God is Coming

Chapter 954: Widely Expanded Production Capacity

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\u003c!--go--\u003e The shaping spray gun is not the most important part of the manufacturing machine, but the intelligent control core is. There will be a miniature brain in the control core, responsible for decomposing the blueprint into tasks that the manufacturing machine can complete, and controlling each component to complete one by one. Although the miniature main brain of the manufacturing machine does not focus on performance, but on safety and reliability, so it is often manufactured with technology that is two or three generations behind, but no matter what, it is still the main brain, and its complexity is far beyond the most advanced chips in the parent star era. It belongs to the category of handmade.

It's hard to say that Chu Jungui is an advanced mastermind, but he still remembers dozens of sets of design drawings and manufacturing processes of backward masterminds. If it must be done by hand, his hand-made precision is barely qualified. It's just that it's a huge project, and it can't be completed in more than ten days. The best way to manufacture master brains is to use manufacturing machines with advanced manufacturing processes, but without master brains, there would be no manufacturing machines, thus falling into an endless loop, which is also the reason why human beings have not been able to enter the age of master brains after decades of exploring real dreams.

But now Chu Jungui has a means to break the situation: open the sky.

Chu Jungui pulled out all the various control circuits of the prototype manufacturing machine and turned it into a data interface composed of hundreds of copper wires. It's a bit primitive and rough, but it works. It would take another day to create a modern standard biological data interface, but this copper wire took Chu Jungui 3 minutes.

After turning on the electricity and then connecting to Kaitian, the manufacturing machine finally started to move. Chu Jungui inserted the prepared material sticks into the feed port, and after a few minutes, the manufacturing machine began to spit out parts one by one.

Chu Jungui handed over all the mechanical parts of the shaping spray gun to Kaitian, and went to grind a few crystal cores himself. This manufacturing machine can't make it, so he can only polish it by hand. Fortunately, the test body's hand was like lightning, and a surface could be ground out in two strokes. A core with hundreds of facets was formed in his hands at a speed visible to the naked eye, faster than machining.

Twenty minutes later, the second manufacturing machine was completed, and Kai Tian had another handful of copper wires in his hand. Then the two manufacturing machines started working at the same time, and Kaitian automatically optimized the process and assigned different tasks to each. After 10 minutes, the third manufacturing machine was born. The next three will start working at the same time...

An hour later, in front of Chu Jungui, the ten manufacturing machines were lined up neatly. It's just that Kaitian is a bit strenuous, his thin body has to be stretched to more than ten meters, so that he can control all the manufacturing machines at the same time. But that's the limit of it.

The reality made Chu Jungui change his plan a little bit. First, he built a batch of data wires and interfaces, and then integrated all the interfaces into one platform, so that Kaitian could finally get together again.

Chu Jungui put a pot of dark food next to Kaitian, and then took out a cactus to take a picture of him. Kaitian suddenly had a great appetite and spirit, and he worked while eating. To be honest, controlling the manufacturing machine is much easier than cutting wood. The main reason is that the taste of wood is so bad that you can't eat much heat.

With a manufacturing machine, anything is possible. Chu Jungui's first batch was the thermal energy conversion network. In the real dream, the fuel is close to infinite. As long as the number of thermal power furnaces is sufficient, the energy source is also infinite. Chu Jungui was used to the idea of ​​using energy to kill opponents.

Chu Jungui used stones to build a three-meter-high, two-meter-diameter fixed power furnace. The inner wall was coated with river mud that would solidify after being heated, and the heat insulation efficiency was acceptable. The upper layer was placed with a heat conversion net. This kind of fixed power furnace is just a transitional one. The power of a single unit is 200kw. Although it is a bit small, since it is going to be mass-produced, naturally there will not be only one. Chu Jungui plans to build five units in the first batch.

With a power of 1000kw, it can barely drive a slightly larger electric furnace.

So in the third hour, Chu Jungui had 5 thermal furnaces, and half an hour later, a new electric furnace was in place to start smelting molten steel. A furnace is produced every half an hour, and a single furnace is 2 tons.

Once the production capacity is turned on, the fuel is not enough in a blink of an eye. Chu Jungui took the cart, and the trees in the open area had been cut down, so he came to the edge of the forest and began to saw and process the wood. This time he chose big trees with high density and hardness. Ten minutes later, Chu Jungui returned to the base with a cart. There are 4 logs on the cart, weighing 15 tons. The reason not to load more is because the load of the cart is so much, and the ground cannot bear it.

After sending the wood back to the camp, Chu Jungui returned immediately to start picking the next batch. This hour is spent logging. An hour was over soon, and including the round trip time, Chu Jungui's total production capacity was 60 tons of logs. The bottleneck of production capacity is mainly the pallet truck. Chu Jungui began to consider whether to build a pallet truck with eight wheels and wide tires. It is really impossible to put on the track, so that he can collect 200 tons of logs in an hour.

However, 60 tons of logs are enough, 10 tons can be used for 5 thermal furnaces to burn for a whole day, and the rest are building materials.

In the fifth hour, Chu Jungui planned mining. With the 2-ton electric melting furnace in place, the mine is not enough. Although the iron ore content in the real dream is extremely high, even with the current rough refining method, 4 tons of ore can produce 3 tons of iron, but once the new electric furnace is fired, it will eat up all the ore reserves that can be picked up nearby net.

The mine cliff was just one kilometer away. Chu Jungui added a circle of guards around the cart, doubled the width of the wheels, and went to the mine cliff.

Regardless of the type of ore in the mine cliff, most of them exist in the form of slate. Chu Jungui parked the cart dozens of meters away, picked up the special mining pick, took a big step and started a run-up, then jumped up, his body rose slowly until it was level with a dark red mine belt at a height of ten meters , The mining pick brought an arc, and slammed into the ore belt, almost the entire front edge was buried in the rock!

Chu Jungui kicked hard on the cliff, borrowed his strength to pry it, and with a crash, a large piece of ore rock fell off the mountain wall, and then fell into dozens of pieces on the ground.

The large piece of ore that was pried off was seven or eight meters square and more than half a meter thick. Chu Jungui landed lightly, then picked up a piece of ore that was one meter square and weighed it. This piece of ore is about half a cubic meter, but weighs 4 tons, and its density has exceeded that of iron in reality. But in a real dream, a cubic meter of iron weighs 9 tons.

Chu Jungui only put three pieces of ore on the cart, and the weight already exceeded 20 tons. The ore he pried out was more than 200 tons, and it seemed that he had to move it at least 10 times.

It is much faster to transport back and forth. In an hour or so, Chu Jungui mined two mines and moved them back and forth nearly 20 times, with a cumulative production capacity of 400 tons. These mines are enough for the time being, and Chu Jungui finally got a little tired, so he hugged the bucket pot with 180,000 calories in it, and counted the data while eating.

Now the construction of the camp has just completed 6 hours, and it has begun to take shape. This production capacity should already be much higher than that of a primitive village with a population of more than 100. Especially for metals, the Chu Jun Gui Yi Furnace is their 3-year output.

Looking at these data, Chu Jungui suddenly had a strange feeling, as if... he called mass production?

Although there is a small achievement, it is still far from the real mass production in Chu Jungui's mind, and this amount of supplies is far from enough to fight against the monster and its alienated fighters who are at least several hundred in size.

Chu Jungui swallowed half of the pot of dark food in two mouthfuls, rubbed a bunch of grass roots, leaves and berries into it, filled up the pot, and started the next project.

At the seventh hour, Mr. Chu built a smelting furnace. This is not the original electric melting furnace, but the smelting furnace of the interstellar era, the same as the one he built on planet 4. The production capacity and efficiency of the smelting furnace are much higher than that of the electric melting furnace, and the key to building it is actually the miniature brain. However, Kaitian can solve any place that needs a miniature mastermind. It ate hard for hours and was able to control a few more devices.

This smelting furnace smelts materials such as limestone, river mud, and river sand, and what comes out are non-metallic building materials, similar to concrete in the parent planet era. This production capacity is fast, 10 minutes per furnace, 2 cubic meters per furnace, 12 cubic meters of concrete in one hour.

At the eighth hour, the second smelting furnace was in place, the manufacturing machine began to switch to producing steel plates and fasteners, and Chu Jungui began to lay the foundation for the camp.

At the 9th hour, the construction of the defense officially began.

Chu Jungui first built a 10-meter baseline wall on the side facing the forest, erected ten thin steel plates each one square meter and 1 cm thick, and erected 30 cm thick hardwood boards on the outside, leaving 40 cm between the two boards. Centimeter gap, pour concrete in the middle, and finally fix it with strong pieces.

The performance of non-metallic building materials is much better than that of old-fashioned concrete. It only takes 10 minutes to harden. If Chu Jungui bakes it with heat again, it can be shortened by half.

After 15 minutes, Chu Jungui built another floor, and finally turned into an outer wall 10 meters long and 2 meters high. Chu Jungui reckoned that this wall would be impenetrable even with 12.7mm armor-piercing bullets, but from the outside, it looked like an ordinary wooden wall.

At the end of the 10th hour, Chu Jungui built three defensive outer walls, and built a low platform less than one meter inside, so that when people stand on it, half of their upper body is just exposed outside the wall, which is convenient. shooting.

When building defense facilities, Kaitian controls the manufacturing machine non-stop, half of which manufactures alloy arrows, half of which manufactures steel plates and other various components.

The quality of the alloy arrows exported by the manufacturing machine is uniform, and the center of gravity is all the same. The heavy arrows are 500g, and the light arrows are 150g. There are 5 pieces in a single batch, and 10 batches can be produced every hour. Therefore, by the end of the 10th hour, Chu Jungui already had 250 alloy arrows. .

While he was busy, Kai Tian suddenly warned: "Master, switch to short-wave vision!"


Chu Jungui's pupils changed, and he looked towards the forest, and then saw vague figures moving quickly towards his direction. Judging from the outline, it is the ape monster that Chu Jungui once encountered, but there are three obviously tall figures in it, which cannot be seen by normal human vision, but they are in the far end of the ultraviolet region, which is already close to the X-band area , they are extremely eye-catching.

There were more than 200 ordinary ape monsters attacking. A few hours ago, it might have caused Chu Jungui some trouble, but now, two and a half boxes of alloy arrows were placed at Chu Jungui's feet.

Although the power of alloy arrows is enough to instantly kill ape monsters, and it does not rule out the situation of wearing two and three, but the experimental subject who has always been cautious still feels a little lack of confidence. After all, he is not a god, and there will always be one or two arrows. There are times when the indeterminate arrow is not enough.


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