God is Coming

Chapter 970 I have an extra roommate

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The moment he returned to the real dream, Lin Xi instinctively protected his chest with one hand and covered it with the other to prevent Chu Jungui from being in the bedroom.

She came back an hour earlier than the scheduled time this time. Chu Jungui may not be anywhere in the camp, but generally speaking, it is unlikely that he is in the bedroom. Now there is nothing in the bedroom except a bed and a wardrobe, and there is no need for anything else.

So Chu Jungui will definitely not be in the bedroom! Lin Xi confidently appeared in the real dream, in the middle of the bedroom, three feet above the ground.

The wonderful thing about this world is that no accident is the real accident.

The first thing Lin Xi saw was Chu Jungui, he subconsciously exclaimed, stretching his five fingers to the maximum, trying to block as many things as possible, but then remembered that the five fingers stretched out, isn't it to reveal something that shouldn't be exposed? place? Besides, how could the horizontal arm block everything that should be blocked?

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Xi remembered that she could still shine. So the Forging Jade Jue was running at full capacity, and as soon as the light came on, she saw that there was a person beside her!

This shock was no small matter, Lin Xi was so frightened that he couldn't even let out a lot of light, only a hazy halo appeared around his body, which was far from cutting off the line of sight, at most it was half hidden.

The man didn't turn around, but stared at her!

Lin Xi's anger surged, and the Jade Forging Art was pushed forward like a tide, and his physical strength rose simultaneously with the light. Lin Xi made a fighting gesture, no longer covering the important parts. That person saw it when he saw it, and he was about to die anyway, maybe he forgot it was just the scene, and it also had a few percentage points of IQ attached.

The man suddenly covered his mouth with a chuckle and said, "Your figure is really good!"

The haze that shrouded her body faded away, and it turned out to be Hathaway!

The little princess's gaze was wanton. The more Lin Xi couldn't be seen, the more she wanted to stare at it. While looking at it, she said: "It's beautiful! It's great! Don't be shy, what's in the way, I'm not have not seen……"

Lin Xi could only push the jade forging formula to the extreme, and when he was ashamed and angry, he shouted: "Why are you here?"

The little princess said: "I was hunted down, Jun Gui happened to save me, and then I was here. To elaborate, it's like this, I was hunting..."

Only then did Lin Xi realize that the little princess had bad intentions, so he said to Chu Jun, "You go out first!"

Chu Jungui nodded, and walked obediently outside the house. Unexpectedly, the little princess pulled her back and whispered in his ear: "If you want to have a better life in the future, you can't let her put on the clothes now!"

Chu Jungui was startled, not understanding the relationship between the two. But the little princess over there has already moved, took a step across, and directly stopped Lin Xi and her armor, and said with a smile: "My story is not finished yet! Do you want to sit down and listen to me slowly?"

Lin Xi gritted her teeth and said to Chu Jungui, "Can't you get out?!"

Chu Jungui looked helpless, broke free from the little princess's hand, and walked outside the house. He could feel that Lin Xi was on the verge of breaking out. The little princess is used to probing on the verge of death, but he doesn't have the ability.

As soon as Chu Jungui was out of sight, Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure suddenly eased a lot. She stood in front of the little princess generously, looked Hathaway up and down, and said with a half-smile: "You don't want me to wear clothes?"

"Such a good figure, what a pity to wear clothes!" The little princess's eyes were fixed on Lin Xi's chest.

Lin Xi sneered: "You have a good figure, it's a pity to wear clothes!"

The little princess spread her hands and sighed: "Don't be fierce! Well, the clothes are here, do you want me to help you wear them?"

Lin Xi's body became more and more radiant, and said: "The last time we met, I haven't returned your gift yet. Now that we meet again, let's return the gift together!"

The little princess suddenly became nervous and said, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Xi stretched out a finger, and said softly, "Let go of you in 30 seconds, return the gift in 30 seconds, that's it!"

The little princess opened her mouth wide, and just about to scream, there was a flower in front of her eyes, and Lin Xi rushed over!

Outside the room, Chu Jungui looked helplessly at the sky, his mind was in a mess. He felt a few vibrations in the bedroom behind him, and then fell silent. When the shock wave came, the image was automatically synthesized, but it was ignored by Chu Jungui because it was too ridiculous.

The bedroom was a mess, with all the cupboards destroyed and half of the bed collapsed, but the walls were unharmed. The fierce battle lasted for 27 seconds, and Hathaway's life and death were already in the hands of others.

Lin Xi pressed the little princess on the bed with one hand, and said, "The gift of the day should be returned three times!"

She pulled off the little princess's clothes, pulled the hunting pants to her knees, and then raised her palms, making three crisp sounds, and there were three more handprints on the little princess's snow-white skin.

After punishing the little princess, Lin Xi suddenly felt that something was wrong. Hathaway's strength suddenly weakened, and her body seemed a little strange. But what was strange, she couldn't tell.

The little princess didn't say a word, and started to arrange her clothes. Lin Xi had been beaten and humiliated, so she was too embarrassed to go too far. Watching the little princess put on her clothes, she took advantage of this gap to put on her armor neatly. Then the two looked at each other and walked out of the room as if nothing had happened.

Chu Junhui was still looking up at the sky, as if to see if there were really gods in the sky of this real dream.

Lin Xi felt refreshed at the moment, and reached out to pat Chu Jungui on the shoulder, saying, "What are you doing still, let's get to work."

"What work?"

"Repair the house! How can people live in such a house?" Lin Xi said.

"Oh." Chu Jungui was like waking up from a dream.

Lin Xi pushed Chu Jungui to the bedroom, and asked casually, "What were you doing when I came back?"

Chu Jun returned: "Repair the house."

Lin Xi: ...

The bedrooms are broken down and structurally damaged and in need of a full refurbishment. But in fact, the amount of work is not too big. Lin Xi saw a batch of prefabricated building panels in the camp warehouse, which can be used as walls and roofs if they are directly spliced ​​together. These were things she didn't have before she left. It seemed that Chu Jungui was thoughtful.

The bed had to be replaced with a new one, and it was done quickly, but what kind of bed to make made Lin Xi a little embarrassed. She weighed it up instantly, gritted her teeth and said, "Make a big bed!"

The area of ​​the camp is actually very small, and those delicate manufacturing machines and power furnaces take up most of the space, so it is not easy to vacate the space of this bedroom. If you insist on building two bedrooms, you can only have one for Lin Xi and the little princess, and one for Chu Jun. For Lin Xi, who had already slept in the same room with Chu Jungui, he really didn't know how to speak.

So Lin Xi simply kept it as it was, adding the little princess as an extra roommate.

Chu Jungui has no objection now, and works silently. The little princess wanted to express her opinion, but was stopped by Lin Xi's fierce eyes.

Things like houses collapse quickly, and they are also repaired quickly. After repairs, they should also collapse very quickly.

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