God is Coming

Chapter 834 New CEO

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On the second day, the floor where the management team of Light Year was located was unexpectedly empty, which finally made people realize that something was wrong. But for ordinary employees, in terms of importance, the first is salary, the second is the office environment...the last is the turn of these managers, and they are not as important as their dogs.

In a closed conference room, Sino, Clarkson, and Evelyn sat opposite each other, each with a sad face. Now that no outsiders are present, no one needs to pretend.

Evelyn first said: "I contacted several familiar intelligence dealers, but when they heard that it was a matter of light years, they not only refused to answer, but directly blocked me! These guys are not loyal! Fortunately, there are still So many years of cooperation!"

Clarkson sighed, and said: "I heard from my former colleagues that this time it was the Federation's move to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Light Year. Once this kind of investigation is launched, I am afraid that there will be no results in a short time, and it is usually Those who investigate are not going to end well."

"What's the reason for the investigation?" Evelyn asked.

Clarkson glanced at Sino and said, "I heard it's about a star bandit organization, you can ask him."

"The star thief is under the control of Evans. I am only in charge of the Louis family fleet now. I don't know if you ask me. The point is, what should we do now?"

Clarkson has more experience, and said: "First of all, we need to set up a temporary committee to maintain the company's daily operations, and then check the current business to see what problems will arise due to the temporary absence of executives, and solve them in a timely manner. Third It is to ensure the necessary expenses, but to compress business expenses, reduce costs, and extend the maintenance period. I don’t know how much the company’s cash reserves are, but it is always right to reduce costs in turbulent times.”

He added another sentence, saying: "The most important thing is to find a way to get the chairman back."

Evelyn looked sad, where could she find Chu Jungui? Sino roughly guessed that Chu Jungui might be on planet 4, but it was a war zone, how could he find someone?

At this time, the door of the meeting room opened, and Hathaway appeared at the door. She walked to the side of Xinuo who was in the main seat, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Rang Rang."

Sino subconsciously gave up his seat and sat aside. Then he realized that his dignity had been violated, and said, "Why should I abdicate? My inheritance sequence is not much lower than yours now! It's only 5 places lower!"

The little princess smiled slightly and said, "You should put it another way. The person with the highest sequence in this world is only 7 places higher than you. Besides, I am 6 places higher than you."

Sino stood up subconsciously, with a shocked expression on his face: "You, have you been promoted again?"

"The Council of Presbyterians just passed it."

Now Sino did not speak. The second heir of the Winton family, his strength and status are not comparable to him. There is no comparison between the top 10 and the second book. He sat down resentfully, and murmured: "You didn't do anything, why did you get promoted again?"

Hathaway said: "I readjusted the organization structure of the pirate flag I belonged to, formulated a five-year improvement plan for the starship, and completed the first step of transformation; reorganized the planetary marines, updated the equipment, updated the tactics, And it has been expanded. In the past month, I have probably done this.”

Xinuo was shocked. This is a completely new transformation. Others may not be able to do it well in a few years, but it took the little princess a month to get it done?

However, wanting to save face is an unchanging characteristic of Sino, he muttered: "I will change it indiscriminately, isn't it just changing! Change whatever you see!"

"After the preliminary adaptation of the fleet was completed, I drove out for a circle, and happened to encounter a fleet of the S-class Star Thieves Skull and Bones, and it was wiped out. By the way, this fleet of the Skull and Bones just wiped out the Sigwell Chamber of Commerce The escort fleet is the one that drove you away."

Sino immediately stopped talking, and if he continued speaking, he might not be able to find out anything.

The little princess cleaned up Sino, and then looked at Clarkson and Evelyn. Clarkson was very sensible, and immediately bowed his head slightly to express his submission. He is just a professional manager, and he is not at the same level as the core second generation of top giants like Hathaway. Only Evelyn was fearless and puffed out her chest vigorously.

Hathaway carefully outlined Evelyn's face with her eyes, but nodded slightly, noncommittal.

Evelyn was suddenly a little discouraged. This was obviously a competition of wisdom and strength, but she could only rely on her chest.

Hathaway took out a document and said, "From today onwards, I will temporarily serve as the president of Light Year. Your name is Evelyn, right? Be my assistant temporarily, and go through the various formalities of the inauguration and the transfer of authority." .”

Evelyn wanted to question it, but she refused to say it.

The little princess then said to Sino: "The funding for the Louis family fleet should have come down this year, you go and place an order for three destroyers, all purchased from Light Year."

Sino was startled, and said, "But... isn't our starship still on the poster?"

"The starship will come out of the pirate flag, and light years will turn around."

Sino nodded, this is no problem. Although Sino handles things more casually, he is still very serious about purchasing starships. After all, starships are not just for display, they are really going to be pulled out to fight. Even for light years, you can't buy a bad ship at will.

Hathaway took out another contract and handed it to Clarkson, saying: "I am going to purchase 1 million tons of synthetic food raw materials from Forest Foods. In exchange, I need their order for armed transport ships."

Clarkson said: "I still have a lot of acquaintances there, and I can get at least five orders!"

"Very good." Hathaway stood up. Seeing that she was about to leave, Sino quickly asked, "Wait, we don't seem to have the ability to build transport ships."

"It will be available soon." Heather tidied up the files and was about to leave.

Evelyn said: "President...President, what about your office?"

The little princess let out an ah, and said, "I almost forgot, let Mr. Chu return to that room first, and take me there."

"Yes, but...if the chairman returns..."

"Let him add a floor to the roof, or go to the basement."

A moment later, as the door to Mr. Chu's office slowly opened, the little princess's mouth gradually opened into an O shape. Hathaway, who was used to the crowded environment of the pirate flag headquarters, had never thought about that magnificent space.

"This guy..." The little princess gritted her teeth, strode to Chu Jungui's position, threw herself into the chair, turned around, and then looked at the scenery outside the window.

At this moment, Evelyn already knew Hathaway's identity, fully entered the role, and asked, "How do you plan to arrange your next itinerary?"

The little princess said: "Prepare the car and go to Xinggang. I'm going to visit some important shareholders."

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