God is Coming

Chapter 910 It's finally over

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Since both negotiating parties came with full sincerity, and the rear base was still fighting in full swing, the negotiation process was very fast, and it could even be said to be extremely fast.

Many means and strategies in the negotiation were directly thrown aside, and both sides directly showed their cards. After all, the baseline for negotiations has actually been set on the battlefield, and what can't be brought back by the cannon, let alone the negotiations.

Crassus didn't hint, but made it clear that he still had at least 10 antimatter bombs in his hand, and he only threw half of them in revenge against Chu Jungui last time. Chu Jungui said that although one base was destroyed, at least three bases will be completed soon, and the federation had better open the orbital base to outer space, otherwise it will not take half a month to be bombarded every now and then. It has to be reimbursed. At that time, the number of generals killed on the front line of the Federation will definitely exceed double digits, and it will be difficult to talk about a truce.

Crassus did not back down, thinking that it was no big deal if the war could not be stopped, and at most it was to fight to the end. Light Year is just a small force occupying a planet. As long as the Federation exerts its strength, it will definitely be able to equalize Light Year, but it's just a price. In other words, if Light Year's appetite is too big and the asking price is too high, it is better to fight to the end. The Federation cares more about reputation than money. Although Crassus has no money, he doesn't care about money at all!

Chu Jungui sneered, saying that the Federation's land warfare is inferior to dogs, so are starship crews inferior to dogs? If the war does not stop, as long as the Federation starship dares to appear in the orbit of the planet, he will dare to fight, even if it is just a frigate. Federal soldiers are not slaves, not robots. Crassus dared to send out missions to send him to death. Once or twice is fine, but who will listen to him if there are too many times?

The two sides seized each other's pain points and chased after each other fiercely. The members of the delegation were unwilling to be lonely and fought against each other. Only the little princess and Lin Xi sat quietly, never making eye contact. Li Xinyi felt a little regretful, after looking around, she didn't see Kun's figure, otherwise, she could go out to discuss and exchange ideas, he must not dare.

After bickering for a full 2 ​​hours and 11 minutes, Chu Jungui and Krasu suddenly stopped talking, and at the same time got a piece of news: the federal landing base fell.

Chu Jungui looked more calm, and said slowly: "I'll talk quickly, you see, I now have 270,000 more prisoners, 30 landing ships, and 55,000 tons of supplies."

Crassus reached out his hand directly: "Very well, come back."

These words startled Chu Jungui, and looked at Crassus suspiciously. During this period of fighting, Chu Jungui already knew that this was a formidable opponent, so how could he suddenly say such a thing? I managed to get rid of his lair on the planet, and the 80,000 people in the forward base are also vulnerable. The situation is so good, how can it be possible to return it with a word?

Chu Jungui remained calm and said, "It's okay, what's the price?"

Crassus said with a smile: "This is part of sincerity, talking about money is vulgar."

To be honest, Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, since his opponent had just suffered a big defeat, and he still acted as if nothing had happened. This was a war, not a child's play. But the other party said so repeatedly, there must be a deep meaning.

He subconsciously looked at the little princess, and then saw Hathaway blinking at him.

Chu Jungui knew that even if she had something to say, it would be inconvenient to say it on this occasion, so she decided to put the matter on hold for now. Anyway, the captive is in his hands, and the spoils are also his own. If Crassus wants to delay time, let him He didn't know Light Year's terrifying engineering ability. If Light Year was given three days, if he had a bigger landing base, he would probably be able to leave a piece of foundation for the Federation.

The two sides had been bickering until the landing base was knocked down. It was not useless. At least a few basic bottom lines had been clarified.

The first is an armistice, and it is an all-round, uncompromised armistice. Crassus is no longer allowed to throw antimatter at will, and Chu Jungui can no longer renovate the orbital base, let alone scrap active-duty warships for the Federation in advance, and no longer force active-duty soldiers to leave their posts.

Then there are the captives. The federation will take back all the federal captives in the hands of Mr. Chu with a ransom, and at the same time release all the prisoners of Light Years, including Roland and all the employees of Light Years Headquarters who were investigated, and promise to pardon all previous crimes, no matter whether they are found out or not. from. As for the ransom, the package price is 9.999 billion. This price is the final price and will not be negotiated.

At this moment, Mr. Chu has 700,000 federal prisoners of war in his hands. Counting the ones captured this time and deducting those who were killed by the federation itself, there are still 950,000 at this moment. This ransom is equivalent to 10,000 per person, which is ridiculously low.

However, one of the terms is included, that is, those who voluntarily stay in Light Years are not considered prisoners of war. The Federation will not pay the ransom, but it will not hold them accountable. They will still retain their status in the Federation, but their military positions will definitely not up.

The last one is identity and status. The Federation recognizes Lightyear as a neutral force, and will give Lightyear all the rights that neutral forces should enjoy. At the same time, it will unfreeze all assets in Lightyear in the Federation, and will no longer impose additional legal regulations on Lightyear's economic behavior in the Federation. limit.

These three items can be regarded as the basic consensus reached in the armistice negotiations, and both sides also expressed their acceptance. Of course, there are still countless details to be discussed afterwards, and the implementation is also a vast project. But at least at this point, Light Year has achieved a miraculous goal, which is to successfully force the Federation to the negotiating table, and the negotiation has been completed.

As for the ransom, it can be regarded as Light Year's concession to the Federation. The federation is not without money, but this is not a question of having money, but a question of face. As long as Crassus dares to pay a ransom of more than 10 billion, the federal media will spray him to pieces, and those congressmen will pounce on him like wolves and tear him apart. If they don't, the voters will tear them apart.

The real core interest of Chu Jungui is the third article, which is tantamount to legally recognizing Light Year's equal and legal status in the Federation. From then on, in the eyes of the Federation, Light Year is no longer a puppet attached to the dynasty, but a small country that needs to be officially recognized. No matter how small this small country is, it is still a regime.

Chu Jungui is not short of money at all now, and it doesn't matter if the ransom is more or less. This is not calculated in hundreds of millions. After the truce, Chu Jungui discovered that there were many ways to make money. Among other things, the current stock price in Light Years alone gave him the urge to issue another 10 billion shares.

Of course, if he really does this, there is a high probability that Light Year's stock price will start the era of single digits.

But even if you can't issue 10 billion additional shares, it's okay to issue 100 million or 200 million shares, right? The negotiation here is not over yet, and Chu Jungui has already allocated part of his consciousness to start planning a plan.

The second article of the armistice agreement is not entirely unfavorable to Chu Jungui. The most important point is to allow Chu Jungui to swallow some prisoners of war who can eat. Of course, this part cannot be clearly stated. The details are to be put into a supplemental agreement that won't get to the table. The text of the armistice agreement needs to be discussed and passed in the parliament, but the supplementary agreement will only be discussed and passed in a closed meeting of a special committee, which means it will not be made public. Even so, the relevant clauses are very vague. If it wasn't for Crassus' explanation, Chu Jungui didn't even know how to explain it in this way.

Moreover, this provision has retrospective effect, that is to say, the group of people who were previously taken over by Mr. Chu, including Roland and Wilson, can restore their status in the Federation. This was what Chu Jungui promised them at the beginning, and now they finally have a chance to fulfill the promise.

The last insignificant clause is that the Federation will confer an honorary knighthood on Chu Jungui, and the actual benefit is the tax exemption right of 10 million yuan per year.

The two sides discussed until late at night, and finally reached a basic agreement to fix the above items in text form, and Crassus and Chu Jungui signed their respective signatures.

The efficiency of the negotiation this time was extremely high. Of course, this was only an initial, and Crassus had to take it back to the Federation to go through the process and let the War Council review it. Under normal circumstances, more than a dozen supplementary agreements have to be followed after the main text of the contract, and this is all for later.

At midnight, Chu Jungui and Krasu finally got up to shake hands. This time, the smiles on both sides were very sincere.

The ability to solve the problem in one negotiation is due to the fact that the two people's thinking speed is far beyond ordinary people and they have sufficient authority in their hands. After talking about it, both sides spoke seven or eight times faster than normal, and what was heard in other people's ears was a sharp chirping chirping, Chu Jungui chirping, Crassus chirping too, the two of them chirping After a while, it's an agreement.

This handshake, the two sides shook hands for a full minute before slowly separating. Chu Jungui finally breathed a sigh of relief, this damn war is finally over.

But if there is no federation to press hard, Light Year will not have the transformation from chrysalis to butterfly. Morgan's two antimatter bombs exploded the transcendent life, and Chu Jungui was able to discover Brother Dao who was hiding deep in the ground on the other side of the planet and was struggling to climb the technological tree from the basic mathematical formula. Without Brother Dao, Zhizhe and Kaitian are the evolutionary routes with superior collective computing power but ordinary offspring multiplication ability, and the number of troops in Light Years must be an order of magnitude less.

Without the ability to consume hundreds of thousands of federal troops in one go, the situation of the war will completely turn into positional warfare and guerrilla warfare. Who knows how long it will last.

Thinking about this experience, Chu Jungui was also deeply moved. At least hundreds of thousands of federal soldiers died at his own hands, and more than 10,000 soldiers on his own side were killed or injured.

But that's all in the past.

Originally, Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, that is why Crassus would directly ask Chu Jungui to return the captives of the last battle free of charge, but during the negotiation process, he had already understood it. After the negotiation, the little princess and him again After whispering for a few minutes, Chu Jun finally understood everything.

After walking out of the negotiation hall, Li Xuancheng asked in a low voice: "Now that the war between the dynasty and the Federation is getting bigger and bigger, it's not good for us to stop the war first?"

Before Chu Jungui could speak, Li Xinyi said angrily: "Isn't it enough for an army that was ordered to die after being killed? Why, we deserve to die?"

Li Xuancheng was speechless.

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