God is Coming

Chapter 913: Impending Disaster

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Five days had passed since the first armistice negotiations, and a large number of light-year chariots split into two directions and finally retreated. The landing base, which was originally the size of a city, is now a bare land with 270,000 captives standing on it.

There are already several landing ships waiting in the sky. As soon as the light-year is gone, they will land and unfold immediately. At the same time, a large number of ambulances and engineering vehicles will drive out from inside, and engineers will fly like a swarm of bees. Out, quickly build a large number of temporary barracks.

There are a total of 270,000 people, that is a sea of ​​people, and their battle armor can only last for less than 24 hours, so the Federation has to race against time to provide them with housing, food, and medical treatment.

Crassus was walking casually in the base. There was no mark on his battle armor, so no one noticed him in the hustle and bustle. A team rushing with a stretcher asked him to make way.

Crassus stopped suddenly, looked at his feet, and took back his right foot that had already been stepped. There is a deep hole the size of a fist in the ground, which is 2 meters deep, and then there is another one not far away, and the deep holes are lined up in a straight line.

The ground is a prefabricated concrete block, and the deep hole was originally used to fix the bolts. Crassus stretched his fingers into it, and the texture was still clearly discernible. Then he probed a few more small holes, and it was the same. Crassus stood up and patted the ashes on his hands, wondering what he was thinking.

Hathaway appeared behind him and said hello.

Crassus called the little princess over and asked her to look at the holes too. Hathaway also has an understanding of grassroots military affairs, and knows that this is a way to quickly set up camp at a long-term base in the wild, but she doesn't know what Crassus asked her to do.

Crassus didn't make a fool of himself, saying: "The 2-meter-long fixing screw is unscrewed in circles. This is fine demolition, not violent destruction. This is a camp that can accommodate 500,000 people. It can be placed anywhere. It’s a big city. It took only 5 days to demolish it so cleanly. How many people were mobilized in Light Years? If we can demolish one of our cities in 5 days, we can rebuild another in 15 days. That Chu Jungui now has more than 20 landing ships at least, so it seems very easy to build another base."

The little princess also said: "His war potential has been raised."

Crassus looked around, there were federal soldiers waiting in line everywhere, and said: "Since he has released 270,000 people, the second step of negotiations can begin. I think it will be three days later, there is no need to delay. If you are fine, go and inform them of the time and place of the negotiation."

Hathaway was really taken aback. Normally, it is enough to send a mid-level officer to this kind of thing, and at most a colonel is enough. Although her military rank is only a major general, she actually commands more than a hundred thousand pirate flags, and belongs to the out-and-out central core layer. It would be a big deal if she was captured. Under normal circumstances, Crassus asked her to deliver the letter, which would be to send her to die.

Crassus pointed to the surroundings, and said, "Chu Jungui's understanding is very good when releasing the prisoners of war this time. It should be because you reminded him? So I let you go this time, just to tell him something about our side in advance. The unspoken rules, so that there will be less misunderstanding between each other in the future."

The little princess asked: "What do you want me to tell him?"

Crassus smiled and said, "You can say whatever you want! It's okay to show him these things."

Crassus sent a document. Hathaway looked at it and asked in surprise, "The meeting minutes of the War Council?"

"Well, the part related to N77."

"...I understand." Hathaway put away the documents, turned and left, and a moment later a blue fighter plane took off and flew away quickly close to the ground.

As soon as the fighter plane moved, Chu Jungui, who was nearly 10,000 kilometers away, knew it. But looking at the direction of the fighter plane, it is going to the light-year forward base.

This base is more than 3,000 kilometers away from the federal landing base and 1,500 kilometers away from the federal advance base. It was originally a springboard for Light Years to attack the Federation's landing base, but now it is a transit point for the return of prisoners. Hundreds of thousands of Federation prisoners of war will be assembled here, reorganized, and then transferred to the Federation in stages and batches. Therefore, not only has this temporary base not been abandoned, but its scale has expanded dramatically several times, even larger than the federal landing base.

However, there are no landing ships deployed in the temporary base, and all are temporary buildings. Anyway, there is no shortage of materials in Light Year now. There are millions of tons of construction materials every day, and the production capacity is still increasing.

This temporary base is currently managed by Lin Xi and Li Xinyi. Genius girls rely on thinking, and their demand for computing power is not so strong, so the arrival of two arks full of biological masterminds can meet most of the girls' needs. The few projects that require a lot of computing power are not so urgent.

The temporary base is also the base for daily contact between Light Year and the Federation, so after the fighter plane took off, it went straight to the temporary base.

Chu Jungui suddenly poured a basin of cold water on his head, and his whole body was cold!

This feeling of imminent catastrophe came so suddenly, but so violently, it was almost unavoidable. It is only now that Chu Jungui realizes that he has already had a faint premonition, but he just doesn’t understand where the premonition came from. The truce negotiations are imminent, and it is the critical moment to express sincerity with the Federation. , While commanding the battle at the landing base, even the test body's body temperature soared, and the cooling system of the battle armor almost couldn't hold it down. So at that time, Chu Jungui ignored this premonition, until now when he saw the blue fighter take off, he had a clear premonition of impending disaster.

The blue fighter jet could be seen as Hathaway's car. She once drove over and beat Li Xuancheng half to death, leaving a sturdy middle finger in the end.

But what Chu Jungui didn't understand was how could Hathaway feel such a strong sense of crisis when she went to a temporary base? Did she bring something fiercer than antimatter? Unstable space, or artificial black hole?

It is useless to think wildly, Chu Jungui immediately put down the business at hand, and went straight to a fighter plane that just came off the production line. This fighter plane has just been assembled, and there is no time to test it, and the control system is not even fully installed.

Several light-year fighters pushed the semi-finished fighter plane to the take-off and landing field. Li Xuancheng was about to sit in the cabin when his back suddenly tightened, and then he soared into the sky like riding a cloud. Chu Jungui grabbed him and threw him into the air. meters away.

As soon as he sat in the cabin, the fighter plane started immediately, trembling and lifted off the ground, and then the three engines spewed out faint flames, and the fighter plane suddenly accelerated and roared away.

"Wait..." Li Xuancheng shouted, but the fighter plane had already pierced the clouds. But a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground with a bang. It turned out to be an engine on that fighter plane.

Looking at the engine that was still spewing flames and scurrying back and forth, Li Xuancheng's mouth slowly opened wide, and then looked at the sky that had long since disappeared, and subconsciously said: "You can't fall to death... right?"

This fighter plane is completely a prototype, and it was pulled out this time for a static test. It was just to test the control system, and it didn't intend to take off at all. In order to facilitate disassembly, the engines of the fighter planes were only fixed by a small part. As a result, Chu Jungui left too hastily, and lost an engine just as soon as he went to the sky.

At this moment, the fighter plane was flying close to the storm clouds, and what was strange was that there was still a person crawling on the back of the fighter plane. Chu Jungui fixed his body with his feet and was strengthening the remaining two engines.

Now Light Year’s main base is 7,100 kilometers away from the advance base. Chu Jungui’s fighter lost another engine, and only two-thirds of the fuselage structure was fixed. It will definitely fall apart when flying at full speed. No matter how you fly to the advance base, you will need one Many hours later. Fortunately, the main energy source of the fighter plane is a light-year power furnace. One furnace of fuel is enough to fly dozens of times around the planet, so there is no need to worry about lying down halfway.

However, Hathaway's fighter plane is an advanced federal fighter plane, and it only takes more than ten minutes to fly to the Light Year Advance Base. Before Chu Jungui arrived, she would have at least one hour of free time.

One hour……

When Chu Jungui thought of this, his eyes went dark.

Letting her stay there for five minutes will almost cause landslides, an hour... Doesn't that mean that the core of the earth will condense and the planet will disintegrate?

As Light Year advanced to the base, the blue fighter plane had already parked on the tarmac, and several Light Year officers were surrounding Hathaway, so enthusiastic that they were about to sign.

They were all former members of the Confederate Army, and one of them had served in the Jolly Roger. However, he was not the group that was captured with Heather at that time, so in terms of seniority in light years, he had to lean back. Many of these original federal officers were admirers of the little princess, so the little princess came to visit suddenly. They were supposed to be strictly guarded, but it almost turned into a star chasing scene.

In fact, Hathaway's popularity in the federal army is no worse than those stars in the recruiting advertisements over the years, and the word-of-mouth among the officers and aristocrats is far from being comparable to a small star.

Lin Xi has already got the news and hurried over. Li Xinyi naturally wanted to follow, her little face was swollen with anger, she wished she could jump directly in front of that little elf, how could she have the patience to walk over slowly?

In the girl's words, the enemy has come to provoke her, if she is not pressed to the ground and trampled, what face will she have in the deep space of the universe?

The girl was gearing up, but Lin Xi could still calm down, but her pace also sped up unconsciously.

Li Xinyi suddenly remembered something, lowered her voice and said: "She didn't know we were here, she must have come to see Jun Gui. I heard that they had a very close relationship when they were in the Federation!"

"Who Jun Gui associates with is his business." Lin Xi said so, but his pace quickened a bit.

When they arrived at the tarmac, they saw more than a dozen Light Year officers standing in a row, taking a group photo around the little princess in the middle, and they even changed their poses several times, enjoying themselves.

Seeing Li Xinyi and Lin Xi appear, these officers dispersed in a hurry. There were still a group of people outside who were obviously waiting for the next batch of group photos. At this moment, they looked regretful and kept lamenting.

Lin Xi and Li Xinyi came in front of Hathaway, and the three girls happened to be standing at the three vertices of a triangle. Lin Xi stretched out her hand first, but Hathaway didn't respond, but looked at Li Xinyi, then at Lin Xi, thoughtfully.

On the tarmac, the air suddenly froze.

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