God is Coming

Chapter 921 I just picked up some people

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There was silence in the public channel, so quiet that one wondered if this channel still existed. After the colonel's staff repeated several times, he felt a little unconfident, and asked the captain beside him, "Is this really a public channel?"

"Really! Even if the communication system of this star field is unavailable, we can communicate face to face. Didn't we hear someone talking just now?"

The colonel was still a little puzzled, "Those are really light-year ships?"

"There is a lightning symbol on it, which is the sign of light years, yes."

"Well, okay..." the colonel raised his voice, and shouted with great enthusiasm: "People from Light Years, listen up, don't pretend you can't hear me! Let Mr. Chu come out to see me immediately, otherwise you will be punished for disobedience! This is the consequence. , you can't bear it!"

The colonel forgot, he hadn't turned off the public channel all the time, and all the discussions he had with the captain had spread.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly. It seemed that the people from the 4th Fleet and the doctor were not on the same side, which was quite surprising. Is it just a coincidence that they arrived together?

Before Chu Jungui could speak, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the public channel: "Hey! Who am I? It turns out to be the elite of the 4th Fleet! Last time we fought for a few days, you all It's gone, why, went on vacation?"

"Who is talking!" The colonel was furious and shouted.

"I'm talking. I'm an ordinary captain of the 37th Fleet of the Federation. I don't have any skills, so I won't mention my name. I have only killed two destroyers until now. Yes, I killed this thing under your ass." The man spoke the dynasty dialect with a perfect accent.

The colonel was silent, really not knowing how to answer.

The voice sounded again: "Why didn't you make a sound? Is your voice hoarse? Did you drink less water? I was thinking that it must be someone who ran under the eyes of our fleet alone and spoke loudly on the public channel." But why haven’t I heard of your name? Oh, combat staff, do you mean not going to the front line?”

Zhang Weilun's face was livid with anger, but he didn't dare to speak back. After all, he only had one destroyer, while the opposite was a whole fleet including capital ships! Without anyone else taking action, the capital ship can reimburse this small destroyer with one shot. Although he is in the name of an envoy ship, in principle the Federation cannot fire. But the principle should not be taken too seriously. What if the Federation opened fire, just find any excuse for misfire or stray bullets afterwards.

Zhang Weilun looked around, and saw that the people in the bridge all had expressions of fear on their faces, obviously they were all scared by the Federation. A few people beside the captain stared at him blankly. Obviously, if he insisted on going his own way and dared to order the firing, then these people would dare to take him down.

With nowhere to vent his anger, the colonel turned his head and roared to the public channel: "Mr. Chu! Get out! I'll only give you three minutes! If you don't show up for three minutes, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The Federation Fleet was stunned up and down, looking at each other in blank dismay.

They fought fiercely with Light Year inside and outside the planet for several months, and there were countless big and small battles, and then they were all beaten with heavy casualties. Therefore, when seeing Light Year, the Federation respects it from top to bottom. Who knew that the 4th Fleet, which was beaten to nothing by the Federation some time ago, would come here at random, and dare to let Chu Jungui, who had beaten the Federation to nothing, get out?

Inside the Federation flagship, the little princess grabbed Kun over and said something in a low voice. Kun pinched his throat and said to the public channel: "In such a desolate space, there are not even a few meteorites. Where is the dog barking? Oh! It turns out that there is an enemy ship here! It's terrible, let's sink it quickly." !"

Zhang Weilun's face was flushed with anger, but he still had the last sliver of reason, and he did not challenge the entire Federation Fleet. He stared at the public channel, waiting for Light Year to reply, and then quickly switched to the exclusive channel.

The order he brought is unlikely to be said in the public channel.

Finally, a voice sounded in the channel: "I am Chu Jungui, what do you want?"

Zhang Weilun breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "The fleet has important orders for you, open the dedicated channel now!"

"We don't have that equipment."

Chu Jungui's reply almost made Zhang Weilun vomit blood, and he growled, "Do you think I'm a child? No equipment? What do you say without equipment! I warn you, if you play this kind of trick with me again, I won't let you eat it Go around!"

Chu Jungui asked calmly: "How do you plan to make me unable to eat?"

"I..." Zhang Weilun froze suddenly. Apart from threats, he really couldn't say anything right now. The methods that can be used are nothing more than buttoning hats after going back, wearing small shoes, deducting military merits, and picking the bones. He's not really stupid, he knows it's embarrassing to say these things. What can be said publicly must be some serious reasons, such as moral condemnation, court martial and so on. But Chu Jungui has already been convicted of treason, so he can't be sentenced again, right?

Chu Jungui didn't want to entangle him too much, and asked: "What order, tell me."

Zhang Weilun also went all out, and said coldly: "Very well, you have another crime of leaking important military secrets, I see what you do! The order is as follows:

In the name of Dynasty 4th Fleet Headquarters and Star Field Theater Headquarters, Major Chu Jungui and all members of the Light Year Troop led by him are ordered to resist the federal invasion on the spot in the N7703 galaxy, and they must not retreat or have any contact with the enemy. Private contact, and all passive avoidance of war or even unauthorized peace talks are strictly prohibited. Any treaty signed with the enemy is invalid and immediately annulled.

Any violation of the above orders shall be punished as disobedience and first-class treason. "

After reading the order, Zhang Weilun grinned and said, "Do you hear clearly? Chu Jungui, from now on, you stay here until you die!"

Wang Lun's voice sounded in the channel: "The doctor's laboratory has a very important experiment that requires Chu Jungui's participation, and I'm here to take him away."

Zhang Weilun sneered: "Laboratory? I am an official military order issued by the war zone. What kind of thing is your laboratory, and you come to bargain with me?"

Wang Lun laughed angrily, and said, "Your General Lu is my uncle's good friend. Since you don't understand human language, can you understand me?"

The colonel's arrogance disappeared immediately, but he still insisted: "Who knows if you have anything to do with General Lu? Even if there is, so what?"

Wang Lun snorted and said, "Looking at your mouth, you can tell that you have no background. General Lu can't do much, but he can make you a colonel until death!"

Zhang Weilun gritted his teeth, and said: "I am also following orders. Unless there is a new order from the war zone, that doctor who is zero or one will come to lead the people in person today, and Chu Jungui should not think of this galaxy!"

"Okay, very good!" Wang Lun sneered repeatedly, already too angry to speak.

Chu Jungui stood on the bridge and tapped the table with his fingers. Lin Xi, Li Xinyi, Wilson and others were all watching him, waiting for his decision.

Chu Jungui's fingers finally stopped tapping, and said, "Well, what is Zhang..."

As soon as they met Chu Jungui, Zhang Weilun became angry in an instant, and shouted: "Shut up! Is it your turn to speak?"

Chu Jungui was not angry and said, "You don't have any friends in the fleet, do you?"

"Why... what do you want to say?"

Chu Jun Guidan said: "If you are popular, why would you be sent on this mission that never comes back?"

Zhang Weilun was not afraid, and said with a sneer, "You dare to attack the dynasty fleet? Don't you really know how to write death?"

Chu Jungui said leisurely: "Of course I didn't attack the Dynasty starship. It was the Federation that attacked you. As for you, you are just captives I snatched from the Federation."

I only heard Chu Jungui say: "No. 3 ship, remove the identification on its body. No. 4 ship will help it."

A light-year starship turned around, and a thin beam of light shot at the nearby friendly ship. Of course, this light beam couldn't penetrate the armor, but it was enough to burn the light-year mark on the hull.

Before Zhang Weilun could speak, the captain was shocked and said in a voiceless voice: "They want to attack, we have to get out of here!..."

The captain no longer cared about Zhang Weilun, and was in a hurry to turn around. Suddenly, an energy beam shot from hundreds of kilometers away, accurately hitting the engine of Zhang Weilun's starship, and one of the two engines was blown away with one shot, directly ruining the ship. The maneuverability of the starship.

It was a heavy cruiser from the Federation Fleet that fired the shot. This shot was accurate and ruthless, showing extremely superb skills. In fact, the reason why they have such top-notch artillery skills is because they practiced playing the Empress Cannon every day some time ago.

The starship of the 4th Fleet lost its power, and the public channel was intertwined with exclamations and harsh sirens.

The light-year starship with its logo removed approached and began to shout, saying: "Listen, people in the starship ahead, we are the Federation Pirate Flag Corps, and you are given three minutes to abandon the ship and eject, otherwise immediately Sink! This is an ultimatum!"

Seeing that the opponent really dared to fire, the starship of the 4th Fleet, which had lost power, immediately gave up resistance wisely. The rescue capsules popped up on both sides, and were recovered by the light year starship one by one.

A moment later, when Colonel Zhang Weilun and the captain were escorted into the bridge, Chu Jungui was looking at the two soldiers and said, "...I will send you back to the Federation in a while."

With a glance, Zhang Weilun saw a fair and fat middle-aged man standing beside Chu Jungui, who was sneering at him. He couldn't remember where he had seen this person before, so the person sneered and said, "Someone just said that Dr. Zero's coming is useless. How did such a stupid guy become a colonel?"

"You!..." Zhang Weilun struggled desperately, but the two soldiers behind him were holding him tightly, unable to break free at all.

Chu Jungui finally took a look at Zhang Weilun and said, "I heard that these two pirate flag fighters just destroyed a starship of unknown origin. They sat with me for a while and went back to the Federation."

Zhang Weilun's eyes burst into flames, and he said angrily, "Two people can control a starship? You're lying! And they are clearly driving a starship that is light years away from you!"

Chu Jungui said leisurely: "I didn't shoot you that cannonball, I just picked up some people."

"You have been colluding with the Federation for a long time! Who do you think you can fool with such a simple trick?" Zhang Weilun growled.

Chu Jungui smiled lightly and said, "So what? It's not just your 4th Fleet who can open their eyes and talk nonsense."

The colonel finally felt chills and said: "Arresting soldiers of the Dynasty is an act of war. Let us go now, and..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him directly: "Who said I caught the soldiers of the Dynasty? I just picked up some star thieves from the Federation."

Zhang Weilun's expression changed drastically, and he said, "You...you dare!"

Chu Jungui ignored him, and said to Wang Lun: "To deal with star robbers, you can't talk about human rights conventions, and you have to use corporal punishment."

Wang Lun smiled innocently with a fat face: "It makes sense!"

Chu Jungui gave him a wink, and a big man with a fleshy face and ferocious eyebrows walked up to Zhang Weilun, patted his face with his palm like a grinding disc, and said with a grin: "I will accompany you for the next three days." You! After three days, I guarantee you won't even remember who your mother is!"

The big man dragged the colonel away like a chicken, only to hear the wailing echoing in the passage, which lasted for a long time.

Chu Jungui shook his head slightly. The Pirate Flag's engineering corps really has all kinds of talents.

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