frigate shouted: "Chu Jungui! You know that we are members of the 4th Fleet and dare to attack, you are courting death!!"

Chu Jun said calmly: "Do you think I will care about your identities?"

The major was silent now, his frigate was being heavily bombarded by the destroyer. Although the destroyer was hit by a few missiles, it didn't affect its combat power at all, and it exploded the frigate's shield in a blink of an eye. Another light-year destroyer also rushed over, attacking from both sides.

The battleships of Light Years have always been known for their ferocious firepower, and the two starships of the 4th Fleet quickly failed to support them and had to send out a signal to surrender.

After a while, Chu Jungui's flagship approached the battlefield, Yue Youde and the major were transferred to the flagship, and all the crew members were put on a transport ship, and the soldiers from Light Years were taking over the starships of the 4th Fleet.

As soon as Yue Youde saw Chu Junhui, he smiled and said repeatedly: "General Chu, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! We are also following orders, so there is no need to make it so violent, right? If you are dissatisfied with the recruitment, we will Just go back and take your words to General Su."

The major had a vicious expression on his face, and gritted his teeth: "Chu Jungui! You are dead! If you dare to open fire on us, I think you @#¥ want to get a shot!"

The dynasty still has the death penalty, but the current death penalty is injection of neurotoxin, which takes effect in 30 seconds, quickly and painlessly.

Yue Youde kept winking, but the major just turned a blind eye. This young man possessed a ruthless vigor that was not afraid of death, and he seemed eager to bite Chu Jungui a few times.

Chu Jungui ignored the major and just pointed out the porthole. Yue Youde looked outside, and saw that the light-year fighters on the destroyer and frigate had withdrawn, and the two light-year destroyers were pushing the empty ship of the 4th Fleet to the No. 4 planet. After flying for a while, the light-year destroyer separated from the 4th Fleet starship.

Under the action of inertia and gravity, the two airships gradually accelerated and fell towards the storm clouds.

Yue Youde's face suddenly turned pale.

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