God is Coming

Chapter 948 Chase

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In the depths of the forest, two figures were running like lightning, even faster than tigers and leopards. However, they looked very embarrassed. Arrows and spears whizzed by from time to time, with incredible strength and amazing accuracy. If the two of them hadn't dodged extremely well, they would have been shot into hedgehogs long ago.

The two ran out of the forest in a blink of an eye and stopped suddenly. Under their feet was a cliff hundreds of meters high!

The two are clearly Crassus and Kun, but they have long since lost their charm, their clothes are torn and scarred all over their bodies.

Crassus glanced down the cliff, and there was also a dense forest below, extending to the edge of a big river in the distance.

When Kun looked at it, his expression changed: "There is also a forest below! Too bad!"

There was a hooting sound in the woods behind the two of them, like wild men hunting, and each figure was looming in the forest, with a long tail dragging behind them, and the difference from the villain Chu Jungui met was that they were taller There are many more, and the spear and arrow tips are shining with blue light.

Crassus narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "It is possible to go down this cliff, but if you are attacked halfway, you will only have a dead end. In addition, you must run for a while after going down. If you don't increase the distance, we will only become them in the forest." prey."

Kun Yi gritted his teeth, pulled out his dagger, and said, "Fight with them!"

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly pushed by Crassus and fell off the cliff involuntarily!

Crassus' voice came from the cliff: "I'll hold them back, you flee to the other side of the river and set up a camp, and wait for me to come back."

"No! It should be me!!" Kun roared.

"Your IQ can't be lowered any more." Crassus chuckled from the top of the cliff, and then burst into momentum, turning into a gust of wind, and swept away the many figures in the forest!

Kun's dagger plunged into a small tree growing on the cliff, and the huge falling force tore it out entirely. He used this to slow down his fall, and after falling more than ten meters, he grabbed on the cliff, and then slipped for more than ten meters after the fall slightly subsided. After stopping like this for more than ten times, he finally stepped on the bottom of the cliff smoothly, and then ran towards the direction of the river.

Trees passed by quickly, and Kun didn't know how long he ran. His mind went blank, and some parts of his body gradually became numb. Although the forest was gloomy, at least those death-like shadows did not continue to appear. As he was running, the front of him suddenly opened up, and a large river running quietly appeared.

Kun leaped tens of meters and fell into the river like a flying fish. He let the icy water wash over his body and took away the silently flowing tears on his face.

A moment later, Kun came ashore on the other side of the river. He raised his head, wiped off the water on his face, and then the heat rose from his body, drying up the water on his body.

His expression was cold and somewhat numb. Looking at the terrain on the other side of the river, he finally selected a small highland facing the big river. He took a few steps towards the high ground, then suddenly turned his head, staring at the forest on the other side of the river, with veins throbbing on his forehead, and bloodshot eyes suddenly appearing in his eyes.

Kun's blood surged for a moment, and he was about to go back to the other side of the river to fight those guys desperately, but after walking a few steps, he stopped forcibly and turned around. This time he walked resolutely to the high ground, but he had already bit his lip bleeding.

What has happened cannot be changed, even if it happens again, the result will be the same. There has always been a tradition among Austin's students that when danger is encountered, the strong will lose the rear.

At this moment, there is only one dagger left in Kun's whole body, and all the tools and equipment are completely lost. He didn't think about the difficulties, and he completely forgot about the fatigue and pain of his body. He first felled and brought back a few logs, then set up a bonfire, cut the logs into wood, planned the prototype of the fortification, and then moved stones one by one. The low walls were built piece by piece with river mud, which was done very seriously.

The night falls, the night dissipates. In the morning light, the figure on the high ground was still working mechanically.

At the edge of the swamp area, gunshots rang out. In a camp armed to the teeth, more than a dozen explorers were relying on solid fortifications to shoot desperately. At this moment, the night has just fallen, and it is completely hidden in the darkness tens of meters away. Even if there were torches all around the camp, the light from the fire could only illuminate an area within a dozen meters. In the darkness, strange howls sounded continuously, sharp arrows were shot continuously, the accuracy was astonishing, almost all the arrows fell within the range of the shooting holes, and the explorers in the camp could hardly raise their heads.

Fortunately, the camp was built extremely solidly, and the defense was arranged by a master tactician. There were no dead spots of firepower in all directions, and there were a large number of explorers. These days, a large amount of ammunition was produced, and they could shoot deadly shots. Withstand the enemy's attack.

The attack on the camp lasted for a full two hours, and finally the attackers left dozens of corpses and retreated to the depths of the swamp.

The leader of the camp glanced outside, stopped the two men who wanted to go out, and then shouted at the guard tower: "Carl!"

"Understood!" A spear was thrown from the sentry tower, dragging a long rope, stabbing a corpse, and then slowly dragging back.

The corpse was dragged back to the camp. Under the firelight, the faces of many explorers changed drastically, and they asked in horror, "What is this?"

"It's not the witch head clan!"

"Watch out, it has spikes on its tail!"

"What is it wearing, armor?"

The leader's face was extremely gloomy, and after staring at the corpse for a long time, he said slowly: "No matter what it is, this thing has nothing to do with people."

The leader suddenly raised his head and said, "Little John, use a return to bring back the situation on our side."

"……Yes, sir."

In another forest, Lin Xi dodged a sharp arrow sideways, and light flashed all over his body. A spear shot thunderously in the direction of the sharp arrow, and it was deeply nailed into a big tree. Hole through the whole tree!

There was a miserable howl from where the spear fell, and a strange creature with a tail emerged, struggling in vain.

Lin Xi's body was full of light, and he rushed into the forest like a cheetah. The spear in his hand was shining, and the two sharp arrows were thrown into the air.

A shrill scream sounded from inside the big tree, and blood gushed out from the spear.

As soon as he succeeded in the blow, Lin Xi didn't love to fight. With a kick of his legs on the tree, he flew upside down, turned around on the ground, and his movements were extremely smooth. He escaped from the forest in an instant and stopped at a pile of rubble hundreds of meters away.

There are many shadows shaking in the forest, roaring angrily. But between the forest and the pile of rocks is an open field of more than 100 meters, and seven or eight corpses are already lying there. Once these strange creatures leave the forest, their speed will drop by a step, and there is no cover in the open ground, so it is difficult to escape Lin Xi's thunder-throwing spear. After paying a heavy price, they did not dare to go out of the forest, and could only shoot arrows from a distance. But there were bunkers everywhere in the pile of rocks, and Lin Xi could hide himself very well by just finding a rock to hide in.

Lin Xi leaned against a boulder, and slowly calmed down her breathing. At the same time, she picked up a semi-finished throwing spear, sharpened the shaft of the spear with a knife, and adjusted the center of gravity. She silently calculated her physical strength, and felt that she could make two more charges.

After encountering these creatures that appeared suddenly, Lin Xi found this battlefield after some fighting. When she rests well, she will sprint across the open ground to the forest, bursting out with all her strength at the same time, withdraw after killing one or two enemies, and come back again after resting. Relying on this tactic, Lin Xi has killed at least 20 strange creatures similar to barbarians. She looked at the sky again, and it was still some time before it got dark. In the dark, she wanted to kill these enemies who appeared suddenly, so as to ensure the safety of the night.

Another mountain stands abruptly on the ground, but it is surrounded by a gentle slope with sparse forests. Hathaway was running in the forest like an antelope, her movements were light and nimble, seemingly effortless, but her speed was very fast. Behind her, more than a dozen strange creatures were chasing after her. They landed on all fours, and sometimes jumped onto trees, using their strength to fly. However, the armor on their bodies and numerous weapons slowed down their speed to some extent, so that they were still a bit behind Hathaway.

These strange creatures roared angrily, and occasionally shot a few arrows forward. Just shooting arrows while running at full speed, the accuracy is really not very good, the little princess doesn't have to hide at all.

Just like this, after chasing and fleeing, he circled behind the mountain in a blink of an eye. A few minutes later, the little princess rushed out from the other side of the mountain, took big strides, lightly rushed across the open land, and entered the sparse forest ahead.

More than ten strange creatures rushed over, but two were missing. While rushing across the open ground, a strange creature suddenly fell down on the ground, rolled over a dozen times on the ground, then struggled to get up, fell down again before taking two steps, and could not get up again this time.

The rest of the strange creatures followed the little princess closely, and circled behind the mountain again. A few minutes later, Hathaway came out from behind the mountain like a happy deer, and this time there were only 7 strange creatures chasing after her. Without stopping, she rushed across the open field and into the woods. Two of the 7 strange creatures behind them fell down on the open ground, and only 5 of them followed Hathaway into the mountain and started the third round of chasing.

A few minutes later, Hathaway came out from behind the mountain peak. This time, there were only three strange creatures left behind her, and all of them walked heavily, with white foam around their mouths, panting like cows, dragging their bodies. move. But the little princess slowed down, and her movements were as light as before, leading the three-headed pursuers towards the sparse forest.

When she stood by the forest, there were no pursuers behind her.

Only then did she take off her short bow, turned around and walked towards the open ground, shooting and killing the struggling strange creatures on the open ground with one arrow after another. Then she circled the mountain in a counterclockwise direction, patching all the way, and returned to the open field again.

Only then did she heave a sigh of relief. She didn't expect these guys to be so difficult to deal with. They actually chased her three times and ran for dozens of kilometers. They refused to give up until they exhausted themselves to death. However, it is mostly a tragedy for any creature to compete with humans, and it is definitely a tragedy to compete with a little princess.

Deep in the forest, Chu Jungui was standing in another small village, studying the totem pole in front of him. The quiver on his body was mostly empty, and a long arrow was nailed to hundreds of trees around the village until it had no handle. Most of them returned without success, but there were also large bloodstains where more than a dozen arrows were hit. In addition, there are dozens of corpses inside and outside the village, half inside the village and half outside the village, with different postures, but all of them were shot dead.

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