God is Coming

Chapter 989

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Chu Jungui only waited for 5 minutes before a person walked into the reception room.

This is a tall man with a red face. He looks like he is in his 40s, and his gestures reveal a faint majesty.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jungui originally thought it would be a long-distance call, but he did not expect to see a real person. It seems that this person has already arrived at the base.

He said hello and sat down like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. It was very natural, neither rude nor obtrusive. After sitting down, he looked Chu Jungui up and down, his eyes were soft and warm, like a teacher looking at his most beloved student.

If you look carefully, you can see his age from the slightly slack corners of his eyes. This sign made Chu Jungui have a judgment on his physical condition, and after listening to the sound of breathing a few times, he also had a good idea of ​​the current state of his internal organs. .

The man smiled and said, "I heard zero talk two days ago, and there will be a breakthrough in a few days, so I rushed here. You are right, I am the kind of person who can't wait for a day."

On the contrary, Chu Jungui was a little embarrassed and said, "I just said it casually."

The man laughed and said: "You have this ability, so it doesn't matter what you say, and you are right. Come on, let's get to know each other formally, and I will take care of you from now on."

He stood up, stretched out his hand, and said, "Xu Hua."

Chu Jungui shook his hand and said, "Chu Jungui."

This can be regarded as a friendship between peers, and it is beyond Chu Jungui's expectations.

After shaking hands, Xu Hua sat down and said, "You should be able to see that I can't hold on for long, but I can't die now, or I don't want to die, so I'm fighting for this glimmer of hope. I had high hopes for Xiao Xiao, But he is a bit old-fashioned, with more principles than flexibility, the second part cannot catch up with the first part in his hands, not to mention that you have beaten him to pieces now."

Xu Hua was so frank, Chu Jungui was embarrassed to go around and said, "They put a reward on me, and I can't help it."

Xu Hua smiled and said: "Of course there is a solution, you are just angry. Now I want to know, how sure is this time?"

"I need your body data."

Xu Hua had been prepared for a long time, and directly sent a document with all the latest data on his body. His body was more serious than it looked, and it was a genetic lesion, which could not be repaired with existing human technology, and it was useless to replace organs and limbs. The cause of this lesion was actually caused by genetic optimization, and what Xu Hua did was the top level of genetic optimization, so the genetic method would not be effective, and would only make him die faster.

Now Xu Hua gene has partially disintegrated, but it was temporarily blocked by the most advanced technical means, and it did not spread to the whole body. But this technique has a time limit, Xu Hua's current life can already be counted in days.

However, combined with his own feelings and Lin Xi's data, the feedback from real dreams to reality will also drive the improvement of the genetic level. Although the magnitude is not large, it is just right for Xu Hua, at least it can prolong his life for several months.

After reading the data, Chu Jungui already knew what to expect, and said: "If you can survive the adverse reaction period, you may extend your life."

"how long?"

"3 months." Chu Jungui said a very conservative estimate.

Xu Hua laughed, not disappointed at all, and said: "Okay, enough for me to finish the last thing! It's my own business that the adverse reaction can't survive, it should be yours."

He straightened his body slightly, with a strong momentum, and said: "Ling said that you are ambitious now. Fortunately, I still have some ability to do something. I have thought about it, and I can help you with two things. One is Revoke your judgment of treason; the second thing is to slow down the attack on the Lin family, I will let the two old subordinates let go, but I can't control the others."

Chu Jungui pondered for a while, and asked: "Can the Lin family talk about it in detail?"

"Yes. The current focus of the Lin family is the review of Lin Xuanshang. The original result has been determined. Lin Xuanshang will definitely lose his military post. It's just a matter of how many years he will be in prison. But what my two old subordinates hold is the core evidence. They If you let go, then the review will encounter difficulties, and Lin Xuanshang will still lose the marshal, but at least he can retain his military position and be transferred to an idle position. As for what position to take, whether he can make a comeback in the future depends on the Lin family's own means."

Chu Jun said: "I choose the Lin family."

Xu Hua took a deep look at him and said, "Aren't you going to settle your own affairs?"

"There should be many people who want to enter the real dream world."

Xu Hua laughed loudly: "Okay, very good! Then it's settled. When are you leaving?"

Chu Jun returned: "You can do it anytime."

Xu Hua nodded, and pressed a communication switch. After a while, several assistants came in and brought the two of them to Dr. Ling's office. As soon as they entered the door, Dr. Ling hurried in from another door, walking like the wind, taking off his lab coat while walking, followed by 4 assistants who were responsible for picking up clothes, gloves and other odds and ends.

Xu Hua said with a smile: "Ling, you have airs now!"

Dr. Ling said: "You can't waste time on this kind of thing. As for what others say, let them go. Can't find an excuse if you want to find fault?"

Xu Hua shook his head: "It's not good for you technical people, at least you do a good job in face, everyone can get by."

The doctor said: "Give others more clues, and there will always be people who can't help jumping out. In this way, I won't lose my target when I want to scare others."

Xu Hua laughed, and said to Chu Jungui: "Did you see, this guy is actually very dark. He just doesn't want to spend time dealing with people."

Dr. Zero activated the map of the real dream, which clearly marked the location of Chu Jungui's camp. As soon as the doctor stretched out his hand, an assistant immediately sprayed cleaning spray on his hands, and two other assistants held nano-scale square towels and wiped Dr. Zero's fingers carefully one by one, and the last assistant sprayed them again. Get something up. Then the office door slid open, and four assistants ran in carrying a heavy metal box. The beam above the metal box lit up, and a mass of data appeared.

Only then did the doctor make a move, lightly scooped up the ball of data, tapped lightly on the map, the data disappeared, and a new light spot lit up on the map.

The doctor let out a long breath, and turned around and said, "Jungui, Mr. Xu will come to this place in 35 minutes, with an error of 0.5 meters. You go back 40 minutes earlier, and then pick up Mr. Xu here, do you understand?"


Xu Hua said: "Ling, if you let others know what you did just now, it will inevitably be criticized again."

The doctor said: "Save time by 55 seconds, improve accuracy by 11,000 times, whatever they say."

After finishing speaking, the doctor remembered something, and said again: "The accuracy I just mentioned refers to the Federation. If this privilege is given to the Second Department, the error is 300 kilometers."

Xu Hua spread his hands helplessly, and said to Chu Jun, "Did you see, that's how Ling holds grudges."

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