God is Coming

Chapter 868 I'm Already Driving Slowly

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Chu Jungui stretched out his hand, waved his knife, and cut off half of his little finger. The wound bleeds only half a drop, then stops bleeding and begins to grow, and it looks like a full pinky finger will grow in a few hours. He looked at the half amputated finger that fell on the test plate, and tried to connect his consciousness with the little finger, but there was no result.

The amputated limb was unresponsive, as it always had been. Chu Jungui took a test tube, and sprinkled some black mist from it, spraying it on the wound and the severed finger respectively.

At this time, Chu Jungui suddenly had a wonderful feeling, his consciousness seemed to have an invisible bridge, and he was once again connected to the flesh and blood of the severed finger. The flesh and blood of the severed finger began to grow immediately, and it acted according to Chu Jungui's will, and new body tissues continued to appear on it. Chu Jungui poured in some more nutrient solution, so the growth rate of flesh and blood accelerated again, and it didn't take long for it to become a ball of nerve tissue the size of a walnut.

This small neurosphere is equivalent to a node through which more body tissues can be controlled, but it has no self-awareness, nor can it think for itself, and must accept the instructions given by Chu Jun.

Chu Jungui took a few steps back to widen the distance, and the connection with the consciousness node did not weaken in the slightest. According to the data of the wise man and Kaitian, the perception distance can reach hundreds of kilometers.

Chu Jungui handed over the neural node to the scientist next to him, and he would implant the neural node into a war beast specially used to control the mecha, so that Chu Jungui could control two mechas at the same time, and so on.

It's just that if you want to operate multiple devices through the neural node, you must have the link of Wuzu. This time, it was the body that Kaitian volunteered to provide. In its words, "Brother Dao's fast-growing raw meat is not worthy of the boss?"

The next experiment will take a few days, waiting for the beasts to mature. Mr. Chu returned from the laboratory and returned to the command cabin, and saw that the map automatically switched to a new area, and three fighters rushed out of the storm clouds like meteors, with thick smoke billowing from their engines.

They rushed towards the ground at close to full speed, but they tried their best to level off the moment they rushed out of the storm clouds, and then fired missiles one after another when they were about to hit the ground. The shock wave of the violent explosion sent the fighter planes flying horizontally, but avoided the direct impact on the ground. Destiny, the instant reaction shows the unparalleled skill of the fighter pilot.

The three fighter planes scattered in a fan shape and rushed to the ground, plowing out three long scorched marks and parts on the ground. Fortunately, the body structure is strong enough, and it did not fall apart completely.

The cockpit of the fighter plane clicked, and a section popped up, then the hatch opened, and the pilots climbed out one by one.

Lin Xi got out of the cockpit, which doubles as a rescue cabin, and jumped to the ground. After many days, she finally returned to this familiar place again, although the feeling this time was slightly different from the last time.

At this time, on the map in front of Chu Jungui, a phantom of a huge monster appeared, and it said a little puzzled: "I have already restricted the movement of the storm clouds, so they can just fly in, there is no need to make it so violent." ?"

At this moment, Li Xinyi also climbed out of the cockpit, and tore off the miniature brain in the cockpit by the way. She opened the planetary map, quickly determined her position, and said to Lin Xi with a bitter face, "We are now 5,000 kilometers away from Base No. 2, what should we do?"

Lin Xi glanced at the wreckage of the fighter plane and said, "Build a car?"

Li Xinyi nodded, pulled out a set of tools from the cockpit, and waved to the wreckage of the third fighter plane in the distance: "Come and work!"

A man crawled out of the third cockpit. When he landed, his feet were a little unsteady. Hearing Li Xinyi's call, he moved his body a bit to make sure there were no serious injuries, and then limped over. It was Li Xuancheng.

Li Xinyi looked at him, took back the hand that was handing the tool, frowned and said, "Why are you still injured?"

Li Xuancheng was startled, looking at the two women standing there as if nothing had happened, he didn't know what to say for a while. Such a violent landing, leveled off by the explosion, the momentary impact was almost the same as being hit by a heavy truck at full speed. He only injured a leg, and the bones were not broken, and he felt that his body was already quite strong. But that's all for Lin Xi, why is Li Xinyi, who should have an ordinary physique in my impression, okay?

Lin Xi patted him on the shoulder and said, "You check yourself first, and give first aid. We are here."

"I..." Li Xuancheng didn't know what to say, and saw Li Xinyi and Lin Xi grabbing a gap in the wreckage of the fighter plane, and with their strength, they actually tore the body apart with their bare hands! Li Xinyi reached in and touched it, and then pulled out a engine that was still in good condition. This engine weighing hundreds of kilograms is as light as a piece of paper in her hands.

Lin Xi tore off a large structural panel, then tore the steel with his bare hands into small pieces of similar size, and threw it aside for material preparation.

Li Xuancheng was dumbfounded, and looking at himself, he always felt that his muscles seemed to be fake.

The two girls didn't need any tools anymore, and with four claws flying, they dismantled one fighter plane with a crackling sound, then dismantled another fighter plane, and then dismantled the last fighter plane.

During the whole process, Li Xuancheng could only sit on the side, waiting for the progress bar of first aid to slowly move to the end.

At this time, the two girls had already moved the materials together, and then began to assemble the all-terrain off-road vehicle in front of the hill-like pile of materials. Machine installation is Li Xinyi's forte. The girl is quick at handling, and Lin Xi is quick at delivery. In this way, a self-made version of the all-terrain off-road vehicle was quickly formed at a speed comparable to printing.

Li Xuancheng was still waiting for the progress bar of the first aid.

The three of them sat in the all-terrain vehicle. Since it used the attitude engine of a fighter plane, the performance of this all-terrain vehicle was quite wild. It started with a catapult, breathed hundreds of times, and even jumped over small rivers and ditches. Fly toward the distance.

Li Xuancheng was shaken to the point where he was in a mess, and he still had to wait for the progress bar of the first aid.

While speeding, Li Xinyi turned her head while driving, and said, "Didn't I tell you to go back? Why did you have to rush down with us? Do you regret it now?"

Li Xuancheng smiled wryly, and wanted to say something, but the bumps were so severe that he couldn't say a word. The all-terrain vehicle is extremely fast, and the shock absorption is shoddy. When driving at extreme speed, it bounces back and forth like a marble, straight up and down, without the slightest tact. If Li Xuancheng didn't grasp it tightly, he might be thrown out directly.

But the two girls sat as firmly as Mount Tai, just like riding a top-level private speeding car. Li Xinyi still looked back from time to time, although she didn't look disgusted, she already hinted very clearly: I'm already driving very slowly.

The all-terrain vehicle roared across the land of planet 4 until a flying beast shaped like a devil fish rushed out of the storm clouds and stopped in front of them.

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