God is Coming

Chapter 943 Covering the sky with one hand

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"It's time to go back." Chu Jungui had already packed all his luggage and put them on the high platform in the camp. However, the backpack was half opened, revealing a branch that was heavily wrapped in bark. If any explorers happen to come here, they will see scattered equipment and half-open backpacks. Whether you are curious or picking up waste, always look at what is wrapped in the bark.

"It's a bit unnecessary." Kai Tian didn't take it seriously, and said: "Human beings, low life forms, will die if they stay in this camp for more than 10 minutes?"

"It's always better to be more prepared." Chu Jungui checked the arrangement for the last time, and then activated the return qualification, and his body became nothingness.

He only felt that his eyes went dark, and he lost the sense of his body. Immediately, he passed through a period of silence and darkness that he couldn't tell whether it was long or short. Faint singing!

Before he had time to distinguish, the physical sensation came back. Chu Jungui slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the translucent roof of the medical cabin, and the lights on the ceiling were being turned on one by one.

This medical cabin is the most advanced technology of the Dynasty. Once it detects the return of consciousness, it will immediately activate all functions and notify the doctor.

In a blink of an eye, a group of doctors rushed into the ward. The old doctor in the lead glanced at the data, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, it's a return."

All the doctors also breathed a sigh of relief, but in the blink of an eye, they felt something was wrong. They returned just after the first cataclysm? Is the return qualification so easy to get? Only in the militarized mode of group action of the Federation, people will be arranged to return at a specific point in time to coordinate follow-up actions. Now Exploration Department II also tends to move closer to the federal model. But Chu Jungui is a lone traveler, and he doesn't need to coordinate with anyone at all. Dr. Ling didn't even arrange a plan for him alone, so why come back at this time? That's not how regression is used.

The usage of return value maximization, one is to return to the real space for targeted training and training before the catastrophe comes, or suddenly memorize some knowledge of equipment manufacturing, and then return to the real dream to create specific equipment to survive the catastrophe. For example, if the first cataclysm is a beast horde, then the best weapon to deal with it is a shotgun, or make multiple muskets, and eliminate the most threatening individual in the herd first, and finally kill the fish that slip through the net with meatball, traps, etc. If you build a sniper rifle to deal with the beast tide, you will be courting death.

Returning to the second usage is the team usage model for federated development. Multiple explorers return in turn according to the established time nodes, bring back important information such as the terrain, location and environment, and then return with instructions. In this way, if a few more come back, the Federation can determine their relative positions, thus instructing them to move closer to each other and cooperate with each other. This is also the reason why the Federation was able to establish a large-scale exploration team in the early stages of the change.

Compared with the monolithic federation, the dynasty is divided into three parts, each of which has no control. The one led by Dr. Zero is naturally the largest, but in the early years, there were three that challenged the first, and now the three are in decline, and the second is just around the corner. And the first one was not created and led by Dr. Zero. The doctor was only the first batch of participants. Later, he gradually paid attention to the real dream, and then he took the leadership and drove out the original founders and veterans. His means and reputation are not enough for outsiders, and to put it bluntly, it doesn't sound very good.

With the example of a Ph.D., the second and third parts naturally follow the example, and the competition for resources is unambiguous. But the doctor's method is also unambiguous, and he has always firmly controlled the largest share, and even the vast majority of privileges. What's more, he doesn't use these privileges himself, and he doesn't allow others to use them. If the second and third parts want to use the privilege once, they will be obstructed in every possible way. A successful application has to shed several layers of skin at a time, which is no less difficult than escaping from the Bastille. Over the years, they have only used the privilege three times, which is equivalent to once every 20 years.

What makes the second part and the third part gnash their teeth with hatred is that many privileges were actually brought back by their explorers, and then they were taken away by the doctor through the system. The second part and the third part, together with the enemy Kai, fought against this evil old system for 30 years, and then overthrew the doctor's dark rule in one fell swoop and won the privileged management right. It's just the management right. If you want to use it, you still have to go through a procedure with the doctor. Therefore, from the perspective of those in power in the second and third departments, the fire of revolution has just been ignited.

Doctors are so concerned about privileges, but they don't pay much attention to returning qualifications. They let the explorers play freely, and have no idea of ​​forming a team to fight. In the end, the explorers of the first chapter organized some small groups privately in order to survive, but it was very difficult to meet in the real dream.

The second part and the third part want to emulate the federal system, but there are not enough explorers. However, there are enough explorers, but they don't plan to copy the federal system. If it is like this year after year, time will be wasted.

The dynasty is divided into three parts, which is still better than the disunity of the community.

A scanning beam swept across from head to toe, inspecting Chu Jungui's body, and after confirming that there was no major injury, the cover of the medical cabin was slowly opened.

A group of doctors and nurses were busy around the medical cabin, making the most detailed examination of Mr. Chu. Last time Chu Jungui's operation was performed by Dr. Ling himself, and more than 600 molecular knives were worn out. So these people dare not neglect.

Sure enough, Dr. Zero appeared in the ward a few minutes later, he waved the doctors and nurses to retreat, and then asked, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

"I need to confirm a few things. In addition, I want to increase the carrying capacity. I don't know what suggestions you have."

"What do you want to confirm?"

Chu Jungui said: "First of all, it is your attitude towards the second and third parts."

Dr. Zero said: "In the past few days since you went in, the Imperial Research Institute has asked me to hold a meeting about your complaints. Do you know my attitude now?"

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "It's good that you can stand it!"

Dr. Ling snorted and said, "Whether you can stand it or not depends on the harvest."

"Six places and two comebacks, is that enough?"

Dr. Zero was also a little surprised, and said, "How many people did you kill inside?"

Chu Jungui thought about his words: "Not many were killed, many were picked."

"Pick it up?"

"Well, when I got there, I only saw the equipment and quota, but I didn't see anyone, and I don't know when they died."

Chu Jungui's words were not considered a lie, so he calmly faced Dr. Ling's gaze without flinching. Of course, even if he had a guilty conscience, he could still control himself and keep his eyes clear.

Staring at a pair of innocent big eyes, in Chu Jungui's view, is a matter of a set of data: how big the eyes are, how many angles they look up at, the shape of the muscles at the corners of the eyes, and even the light transmittance and refractive index of the pupils. Fixed value. If it is more detailed, it can be a component by itself. These data are the core assets of tactical deception.

Dr. Zero didn't bother with it, and asked, "What about the second one?"

"I want to know why the Dynasty suddenly pays so much attention to real dreams, or why those people in the second and third movies suddenly pay so much attention to real dreams."

"Why do you have this idea?"

Chu Jungui did not hide anything, and said: "Obviously, the explorers of the second part are looking for and want to kill me. It is not a small amount to buy these explorers, and death in real dreams is not real. Death will do me little harm. With this money, it is better to start directly outside."

Dr. Zero nodded and said: "You are right, they are going to attack you, and they are actually targeting me. The reason is very complicated. The reason is that the existing evidence has shown that real dreams are not human technology, but aliens. A product of civilization. This is our first contact with an alien civilization in more than 1,000 years, and the technological level of this civilization is still higher than ours. Therefore, the cabinet has made a resolution to increase investment and fully explore the real dream. Specifically To put it bluntly, the funding will increase by 11 times, and the administrative level of the project leader will be raised by half.”

Chu Jungui immediately understood the weight of it. Just looking at the scale of the Exploration Base, one can tell that the annual expenditure of the project is astronomical. Now directly increase more than ten times? In addition, the person in charge of the project will have more weight if he is promoted by half a level. Dr. Zero is already a high-ranking person.

Dr. Zero continued: "This is the biggest reason, so the military and the capital behind the third department are all jealous, trying to suppress the first department. After another six months, the committee of the Academy of Sciences will be re-elected, and then the committee will select the person in charge. The vice presidents of various fields. If the Real Dream project falls into my hands again, I am afraid that the position of a vice president will be mine."

Chu Jungui also knew that this kind of position had already been divided, one carrot and one pit, and now if Dr. Zero took one out of thin air, someone would have to spit out one.

However, with Dr. Ling's achievements in the field of science, it's strange that he hasn't been appointed as the vice president until now.

Dr. Ling seemed to know what Chu Jungui was thinking, and smiled rarely, and said: "There are thousands of accusations and complaints against me every year, and there are more than 700 lawsuits in court. More than 170 cases have been closed, and 1,100 cases have not been closed.”

Chu Jungui was also taken aback. Compared with Dr. Ling, his accusation was nothing.

Dr. Ling continued: "The reason is very simple. I am in charge of a little more projects, and I have a little more funds."

"How much?" Chu Jungui asked subconsciously.

"270 billion, per year."

Chu Jungui was completely shocked. In comparison, his light years were nothing but nothing.

Dr. Ling continued: "In addition, I have opened more than 100 companies myself, there are good and bad, but together, I can always earn tens of billions a year."

Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that Dr. Ling was just a master of science, but he never thought that his side job would be so prosperous.

Now everything is very clear. Although the resolution of the cabinet has not yet been officially announced, well-informed people must have known it. It's just that Dr. Zero is almost covering the sky with one hand in this project. It didn't matter before, but now some people can't see it.

Since Dr. Ling spent 2 billion medical expenses on Chu Jungui, everyone knew how important Chu Jungui was to the doctor. If he wanted to attack the doctor, Chu Jungui naturally became the primary target.

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