God is Coming

Chapter 809

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As soon as the transport ship landed, a person rushed over. It's a bit of a stretch to say it's galloping, because it doesn't have calves at all, and the calves are covered with black mist, turning into the appearance of two wheels, and the speed is very fast.

Chu Jungui looked seriously at the wise man in front of him.

Most of the wise men have now turned into humans, and the part above the knee is exactly the same as a real human being, and there is no difference at all. Only Chu Jungui, who looks at people in multiple spectra, can see that wise men have no skin, no hair and eyebrows at all, and they are all mimicked by the same kind of cells.

The wise man is more than 2 meters tall, but that is mostly due to the two large wheels under his knees. The wise man's face is strictly androgynous, and he has half-length hair that reaches his shoulders. Putting aside preconceived ideas, I have to say that the wise man's appearance is quite attractive, and his beauty is crisp and neat without compromise. It is not the kind of beauty that I feel sorry for, but the danger in the coldness, and the beauty that is 70% quiet under the 30% wildness.

The style of the wise man is completely different from that of Kai Tian. When Kai Tian transformed into a human form, he looked like a human being in the 14th or 15th year. There is a huge difference in size from the wise man. This is due to the huge difference in the number of somatic cells between the two. A wise man can pile up a large-sized human being, while Kai Tian can only follow the route of a young man, and if it is bigger, it will have to be blurred.

There are also obvious differences in the appearance of the two. Although they are both neutral and beautiful, the wise man is more inclined to have a somewhat evil feeling, mixed with some mechanical beauty, the recognition is extremely high, and it is unforgettable at first glance. And Kaitian is much more normal, with a softness and subtlety in neutrality, if you don't distinguish carefully, you can't tell that it is not human at all. However, Kai Tian's appearance is very good-looking, the more he looks at it, the more he will feel that there are no shortcomings.

Just looking at them, Chu Jungui always felt that something was wrong. The human appearance of these two guys was more or less similar to Chu Jungui. Although they have been carefully concealed, but the test subject's eyes are so vicious, the similarity has been clearly calculated.

If it was the previous test subject, he would have ordered the two daring guys to shave their faces. But now Chu Jungui's political components are quite mature, and he himself has subtly changed his way of doing things unknowingly. So Chu Jungui just pretended not to know their tricks.

In fact, Kaitian is very clear about Chu Jungui's thoughts, but its excuse is that the aesthetic principles of higher beings are similar, so we can't let it go to the wrong level of cultivation, right? Doesn't that make you sick of yourself? As a great and infinitely capable Wu Clan, Kai Tian also has a mental cleanliness.

Seeing Chu Jungui, the wise man put his hands on his chest and bowed deeply, not knowing which period of human beings this is the etiquette.

"Great and wise master, I have made considerable progress during your busy time away. Please let me show you what we have achieved so far. First, let's take a look at the scenery."

Beside him, Kai Tian muttered in a low voice: "How shameless! This is flattering."

The wise man turned his head, looked at Kai Tian with a pair of silver eyes, and said blankly: "My dear fellow, jealousy will prescribe your IQ. Your most urgent problem at the moment is to develop quickly, not to question me. Compliments to the master. Oh, the word praise is not used properly, it should be said to be a pertinent evaluation."

This provocation was unbearable to Kaitian, it jumped up immediately, and said angrily: "What do you mean hurry up and develop? Is my development not as good as yours? Even if the number of cells is a little less, it is because I followed my master every day to conquer the north and the north." The result of a bloody battle! What are you proud of, a logistician?"

The wise man glanced at Kai Tian from top to bottom, and still said in a mechanically flat tone: "Words can't change reality, and the Wu Clan has their own unchanging standards. The so-called one point is less, and if it goes further, it will be a multiple difference. At that time, my address to you will become my dear descendant..."

"The word descendant is not used in this way! It can be seen that you only have a long body but no brains. You are really a typical big body but no brains!"

The wise man is very calm: "We are all tracing back to the great place of origin, and the sequence and title are all imprinted in the genes. When you fall too far behind in the tracing process, you will become my descendant. What, you Is it an attempt to deny the order in our genes?"

Kaitian's momentum suddenly weakened a little, "I didn't mean that. I just wanted to say, um, that, there is no need to let the master know about the small things inside our Wuzu. The master is already busy enough."

The wise man won the game, but it was not too difficult. He said to Chu Jungui, "Now we can see the scenery."

Chu Jungui is also very interested in looking at the scenery, although there is no scenery at all on planet 4. Everyone boarded an ark and drove out of the new base. Outside the base is a road with a width of tens of meters. Although the road surface is not very smooth, the ups and downs are completely negligible for the ark.

After driving a few kilometers, the ark climbed up a steep slope and stopped here. The wise man pointed forward and said, "This is the scenery."

Chu Jungui saw a vast expanse, and the ground was extremely flat, with all the exposed soil and rocks, and the vegetation had long since disappeared. This square looks like a square kilometer, not like a natural terrain.

But Chu Jungui remembered that this place was supposed to be a hillside, which was almost the same as when he came up. He looked further into the distance. Although the visibility of Planet 4 was not high, he could vaguely see a cliff several hundred meters high at the end of the flat ground. The surface of the cliff is extremely smooth, perpendicular to the ground, and the angle is so accurate that it cannot be generated naturally.

Connecting the top of the cliff with the ramp that came up may be the original landform of this area.

Such a big piece of mountain was cut off?

The wise man said: "As you can see, in this short period of time, our new engineering beasts have completely changed the landscape of this area. The entire mountain has become raw materials, and a small part of it has become We have basic metals, building materials, and even starship parts. Our number of engineering beasts is not very large, and when the finalization is completed, their number will explode, and we will truly realize the dream of modifying planets."

"Where is the new engineering beast, call it out and have a look." Chu Jungui was also very interested. Such a large amount of work was accomplished in less than a month.

The wise man sent out a signal, and several small black dots rushed out of the mist, rushed in front of Chu Jungui at a high speed of hundreds of kilometers, and stopped immediately.

Looking at these new engineering beasts, Chu Jungui was very surprised, not because they were big, but because they were so small.

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