God is Coming

Chapter 932 Say hello on his behalf

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With a bang, the wooden spear in Hathaway's hand exploded into several pieces. Venus flickered in front of her eyes, and she could hardly see anything. A huge force knocked her backwards and hit a big tree heavily on her back.

For a moment, she was spinning, trying to retch, but she couldn't move because the point of a wooden spear was pointed at her throat.

Hathaway regained her eyesight, and was taken aback immediately, and said in surprise, "It's you!"

Lin Xi was also surprised: "Why are you here?"

"I'm lost."

This answer made Lin Xi dumbfounded. This ability to get lost is a bit powerful, but she thinks that the other party is lying. Anyway, Lin Xi doesn't trust Hathaway at all.

Just when Lin Xi was about to sneer, Hathaway's gaze was a little off. Instead of looking into her eyes, she stared at her chest. Lin Xi's face was slightly hot, and the shame and anger just now came to her heart again, and she shouted, "What are you looking at?"

"Are you... so unrestrained?"

Lin Xi almost stabbed him with a spear, but fortunately, he has a good self-restraint. As soon as he suppressed the desire to do it, the little princess' eyes began to go down again...

"You!!" Lin Xi raised the wooden spear, ready to knock the guy in front of him unconscious. However, as soon as she raised the wooden spear, the little princess walked around behind the tree like a ghost, and disappeared in an instant, leaving behind a chuckle: "You have a good figure..."

Lin Xi didn't chase, just looking at the start, he knew that he would not be able to catch up in the forest, not to mention where this little fairy has learned master-level concealment and stealth skills, as long as she disappears from sight, it will be difficult to catch up again. Find whereabouts.

Thinking of waiting for more than ten minutes and being poked at the end, Lin Xi gritted her teeth with hatred, and said in her heart: "When you fall into my hands, I will strip you naked first!"

After the unexpected episode, Lin Xi continued to sew his own leather armor. Two hours later, all the animal skins were used up, and Lin Xi was covered from head to toe. Not only did he have leather boots and mittens, but he also had a hood and a mask, and only his eyes were exposed. She bundled all the roasts into a bundle, carried them on her back, and started walking away along the edge of the forest.

This is the morning of the third day after the world has changed. It is fast to set off to explore the second-level area now, but it is not the fastest. But at this moment, Lin Xi is definitely the group with the highest defense, it just depends on which unlucky guy will fall into her hands.

In the forest, Hathaway was starting a small fire the size of a palm, roasting mushrooms the size of two fists. This is her breakfast. This kind of mushroom doesn't taste very good, but it has extremely high calories. Two mushrooms are enough for her to support her activities throughout the day.

While roasting the mushrooms, the little princess thought about the thrilling experience just now. If Lin Xi hadn't discovered her at the last moment and pulled back in time, she would be a corpse now.

She threw a roasted mushroom into her mouth, thinking of the glowing white body, and thought bitterly: "If I knew it was you, I would have engraved my name on it..."

When the morning light shone on the hillside, Chu Jungui walked out from his hiding place and moved his body.

"It's the second day for me, but it's the third day for others, and the gap is not easy to make up." Chu Jungui thought, and picked up a bent wooden stick. This wooden strip was processed by Kaitian last night, and it took a lot of effort to bite it with its teeth, which shows its toughness and strength.

This is a very special kind of tree. I found two or three trees in this forest. They don’t grow very high. They look a bit like white birches, only the thickness of a bowl, but the wood is extremely hard and has excellent toughness. It is Chu It takes some effort for Jun Gui to bend it.

Chu Jungui tied a special rope made of the bark of this tree to one end of the wooden bar, then bent it with force, and then tied the rope to the other end, and it became a primitive recurve bow. After making it, Chu Jungui used both hands to fully draw the bow, paused for a few seconds, and then slowly let go and let out a breath.

Just after trying the bow, Chu Jungui has already figured out the strength needed to draw the bow: 910 kilograms.

Chu Jungui put the bow aside, then picked up the second wooden stick, and sent the predetermined drawings to Kaitian, and Kaitian covered this wooden stick for secondary processing. This time Chu Jungui thinned the wooden strip a lot, made a new bow embryo, and then turned it into a short bow. This bow requires much less power than the previous one, only 300 kilograms, and Chu Jungui can shoot it quickly.

In fact, the last bow can also shoot quickly, but it is a bit wasteful.

After making two bows, two kinds of arrows have to be made next, one is heavy arrows for recurve bows, and the weight of a single arrow can reach 1 kg. The other is ordinary arrows for short bows, which are made quickly, and there are 30 arrows in a blink of an eye.

After making the bow and arrow, Chu Jungui took the pickaxe to the edge of the cliff, and kept knocking down the dark red rock. These are almost natural iron, and the purity of the spectroscopic test is over 80%, which belongs to the kind that can be directly put into the furnace after being smashed.

Chu Jungui estimated that he knocked down about 1,000 kilograms of ore, and moved them back to the camp in two batches. Then he built a small two-meter-high furnace with pebbles and river mud by the pool, and laid charcoal and ore layer by layer. Kaitian shot out two beams of thin light and lit the fire.

This furnace will take several hours to burn, and Chu Jungui has prepared several molds, ready to enter the age of metal tools.

Kaitian enters the forest and scans and detects various plants in order to determine their uses.

When making the mold, Chu Jungui began to sort out the known data. Now there are more than 70 kinds of rocks with different compositions, hundreds of trees and shrubs, and more than 60 kinds of herbs. This is just a small area around the camp. It seems that the real dream is just like its name, and its complexity is not lower than reality.

In addition, the presence of microorganisms in this world has been confirmed. Hundreds of bacteria, even viruses, and something smaller and simpler than viruses, but perhaps more dangerous, were detected from just one piece of soil. This world is very real and very dangerous.

As for the food, it's relatively simple. Chu Jungui's powerful digestion ability has also been brought to this world. He can eat grass if he wants, but the calories of grass are very low, and the leaves are not much better. The inner layer of the bark is a good nutrient, but it is too troublesome to prepare. Rabbit meat is a very good food. The rabbit has already entered Chu Jungui's stomach, and now it has become nutrients. It is being turned into fat in the microcirculation system of the test body, and then compressed twice, transformed into almost All solid high density fat. Chu Jungui looks fit and handsome, but in fact, the calories stored in his body are much higher than that of a 300-jin fat man.

The first batch of tools that Chu Jungui prepared to make included axes, knives, picks and drills, as well as saws. He also plans to make a few metal plates, which are usually used as workbenches.

The flames in the original stone furnace became more and more vigorous. Chu Jungui took a casual look and judged from the infrared radiation that the temperature of the furnace had gradually exceeded 1200 degrees and was still rising slowly. The ore in the furnace has already shown signs of melting, and it seems that there is no need to install additional blast equipment. The melting point of pure iron in real dreams is higher than that in the real world, but the temperature of the charcoal fire here is also much higher than in the real world. According to Dr. Zero's research, it is that the matter in this world is more tightly combined, and at the same time contains higher energy.

However, the ore mined by Chu Jungui contains a lot of impurities, as does the iron that is smelted, so the melting point is much lower than that of pure iron.

In the afternoon, before the first furnace of iron was released, Chu Jungui suddenly saw a figure appearing at the foot of the mountain in the distance. The other party obviously also saw the camp here, and approached this side along the foothills.

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, did he pass through the second-level area on the third day? It seems that this is a survival expert, but I don't know which camp it is from. Normally, the other party entered the world a whole day earlier, so he must already have a complete set of equipment. In real dreams, those who dare to explore alone in the early stage are ruthless people.

Kai Tian also got the news, moved to the edge of the forest, and lurked down. It's okay against small animals, but it's powerless against explorers.

From a long distance, Chu Jungui had already seen the appearance of the visitor, and successfully matched it with the information in the database. Although the other party has been disguised and has a mask on his face, the eyes cannot be changed. The ones Chu Jungui can recognize are naturally the explorers of the dynasty. Before entering the real dream, people from the same camp will always share information to avoid accidental injury.

The other party cautiously approached to 200 meters before calling out tentatively: "Chu... Jungui?"

Chu Jungui put down the stone knife in his hand, and the man also put away the stone spear, and said, "Hi, I'm Lu Luan, from the military. You should have read my information."


Lu Luan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It seems that I was lucky this time, and I met my own people at the beginning. I thought I had to kill a few guys from the Federation or the Community first!"

Chu Jungui looked at the other party. Unsurprisingly, Lu Luan was wearing a leather jacket, with a belt made of plant fibers around his waist, on which were hung water bags, dry food bags, and a stone dagger and a wooden thorn. On his back were three wooden spears, the tips of which were blackened, apparently hardened by fire. There is also a handful of dried wild flowers hanging on his back waist, which is obviously not a decoration.

Chu Jungui stepped aside and said, "Come and sit in my camp."

Lu Luan said: "Time is tight now, and our lead is running out. At the latest tomorrow morning, we have to set off to enter the second-level area, where... wait! Is this a melting pot?!"

"It's almost ready. I'm a geologist. I'm lucky. I just discovered an open-pit iron mine. It won't be too late to explore after we change our weapons and tools."

With complicated eyes, Lu Luan said, "Okay, usually the veins can only be found in the second-level area. Your luck is really good. If this is the case, we will start again tomorrow morning."

"I'll go find something to eat." Chu Jungui said, then turned and walked towards the forest.

As soon as he turned around, Lu Luan suddenly pulled out the stone dagger, and stabbed Chu Jungui's back fiercely!

"General Su asked me to say hello to you on his behalf!" Lu Luan said with a sinister smile.

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