God is Coming

Chapter 832 Everything Is So Beautiful

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The current test body is no longer the previous test body. With the continuous growth of the three major components in internal and external battles, the test body has gradually formed an efficient and direct work style, and can also take into account the mid-term effect. As for the long-term, there will be too many variables to calculate, so it is the category of metaphysics.

The priority of captives does not exist here in Chu Jungui, at least it does not exist at the moment. The more heroic and resolute Hauge is, the more troublesome it will be for Chu Jungui. Among other things, if the highest official refuses to follow, the people below will naturally have an example.

The reason why unyielding and unyielding is a commendatory term is because it can only be used on one's own people. If the same trait is placed on the enemy, it is called stubbornness.

People are needed everywhere, how can Mr. Chu have time to spend with these stubborn guys? So all rules and principles were thrown aside, as long as the new captives can be guaranteed to be used by me, Chu Jungui will not mind the means.

Wise Man, Kai Tian, ​​and Wilson knew exactly what Chu Jungui wanted, so they had a private meeting, and the main ones who provided ideas were Wise Man and Kai Tian.

The wise man said: "Inferior beings like human beings seem to attach great importance to something called face..."

Kai Tiandao: "It seems that it can be removed. The higher the status, the more they value face, even more than their own lives..."

Having said that, the two guys looked at Wilson in unison. Wilson subconsciously felt offended, snorted, and said, "That's honor and dignity, not face."

"Essentially there is no difference."

Wilson was helpless, and said: "You are right to say that, Hauge should value decency and dignity."

After all, Kai Tian had a better understanding of human beings, and immediately said: "Then we will make Hauge completely lose face and dignity. Without these things, his status in the hearts of the soldiers will be gone, and his words will be worthless." Someone will listen."

The wise man agreed, and Wilson had no choice but to say: "Remind me, if you do this, I'm afraid Hauge would rather die than surrender."

"It's a good deal to exchange him for more fighters. Anyway, in the work of moving building materials, anyone is better than him."

Hauge was of course not used to move bricks, but Wilson knew that he couldn't reason with the wise man and Kai Tian, ​​so he kept silent. After the meeting, Zhi Zhi and Kai Tian went to the cell where Hauge was held. Half an hour later, Hauge was removed from the single cell and locked up with the soldiers.

The soldiers lived in standard cells of 0.5 square meters per capita, and they were not allowed to wear clothes as usual. Hauge was transferred to the innermost and largest cell, so countless soldiers along the way saw the supreme officer with bruised nose, swollen face and swollen eyes, but no scars on his fair body.

Seen by countless subordinates like this, Hauge wanted to die, but it is impossible to commit suicide in the hands of Guangnian. The wise man casually released a lowest-level avatar and controlled most of Hauge's body functions. Aside from the bruises on his face, Hauge is actually in much better health than he was in the past.

The next day, Chu Jungui asked someone to explain the situation on the planet to the captives. In addition, the environment in the cell was too mentally traumatic, so a large number of soldiers chose to surrender. The vast majority of the rest chose to cooperate, that is, they can work for Light Years, but they will not go to the battlefield. Chu Jungui promised to record it no matter whether he was fighting or working, and it would be used to deduct the ransom in the future.

The ransom standard set by Mr. Chu is very high, but the deductions for work and fighting are also high. Basically, after working for two years, you can completely regain your freedom.

Of course, things are not that simple. For example, even if the veterans in Light Year are released, they will not return to the Federation. They have long been blacklisted in the Federation, and they will face charges of treason as soon as they go back. After the new captives worked for Light Year, they were more or less left behind.

In the end, except for more than 1,000 die-hard guys, the rest chose to surrender and cooperate. There are 20,000 people who choose to cooperate, and more than 10,000 people who are willing to fight. The wounded have to wait for their injuries to recover before making a decision.

With 20,000 more workers, the happiest thing is not Chu Jungui but the wise man, who can finally grow his body for a few days. Out of long-term considerations, before all the new workers are arranged, Chu Jungui feels that it is necessary to make the wise man fatter.

All the new workers were brought between Base No. 2 and the new base, where Chu Jungui built a brand new dock to assemble starships directly on the ground, and then send them to space by large transport ships. Shipbuilding on the ground is naturally inferior to the orbital base, and the speed is slow, and it cannot build too large a starship, but at least it can guarantee a steady supply of destroyers.

Chu Jungui selected more than a hundred scientists and engineers with starship research and development capabilities from the landing corps, which was a windfall. The Federation's Planetary Marine Corps has very high requirements for comprehensive capabilities. When necessary, it can survive for more than a year on a planet that is not suitable for human survival, and during this time, it can create a starship to evacuate.

Therefore, a planetary marine division is equivalent to a space immigration force armed to the teeth, and there will be some talents of all kinds in it. It's just that all the materials, equipment and talents are now cheaper than Chu Jungui.

There are now more than 10,000 research nodes in light years, large and small, and many technologies are familiar to these experts, so a dozen small research and development tasks can be solved in one day. For this group of experts, Chu Jungui naturally provides the best living and research environment.

In addition, there are more than 1,000 ordinary engineers and dozens of senior engineers, who can not only advance the progress of starship construction, but also improve the process.

In the end, there are more than 10,000 fighters who are willing to fight. For these people, Chu Jungui is the most troublesome. Before they have passed enough tests, they cannot be exposed to the most core secrets of Light Years. Chu Jungui temporarily mixed the surrendered soldiers and light-year veterans to drive the captured federal tanks, but most of them were used as workers for the time being. After all, there are not enough people for starship construction.

Chu Jungui is busy here, and the production capacity is blowing out. Before the supplies of the Marine Corps are exhausted, a new shrinking destroyer can be enlisted every 5 days.

Gemini has ushered in a new day, and the Light Year Building is still as lively as ever. There are a large number of small companies here. Work.

When Evans walked into the light years, he felt that life was also very good. Everyone he saw along the way greeted him with the most sincere smile, and at this time, the etiquette that was strictly trained since childhood came into full play. . All in all, everything was fine until he got into the office.

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