God is Coming

Chapter 967 Evolution

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The blood sprayed onto Chu Jungui's face, and immediately penetrated into the body, most of it invaded along the mouth and nose, and the rest directly penetrated through the skin. However, no matter whether it was poisonous blood or sour blood, Chu Jungui was not afraid at all. He opened his mouth and sucked, and directly swallowed all the blood from his head and face into his stomach.

The blood actually sticks into a piece, and the fluidity is very good, so Chu Jungui sucked it into a piece. The blood entered the abdomen, and I immediately realized that I had entered a real hell. Chu Jungui's stomach wriggled and began to secrete the highest grade of digestive juice, which could melt even alloys. The blood was no match at all, it was directly degraded into various molecules in the stomach, and then absorbed.

The blood that entered Chu Jungui's stomach was wiped out, while the totem blood that penetrated into the skin instinctively entered the blood vessels, and then hit the blood of Chu Jungui head-on. When the various blood cells that had been working conscientiously encountered malicious intruders, they suddenly tore off the veil of warmth and revealed their vicious true colors. .

In a fierce battle, the blood of the totem is like a peasant army meeting an elite guard. It is not yet superior in numbers, and it is naturally defeated, and it turns into nutrients in a blink of an eye.

After cleaning up the totem blood, Chu Jungui immediately rushed over to check on the situation of Hathaway and the girls. The little princess's face was reddish, her whole body was dry and hot, and her body twisted unnaturally, which made Chu Jungui feel uncomfortable all over, and just wanted to change to a quiet and deserted environment. He divided part of his perception, and seeing that neither Lin Xi nor Lin Ya was paying attention, he stretched out his hand and pressed lightly on the little princess's chest, sensing her heartbeat and blood flow.

At this moment, Hathaway's blood flow speeds up, her life energy is greatly enhanced, and the cells in her body are undergoing a large-scale replacement, but overall, she is moving in the direction of evolution, and all life indicators are improving.

Seeing that his life was not in danger, Chu Jungui felt relieved, and was about to get up when Hathaway suddenly held his hand down to prevent him from getting up.

Chu Jungui was taken aback and wanted to withdraw his hand, but she grabbed it firmly. Looking at those bright smiling eyes, Chu Jungui couldn't force himself, just sighed in his heart, Hathaway suddenly let go, then pushed him, saying: "I feel good now, go and see Just watch them."

Chu Jungui nodded and came to Lin Xi's side. Lin Xi has the Jade Forging Art to protect her body, so the amount of blood mist that seeps into it should not be much, but the reaction is much stronger than Hathaway's. She closed her eyes tightly, bit her lip tightly, and deeply scratched the ground with her ten fingers.

She looked very painful, but her vitality was very vigorous, and she was like a raging fire in Chu Jungui's vision. Chu Jungui stretched out his hand and pressed several places on Lin Xi's body, and found that her body tissue was also growing and evolving at a high speed, similar to Hathaway's. Lin Xi's evolutionary reaction is stronger than Hathaway's, and the improvement rate is also greater. On the whole, Lin Xi's physical foundation is very solid, and this level of strengthening does not pose a threat to her.

The last one is Lin Ya. With the example of the little princess and Lin Xi, Chu Jungui already knows the effect of the totem blood, and there is no need to conduct a comprehensive inspection on her. Lin Ya's physical fitness is more than a little worse than Lin Xi's, and the difference should come from exercise. Lin Xi is very self-disciplined and hardworking, and has been fighting on the front line all year round, her physical strength is increasing day by day. And Lin Ya probably didn't have many chances to use martial arts after graduation, and didn't spend much time on training. As for the basis of judgment, it is obvious in the body.

For example, the legs, in the lower half of the thighs, Lin Xi and Lin Ya are round, straight, smooth and delicate, there is no difference with the naked eye, but there is a difference with a light touch. Lin Xi's legs are hard muscles under the skin, while Lin Ya has an extra layer of floating flesh between the skin and the muscles, which is quite soft.

Just because her physical strength is not as strong as Lin Xi's, although Lin Ya's evolution rate is not as good as Lin Xi's, her reaction is much more serious. However, the reaction is still within an acceptable range and should not be life-threatening. Chu Jungui monitored Lin Ya's heartbeat and brain nerve response for a while, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no fatal danger.

At this time, the little princess has recovered from the evolution, her body is still hot, but she can get up and move freely. Lin Xi had the most intense reaction, and his expression relaxed a lot, and he entered a state of half-asleep and half-awake. Lin Ya was no longer in so much pain, but she still groaned from time to time and had a high fever.

Chu Jungui dismantled two camp tents, built two beds on the spot, put Lin Xi and Lin Ya on them, let Hathaway take care of them, and continued to deal with the totem pole by himself.

The blood stains at the gap of the totem pole had dried up, and it seemed that there wasn't much blood inside, and most of it was sprayed on Chu Jungui's body. Unexpectedly, the whole army was wiped out.

Chu Jun Guilun raised his machete and knocked down the totem pole with a few knives. From the cross-section, the outer wall of the totem pole is made of wood, and the middle is made of woody tissue, and fleshy tissue has appeared inside. Its core is completely flesh and blood, with several obviously thick blood vessels.

These flesh and wood are completely integrated, similar to the relationship between human body tissue and nails.

Is the whole totem pole alive?

Chu Jun Guilun raised his machete and cut off the totem pole. On the section of this place, there is much less wood and more flesh and blood. Chu Jungui cut another piece at the top of the totem pole. Sure enough, most of it is wood, and there is much less flesh and blood. Only one of the five large blood vessels in the middle section is left here.

Chu Jungui simply began to dig the ground, wanting to dig out the bottom of the totem pole as well. Can it still grow roots?

As a result, after a few shovels, the bottom of the pit dug by Chu Jungui began to ooze blood. Looking carefully, you can see many roots that have been shoveled off, and blood is constantly oozing out from the section. But at this time, the oozing blood is not so active, let alone aggressive. Chu Jungui stretched out his hand to try it, but the blood did not seep into his skin.

Chu Jungui simply dug out the entire totem pole from the ground. The buried part of this totem pole is more than three meters deep, and countless roots grow from the bottom, the thickest of which is as thick as a thigh. Chu Jungui dug around again, and found that the roots stretched quite wide and deep, and the roots could be dug more than ten meters away, but the depth was unknown.

At this time, Lin Xi had fully recovered, she moved her body, and her expression was different.

"How do you feel?" Chu Jungui asked.

Lin Xi casually picked up a steel rod, bent it with his bare hands, and said, "The strength has increased by 27%, and other functions seem to have also improved, but it's hard to say for sure, and we need to test to find out. How is Xiaoya?"

"She is not in danger, but because of lack of exercise, her body is not as good as yours, so it will take a little more time." Chu Jun returned.

Hathaway's body has also stabilized, and the improvement rate is about 20%, which is slightly lower than that of Lin Xi.

After seeing their data, Chu Jungui roughly knew how the Sons of Hell of the Federation came to be.

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