God is Coming

Chapter 876 Master wants me to bring a message

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Power attack, no fancy power attack. This time Chu Jungui did not let the three of Lin Xi enter the battlefield, nor did he himself, but let tens of thousands of chariots rush to Morgan's main base.

Chu Jungui used a little bit of tactics to let the extraordinary life stir up the storm clouds and cut off the communication between the three bases. Then two small-scale troops were sent to appear on the periphery of the two landing bases. The landing base lost contact with the outside world and had no means of reconnaissance, so it could only hide and defend. Chu Jungui placed more than 20,000 chariots and 20,000 rapid-fire guns outside Morgan's main base. After 24 hours, Chu Jungui had several million rounds of shells.

Heavy artillery fire failed to destroy the base, which was to be expected. The main structure of the human alien main base can basically defend against the direct hit of nuclear bombs, and the artillery coverage is more to clean the various defensive facilities on the outer layer of the base. After millions of shells had been washed, there was almost no battery left at Morgan's main base.

Next, Chu Jungui filled the base with light-year chariots one after another, while Morgan's troops could only rely on chariot mechs and individual weapons for defense. The only advantage was that they could take advantage of the terrain. The two sides began a brutal urban street battle, countless soldiers fell, and new fighters appeared to fill the gaps in the defense line.

There are no marine troops on the light-year side, just tanks, countless tanks. Chariots rushed into the base like locusts, constantly repairing everything around them with double-mounted rapid-fire guns. No matter what kind of building it is, no matter whether there are people inside or not, just shoot it a few times. Many subsequent tanks even began to use the main gun to bulldoze the building and tear it down directly from the root.

There are still 200,000 soldiers in Morgan's main base, and there are thousands of chariots. Normally speaking, the combat power is roughly equivalent to light years. However, after two hours of brutal attrition, Morgan's troops began to appear chaotic, and some areas were already defeated.

Chu Jungui still resolutely threw waves of troops into the attack, killing one batch and then launching another batch, and then firing again. Although Brother Dao is skinny and bony, he still has a lot of meat in the wise, so Kaitian can be regarded as a reserve of food. In addition, there are 5,000 chariots driven by human warriors on standby on the periphery, and they will also be put into the battlefield when necessary.

Within 4 hours, several passages tens of meters wide and pointing directly to the center of the base appeared in Morgan's main base, which looked like a disc full of cracks from the air.

The base command center kept trembling slightly, and artillery fire poured out all the time. Admiral Morgan's face was livid, and there were dozens of images in front of him, showing the battle situation of each key defense node. The light-year chariot is endless, and it makes people desperate to look at it. Even though many soldiers were wearing their battle armor, they could tell that they were constantly trembling, while some recruits kept screaming hysterically while closing their eyes and shooting desperately until they were hit by a powerful high-explosive shell.

Bomb, Bomb, Lightyear used cannonballs all the way to blast out the passage, blast out the space, and flatten the resistance. The chariot cannon has been completely replaced with crystal column ammunition. Once the cannon is fired, he will be thrown up by the shock wave.

From the corner of the admiral's eye, he saw the number of casualties: 36,758, and it was rising at an accelerated rate.

The admiral closed his eyes, and the surrounding staff corps suddenly swarmed up, knocked the admiral to the ground, turned off the movement function of the armor, and then rushed into the port of the command center with the admiral on his shoulders. Starships are packed to the brim, comparable to a light-year prison.

A burst of fire erupted from the command center, the top cover soared and split into three lobes, blocking the surrounding artillery fire, and then the escape starship slowly lifted into the air, showing terrifying acceleration. The cloud layer just disappeared.

The entire base fell into a moment of silence, and then soldiers began to put down their weapons and surrender. Everyone knew that the big shots in the command center had fled.

The surrender was like a gust of wind that blew through the entire base, so the number of casualties was fixed at 37,612, and occasionally jumped a few times, because the previous serious injuries could not hold on.

Chu Jun went to look at the losses. Now the wise man is only 30% left, and Brother Dao is approaching the 15% warning line. The loss is heavy, and he has little power to fight again.

In the battle stage of this battle, the rare light-year loss chariot was more than that of the opponent, but Chu Jungui relied on the ice-cold mechanical exchanging tactics, constantly exchanging lives with the opponent, finally defeated the opponent's will, and captured 160,000 people in one fell swoop. people.

With the destruction of Morgan's main base, the two landing bases began to evacuate on a large scale. Chu Jungui did not order the peripheral feint attack troops to attack. After all, there were thousands of tanks and there was not enough long-range firepower to cover them, so he forced to attack. A base defended by tens of thousands of people is tantamount to death.

It took two full days to collect the prisoners and count the supplies, far exceeding Chu Jungui's expectations. The addition of hundreds of thousands of captives has become a small trouble. To be honest, it was much easier for them to catch hundreds of thousands of pigs when they were captured, but they were not so honest after being captured. Hundreds of thousands of pigs that can talk, complain, promise, protest, negotiate, and fight among themselves are completely a nightmare for managers.

During the two days when the prisoners were taken in, there were hundreds of casualties, and more than a dozen people died. Chu Jungui really didn't abuse them, except that the per capita living area was a little smaller. The casualties are all caused by the internal fighting among the captives. There are always people who want to gain privileges and occupy a larger territory. In the temporary prison light years away, several heinous bosses still wanted to lie down and sleep.

The fight for territory led to brawls, and the fighting scenes where hundreds of people ended up at every turn were extremely tragic. Many conflicts in the military usually erupted secretly at this time. The terrible thing is that once the fight starts, it is difficult to stop, even the light-year guards are hard to stop, the reason is very simple, the guards can't squeeze in.

In fact, there is no need to forcibly transform captives into their own fighters at all, so the rule of half a square meter per capita has been abolished. Chu Jungui actually set a standard of two square meters per capita for the captives, enough to make a person lie down. However, although the per capita area has increased by four times, the number of prisoners captured has exceeded expectations by ten times.

Fortunately, Light Year's current engineering capabilities are very strong, and it will take only a few days to build a brand new prisoner-of-war camp. In addition, food is not a problem. There are tens of thousands of tons of marching food in Morgan's main base, with excellent taste and exquisite ingredients. All the marching food was taken away by Chu Jungui and used on his own people. As for the food of the captives, as long as the calories are sufficient, the taste is not important.

As it turns out, matter is a pretty girl, as long as it has enough energy.

In the light years now, if you can smelt soil into steel, you can smelt soil into food.

Although food is no longer a problem, Chu Jungui has a new trouble: it seems that he has captured 500 prisoners who should not be captured.

The leader of these 500 captives was actually a colonel. He named Chu Jungui by name and surname, and the first thing he said after seeing him was: "My master asked me to bring you a message..."

Chu Jungui's face was livid, and Lin Xi was standing behind him, showing no intention of leaving.

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