God is Coming

Chapter 894 Overestimating You?

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Crassus felt that he knew exactly what Chu Jungui wanted to do.

The support ark opened fire when it was out of range, the purpose was not to kill the enemy, but to block the way for the defeated federal army to return to the reinforcement command center. Then use the last more than one hundred airdropped tanks to behead.

Crassus wanted to sneer. After all, there are 300 advanced combat vehicles guarding the mobile command center, and there are also assault boats and fighter planes in the air. However, he immediately remembered Guangnian's fighting style, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

Lightyear's chariot is not afraid of death!

Sure enough, through the monitoring system of the mobile command center itself, Crassus saw that all the air-dropped light-year chariots pointed their muzzles at the command center, regardless of the guards who were firing wildly beside them!

It took only 0.01 second for Crassus to figure out how many shots the mobile command center could take. Anyway, it would not exceed three rounds. The Light Year Chariots all use rapid-fire guns. Even if the guards are doubled, there is no way to destroy all the air-dropped chariots before the mobile command center is destroyed.

Crassus made a decisive decision and immediately activated the ejection mode. Under the strong vibration, the mobile command center exploded and accelerated as if it had been kicked by someone. It rushed out several hundred meters, and then the entire command center floated slightly, accelerating in the blink of an eye. to more than 100 kilometers.

Crassus didn't want to escape, he just got out of the encirclement first, and came back after the guards slowly wiped out the airdropped chariot. However, a screen in the corner was suddenly highlighted, and there was a chariot on the roof of the command center!

Taking advantage of the inertia of the command center rushing forward, the chariot raised its front, then accelerated for a while, and the whole vehicle turned over and buckled upside down on the command center. Crassus faintly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while. At this moment, he saw the inverted chariot whirling, and the turret was also turning with the help of the reaction force. Finally, the muzzle pointed at a raised structure on the top of the mobile command center, and then there was a burst of bang!

This kind of firing is almost like suicide. The explosion that was close at hand tore apart the top structure of the mobile command center, and also shook the tank itself to turn over. Now it's face up again.

The rear door of the chariot opened, and a ghostly figure flashed out, directly jumped into the blasted gap, and entered the interior of the mobile command center.

As soon as Chu Jungui landed, he judged that he was in a narrow emergency maintenance passage. He strode forward, and with the vibration generated by his heavy footsteps, he had already figured out the structure of the upper third.

At this moment, the interior of the mobile command center was in chaos, short sirens kept ringing, and panicked footsteps were everywhere. Rows of nozzles appeared on the top of the channel, continuously spraying cooling gas and injecting oxygen. Numerous fine holes also appeared on the floor, forcefully sucking the air in the passage. Despite this, there is still a strong smell of smoke in the passage, and it seems that some places inside have caught fire, and the fire is not small.

Chu Jungui walked to the center of the passage, and there was a door here. He opened the door, threw a grenade in, and then closed the door again. After hearing a few weak screams from the explosion, Chu Jungui opened the door again, walked through the still burning embers, stepped over several corpses lying in the middle of the road, and walked towards the end of the passage. Walking halfway, Chu Jungui suddenly felt that the echo under his feet was a bit empty, so he stomped hard, and the floor that had been blown loose by the grenade immediately collapsed, revealing the room below.

Chu Jungui jumped off and found himself in a separate office. The office is not big, and an officer was busy in front of the terminal. When he saw Chu Jungui descending from the sky, he was taken aback for a moment before asking, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

Chu Jungui flicked his finger, and a coin flipped and landed on the officer's desk, spinning endlessly, refusing to fall no matter what. The officer stared blankly at the spinning coin, not noticing that Chu Jungui had already opened the door and walked out.

As soon as the door of the office was closed behind Chu Jungui, a flame shot out from the crack of the door, and then the fire flickered behind the door, and the alarm sounded continuously: "There is an unknown fire source in the C6 area, and the fire-fighting facilities have been damaged. Please send someone to deal with it immediately." !"

The coin that Chu Jungui threw was actually a pocket-sized incendiary grenade, with crystal pillar explosives as the main body, and the coin-sized power was no less powerful than a normal anti-personnel grenade.

Chu Jungui walked quickly along the corridor, and the structure of the overall spaceship became more and more clear in his mind during the walk. He came to an elevator room, walked into the elevator, and pressed the floor below. In Chu Jungui's consciousness, there is a huge space two floors down, and there is no doubt that it is the command center.

When the elevator door closed, Chu Jungui jumped lightly, stretched out his hand and tore off the ceiling of the elevator, and then a cloud of black mist gushed out of his body and flew into the elevator passage.

Chu Jungui went to find Crassus, while Kaitian went straight to the mastermind of the command center. Needless to say, there must be a lot of extremely valuable information in the main brain of the mobile command center, and it is impossible to invade under normal circumstances. However, the mobile command center is still operating at full speed, and many protective measures have been closed. The most important thing is that the insurmountable protective measures are all physical, and Kai Tian will directly pass them to have a real close contact with the main brain.

The elevator was very fast, and when it opened, a separate door appeared in front of Chu Jungui. There are obviously authentication measures on the door. It was naturally impossible for Chu Jungui to verify his identity, so his response was to take out a dozen coins.

At this moment, the isolation door opened automatically, and the two lieutenant colonels rushed out of it almost at a trot. When they saw Chu Jungui, they waved impatiently: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Since Chu Jungui didn't have the same knowledge as them, he passed them, his figure flashed, and he had already passed through before the isolation door closed and entered a separate room. On the other side of the room is a transparent glass door, and you can see the extremely busy command hall. The most eye-catching thing is naturally the fully enclosed high platform, which is constantly sprayed with coolant from the outside. This scene gave Chu Jungui an inexplicably familiar feeling.

There are two soldiers sitting in the compartment, responsible for guarding the command hall. Seeing Chu Jungui's sudden appearance, they were stunned for a moment before asking, "Who are you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Chu Jungui had already stretched out his hand to put a light touch on them. The two soldiers immediately popped out like cannonballs, slammed into the wall heavily, and slid down slowly, making no more sound.

Chu Jungui lifted his foot and smashed the glass door in front of him, and calmly walked into the command hall.

Because of his entry, the entire command hall has been switched to dark red lights, and the siren has been turned up to the highest volume. Those busy staff members raised their heads one after another, looking at the intruder in a daze.

The closed wall of the high platform slowly descended, Crassus sat in the command chair, applauded and praised: "It's really a perfect beheading! It's just a little flaw, do you know what it is?"

Chu Jungui thought about it, and said, "Too overestimate you?"

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