God is Coming

Chapter 857 For what

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Chu Jungui stood on the top of the mountain, watching a huge metal pillar slowly erected. This huge pillar with a length of one thousand meters and a diameter of five meters was erected on a small mountain peak with an altitude of one thousand meters. It was already close to the storm clouds. Changes in the weather will allow it to insert directly into the storm clouds.

A small base has been built on the place where the long metal poles were erected. Surrounding the base of the giant column is a circle of energy storage cabinets, the number of which exceeds a thousand. Between the inner and outer rings of energy storage cabinets, several Thousands of double-leaf trees, from a distance, it is a ring-shaped forest.

The giant pillar finally stood up, and then the base was closed. After the last self-check, Chu Jungui nodded, and a slight beep sounded from the base. The giant pillar rose slowly, and then stood up for more than ten meters before stopping.

Above the giant pillar, the storm clouds were uncharacteristically calm. After a long time, a thin bolt of lightning shot down and carefully struck the top of the giant pillar.

This thin thunderbolt also wrapped the entire body of the giant column with electric fire, and then a large number of streamer electric fire rushed into the base, scattered along dozens of huge pipe cables half a meter thick, and poured into the surrounding energy storage cabinets. The energy storage cabinets in the first row were fully lit in an instant, and then the double-leaf trees in the back stood tall and straight in an instant, with their leaves fully opened, and began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. And the energy storage cabinets in the back row also started to light up, but the brightness was a bit dimmer, only half of the full brightness.

Chu Jungui raised his hand and pressed down, and the giant column dropped another 10 meters. A moment later, another thin bolt of lightning shot down, and all the energy storage cabinets were full.

After the energy storage cabinets were full, the giant column began to descend for several hundred meters, and there was no more lightning falling from the storm clouds. At this time, a large number of working beasts stepped forward, removed the fully loaded energy storage cabinets one by one, and replaced them with new ones.

Now that the data has been gathered to Chu Jungui, just such an energy supply base is equivalent to 100 power furnaces running at full power non-stop. Moreover, this is just a test base, and the number of energy storage cabinets is only one-tenth of the planned plan. If it is really running at full power, just one energy supply base can support the energy demand of a city with a population of one million.

Taking energy directly from the storm clouds is indeed much more powerful than the indirect way of using energy like a power furnace. But this is also because the behemoth that returned to the storm clouds is taking care of it in secret. Otherwise, if it directly penetrates into the storm clouds, let alone a metal pillar with a diameter of 5 meters, it can be melted in an instant, and all the man-made buildings on the ground will be restored by the way. .

The giant column went up and down, and after going back and forth several times, it finally determined the appropriate height, and it was fixed there. Every 10 to 15 minutes, a bolt of lightning strikes through the storm clouds. And the working beasts began to transplant more Futaba trees outside the second circle of energy storage cabinets. These double-leaf trees absorb energy through energy cables, and their growth rate is dozens of times that of normal conditions. Generally, it takes only ten days to harvest and refine Le Mans grains.

When the base is fully completed, there will be four circles of energy storage cabinets inside and outside, and more than one million Futaba trees will be planted, and this is just a base.

Although energy has always been Chu Jungui's fundamental advantage, but the sudden expansion to such a large size made Chu Jungui a little uncomfortable. A base is nothing, but with the current production capacity of Light Years, an energy supply base can be built in a few days. If there are more such bases, the energy will be so much that it can't even be used up for refining soil.

For a while, even Chu Jungui didn't know how to squander this energy. There are only so many ways to consume energy for the time being. This is like no matter how much a person eats and drinks, it is absolutely impossible to eat hundreds of millions.

The newly added energy did not fundamentally change the situation of the battle, because the enemies he faced were simply too powerful. After these few days of fighting, Chu Jungui found that there were a few more numbers of the Marine Corps on the opposite side, and many of the equipment had been equipped with pendants that were more suitable for the environment of planet 4.

Judging from the number of troops alone, the number of marine troops that the Federation has invested in the planet has reached 300,000, and it is not ruled out that it will continue to increase. As for equipment modification, it was expected.

In the days of William's young generals, the main enemy they faced was the beast horde. At that time, the Federation did not have the motivation to develop equipment for this planet, and it was even more uneconomical economically. That's why the federal troops were defeated again and again in front of Chu Jungui, who had developed a series of localized equipment.

But now that the Federation has invested hundreds of thousands of ground troops, and even has an entire fleet stationed in outer space, it will naturally develop special equipment for planet 4. With the development and use of batches of specialized equipment, it is conceivable that Chu Jungui's equipment advantages will shrink rapidly, and the battle will become more and more difficult to fight.

Fortunately, brother Dao is fat enough, he eats a lot and grows fast, and he can cut it for a long time.

Chu Jungui did not stay to see the end of the energy supply base, and returned to the temporary base. More than a dozen arks formed a circle, and in the center was the deployed federal landing ship. This is now Light Year's temporary base. Except for the three arks used as fire support, the rest have been fully functionalized and turned into mobile factories. Fortunately, a large number of federal landing ships were seized, which gave Chu Jungui enough carrying capacity to transport most of the equipment and supplies from the front base.

Now it only takes half a day for this temporary base to re-enter the mobile mode, and then transfer in the all-terrain mode at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

On one of the arks, there is also a complete set of war beast breeding equipment, which is the kind of equipment that Brother Dao used at the beginning. This was another gift from the big guy in the storm clouds to Chu Jungui. It's just that compared to directly absorbing energy from the storm clouds, the significance of this gift is actually very limited.

Now human beings have actually developed to a very high level in life science and technology. For example, the training equipment used by Chu Jungui to manufacture working beasts is not much less efficient than the training equipment for war beasts, and because he has fully grasped the principle, it can still Keep improving, and scale up at will. So the equipment that Brother Dao used at the beginning is actually useless, but it is another system and principle, which has great reference value. If it is in a dynasty or a federation, it must be a treasure, because it is an important prop for studying the ideas of another civilization. But now Chu Jungui has to win the human civil war first, and the alien races are too far away.

Chu Jungui's thoughts returned to the war itself, and it began to spread. The war has been fought so far, it can be said that the original intention has been achieved, which is equivalent to dragging the two and a half first-line legions of the Federation to this small planet. Now that there is Xianyi, Chu Jungui feels that he needs to think about a problem, a problem that he has been reluctant to think about.

Why fight a war, and what does he want to get out of it.

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