God is Coming

Chapter 926: Lord Chu is dead

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The ear-piercing siren rang through the medical area, and more than a dozen doctors left one after another and rushed to their respective posts. Some doctors even wore only one shoe and put on medical coats while running. Dozens of nurses and assistant doctors flew around like startled flies.

This is the highest level of alarm in the entire base, requiring important personnel to arrive at their posts within 3 minutes, and rest personnel to arrive at their posts within 5 minutes.

There is only one situation that can trigger this kind of alarm, and that is an accident in one of the three special areas for exploring the real dream. The so-called accident, there is only one possibility, and that is to die in a real dream.

Now two of the three special areas are empty, one of which is dedicated to Dr. Zero himself, and has been idle for more than ten years. The only one enabled is Chu Jungui. The appearance of the highest level of alarm means one thing, Chu Jungui died in a real dream.

An assistant doctor also rushed to the special area with the flow of people, but suddenly triggered the alarm when passing through the gate. But amidst the constant sirens, the new alarm seemed less harsh.

An elderly doctor rushed over, grabbed the assistant who was shrouded in red light, and said angrily, "Liu Jian, what are you doing here?"

Liu Jian was a little dazed and said, "Isn't this an emergency call? I was just going to the bathroom!"

The old doctor snorted and said, "The emergency call is only for official doctors, you are too early! Go back quickly, and you can only come in during your working hours. I will explain this time to the above."

Liu Jian thanked and exited the gate control. However, from the position just now, he could already see a corner of the special zone, and confirmed that the flashing alarm was the area where Chu Jun returned.

After walking out of the restricted area, he found an empty corner, rolled up his sleeves, and suddenly a piece of skin shimmered and turned into a display screen. He quickly wrote a line on the interface window: Chu Jungui died in a real dream, exploring time...

He looked at the time, then filled in a number: 3 minutes.

The message flickered a few times, showing that it was sent successfully, then it dimmed, exhausted its energy, and changed back to normal skin. However, this piece of skin was obviously darker than the surrounding area. There was a bathroom not far in front of Liu Jian. He walked into a cubicle, rubbed off the dead skin on his arm, threw it into the toilet, and watched it be flushed away. After waiting for a while, he walked out of the cubicle, washed off the last trace of his arm on the sink, and then left, walking towards the dormitory area.

Above the special zone, Dr. Zero stood in front of the huge screen with a cup of tea, watching silently. The screen was divided into more than a dozen areas, one of which was Chu Jungui lying quietly, and many areas of his body were marked with eye-catching red.

A cold voice sounded behind the doctor: "This is the person you picked and found? 3 minutes, huh, it's about to break the record in history."

Dr. Zero stood quietly, as if he didn't hear anything, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Standing behind Dr. Zero is a short-haired woman, capable and neat, with similar features to Su Yu. On her personal terminal, red dots are constantly lighting up. After looking at it for a while, she sneered and said, "From the time the alarm sounded until now, there have been thirteen secret messages sent to the outside world. Isn't your place the research base with the highest secrecy level in the dynasty? They have all been infiltrated into a sieve. "

Dr. Zero took a slow sip of his tea, and realized that it was cold.

The woman's voice softened, "Shall I help you pull out these mice?"

The doctor thought for a while, then shook his head slowly, and said, "It's not necessary. These rats come from the Federation, the Community, and other forces, but most of them are sent by our own people. We can't catch them all. I don't care anymore."

"Aren't you afraid that what happened to Mika Feng will happen again?"

The doctor shook his head: "There is no need to formulate special rules for small-probability accidental events."

"I heard that Mika always thought that he was underappreciated and never received your attention, so he took the risk. He stole the sequence to prove the precious treasure that you didn't realize. He noticed it."

The doctor continued to drink the already cold tea, "I don't need to overwhelm everyone in every field, it's enough to do what I'm interested in."

"Okay, whatever you want. I have to perform an operation on Chu Hegui down there. It's lucky for this kid to meet me."

The doctor finally turned around, "No, I'll go."

"You?" The woman was taken aback.

The doctor smiled and said, "I haven't touched a scalpel in 40 years, so it's not too strange."

In the same star field, the federal secret research base was also full of alarms, and several of the rows of medical cabins turned red at the same time. Medical personnel rushed back and forth, and several senior doctors screamed desperately, ordering the operating room to be prepared.

On the other side of the area, operating rooms lit up with in-use signs and were quickly filling up. Numerous workers are building cubicles in open areas and setting up temporary operating rooms.

Immediately afterwards, the medical cabins were pushed into the operating room. The doctors directly hung the treatment equipment on the medical cabins, put on glasses, pressed their hands empty, and began to operate on the people in the medical cabins. As they move, a combined medical knife like a probe is inserted into the patient's body. If the probe is enlarged, it can be seen that there are more than a dozen combined instruments. This probe can operate on a single cell, representing the most cutting-edge technology of human beings so far.

At this time, a majestic figure walked in from the gate. He glanced at the chaotic image in the hall and asked, "What's going on?"

An admiral rushed over and said: "Marshal Austin, the real dream suddenly appeared turbulent, and the catastrophe in many areas was ahead of schedule. 76 of our 340 explorers were killed, and another 50 were seriously injured. They are returning urgently. The judgment is that the dream has changed. .”

Austin was a little surprised: "Change? It's two years ahead of schedule!"

"It's just a preliminary judgment, and it's not clear why it changed."

Austin said: "We still don't know the reason for the changes in the dream world. It's normal to be early or late..."

Just then, Austin received a message. Seeing this news, he was obviously stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and sighed: "He died? It seems that the kid is not very lucky."

He turned his head and looked at Hathaway and Kun who were following behind him, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said, "You two are much luckier."

The admiral glanced at Hathaway and Kun calmly, and said, "Aiming at the changes in the dream world, we are going to launch the No. 3 plan. Would you like to watch it in the command hall?"

"Go and see."

After a while, a group of people came to the command hall upstairs. In the center of the hall was a holographic map, but most of the light spots were light spots, and some of the light spots extended a thin line to form a larger light spot.

The general said: "It has been four years since the last change. During these four years, we have explored an area of ​​more than 30,000 square kilometers and successfully established 11 temporary camps and 4 permanent camps. The largest The scale of the camp has exceeded 20 people. The longest survival time of individuals is 118 days, the longest survival time of camps is 97 days, and survived up to 5 catastrophes. Up to now, we have found 17,099 rare objects with research value, successfully 1,344 research projects were initiated."

Austin nodded slightly.

The general continued: "According to past experience, there will be a turbulent period ranging from 7-10 hours after this dream change, and then it will enter a stable period. We plan to invest in three groups of 10 exploration teams during the turbulent period. Exploration and positioning. After entering the stable period, 3 groups of exploration core teams of 50 people will be deployed. The core team members have at least a record of surviving in the dream world for 100 days, have experienced death once, and their physical condition is still Good, belonging to the best balance point of experience, wisdom and body."

The general paused, raised his voice a little, and said: "We have made a substantial breakthrough in the analysis of real dreams, which can slightly affect the content of real dreams. According to the calculations of the super mastermind Iridium, our core team this time has A 13% probability is placed in the adjacent area! This will allow us to establish at least two teams of 5 people in the second-level area, leading in one fell swoop!"

Austin also nodded slightly and said yes.

However, the admiral coughed and said, "Marshal, according to the resolution No. 1078 of the parliament, you cannot enter the real dream in any way without the consent of three quarters of the members."

Austin's face was also a little embarrassed. He looked back at Hathaway and said, "It was nothing more than an accidental death during the exploration that year, and his strength dropped by 3%."

The general said seriously: "Every ounce of your strength is the wealth of the entire Federation and the wealth of the entire human race!"

Hathaway groaned and said, "Is the death penalty so severe?"

The admiral said: "In the earliest period, after normal explorers died in a real dream, a large area of ​​brain cells would die, and multiple organ failure would occur in the body. The comprehensive evaluation of intelligence would drop by 17%, and the health level would drop by 21%. With increased investment in medical treatment and targeted training before entering, the average decline in intelligence after death has been reduced to 9.7%, and the decline in health has been reduced to 9.2%. Most of the exploration team members can withstand two deaths without affecting normal life, three times It can be done without affecting the quality of life after death. And the marshal..."

Austin interrupted him and said, "Now the Federation has a special medical treatment, but it is very expensive and the resources are extremely limited. But I have already applied for places for the two of you, so the death penalty is 3%."

Thinking of the special rules in the real dream, Kun's eyes lit up, and said: "Then I can enter multiple times? Haha! It seems that the time to make a contribution has come!"

At this time, Crassus walked out of the shadows, and said with a smile: "Although entering multiple times can gain the greatest advantage, it is better not to die if you can survive. After all, the loss of 3% intelligence is also very huge."

Kun flipped through the information he had just sent, and suddenly let out a low cry, "Wait, what did I see? This DS-L technology can repair an additional 0.4% of intellectual loss?"

Crassus said faintly beside him: "This is a self-funded project, and the operation cost is 120 million."

Kun waved his hand and said, "What is money in front of intelligence? I will book this operation three times first!"

"Me too! 5 times!" Hathaway also came over at some point.

"Look again, are there any similar projects?" The two got together and started looking for paid projects one by one. The unit price of each item in the list is higher than Crassus's entire net worth.

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