God is Coming

Chapter 1010 Clearly Visible

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The doctor didn't explain, but Chu Jungui understood what he meant without explaining. Both of them struggled extremely in front of the giant mountain beast, and even the doctor couldn't really inflict serious damage on the giant beast. After Chu Jungui left, the doctor wanted to hold back the mountain monster by himself, so one could imagine the price he would have to pay.

The altar is not completely defenseless. The altar, which looks ordinary on the outside, is completely exposed in the field of vision of energy, and the radiance is the trajectory of energy movement. No one knows whether these energies are the power driving the altar or part of the defense system.

Even if they were not used for defense, Chu Jungui would have great difficulty in breaking through the energy layer, and he would have to rush out again. As the doctor said, being able to carry one is already the limit.

The test subject has never been a saint. The logic of his judgment is the task sequence. When the task sequence is formed, the closeness and distance with himself is a very important basis. So for the three explorers who were also on the altar, Chu Jungui never considered them at all. But how should Hathaway and Lin Xi choose?

In the logic of the test subject, this is a fairly simple multiple-choice question. Even if option a is only 0.01 points more than option b, you should choose a without hesitation.

But in Chu Jungui's heart, it was not calculated like this. Gains and losses are not cold numbers, the pain of loss can sometimes swallow everything.

Chu Jungui stood up, exchanged glances with the doctor, and then walked towards the altar. After walking out of the light curtain, he pointed his gun at the ground, and the ground suddenly bulged, followed by a violent explosion and eruption, sending Chu Jungui directly to a height of hundreds of meters. A mass of gray matter exploded again, and the directional impact jet pushed Chu Jungui over a thousand meters to the other side of the giant beast's body.

All the wheel eyes were fixed on Chu Jungui. At this moment, a huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared on the back of the giant beast, and then countless pieces of leather erupted like a volcanic eruption, approaching a kilometer!

Then a bright red band of light appeared, dancing in the air, and the shadows where it passed burned one after another, turning into nothingness.

All the round eyes in the air panicked and fled in all directions, fearful of the bright light belt like a tiger.

The doctor stood on the back of the giant beast, pointed to the sky with one hand, and several bands of bright red light rushed out of him and merged into the bright band of light. The bright band of light in the sky swelled instantly, turning into a thousand-meter light dragon, sweeping the shadows in the sky, and engulfing a dozen round eyes along the way.

The giant mountain beast jumped up, and landed heavily, sinking its entire body into the ground tens of meters deep. Chu Jungui touched the giant beast again, and the energy input caused another explosion and violent eruption of the giant beast's cortex, pushing Chu Jungui to fly up again and fall far away towards the altar.

Chu Jungui chose to break in from the top of the altar, where the defenses are often the weakest. There is a red light at the top of the twelve flesh and blood totem poles, piercing the sky. In the real dream at this moment, any light means a strong energy flow. With the light of 12 totem poles, the defense on the top of the altar should not be tight.

Chu Jungui descended from the sky, but an orange-red light curtain suddenly appeared on the top of the altar. Chu Jungui smashed on the light curtain, and a deep depression appeared in the light curtain immediately, but it bounced back immediately. In fact, this light curtain has no substance, but the strong repulsive force firmly blocks Chu Jungui from the outside.

Fortunately, in the knowledge given by the doctor, there is also a corresponding part of cracking the energy screen. Chu Jungui held the gun in both hands, and thrust it into the energy light curtain forcefully, a layer of deep purple light appeared on the tip of the gun. The light spread rapidly, soaking a large area. The intensity of the energy light curtain faded rapidly, and finally a large gap appeared, allowing Chu Jungui to pass through successfully and land in the center of the altar.

The knowledge left by the doctor was indeed useful. Looking back, Mr. Chu saw that the bright light bands on the back of the giant beast were still flying. The giant beast twisted its body in pain, and from time to time, spectacular fountains erupted from its back.

Gu Xi

Chu Jungui's heart tightened. The pain of the mountain monster undoubtedly came from the doctor, but no one knows what its counterattack will be. Just the attack of the tentacles almost killed Chu Jungui. In this strange world, such a huge and strange mysterious life There must be a means of killing.

Time has not allowed Chu Jungui to have more sadness, and it is time to make a decision. He glanced at the five explorers on the altar and was startled suddenly. Among the three explorers, there are actually two acquaintances, one is Kun, and the other is Crassus who fought against Planet 4. The last one was a petite girl who looked underage, and this was the only one Chu Jungui didn't know. However, judging from her being able to be placed on the altar, it seems that her identity is not simple.

Lin Xi and Hathaway were next to each other. At this time, Chu Jungui's pupils also switched to pale gold. In this field of vision, countless dark red energies could be seen swirling around the altar, drilling in and out of their bodies, and finally merged into the totem pole. They were all lethargic and still had vital signs in their bodies, but they were much weaker than when they were healthy, and they were still falling slowly.

The time has finally come for the final selection.

Chu Jungui took a step forward, and suddenly blisters of various sizes popped up on the ground, sticking his feet firmly. Chu Jungui struggled hard enough to break the steel bars, but he couldn't lift his feet out of the blisters.

Chu Jungui struggled again, and the whole altar moved. This struggle made Chu Jungui discover that the viscous energy that locked his feet was connected to the energy field of the entire altar, and the energy of the altar was tightly connected with the giant beast on the hill through an invisible channel. A whole, and the mutual complement is exactly the speed of light.

Chu Jungui's spear turned purple again, drawing a circle around his body. The purple color quickly spread to an area of ​​more than ten meters around, and a large amount of energy was annihilated wherever it passed.

However, even if the annihilated energy is a hundred times what he paid, the energy lost by the altar will be replenished in an instant, and Chu Jungui is still unable to move.

Chu Jungui's body was like a bow, and he stabbed forward with all his strength. In an instant, half of the altar was covered in purple! However, after one shot, the energy of the altar had already been replenished, and Chu Jungui still couldn't make any progress.

Chu Jungui raised his gun again, this time he paused for about a second, and then fired 300 shots in a row!

The entire altar was covered in purple in an instant, all the light curtains fell one by one, the light of several totem poles flickered, the energy of the altar bottomed out instantly, and all the barriers were opened.

The energy of the altar had just bottomed out, and immediately rebounded at a faster speed, the speed was almost beyond the limit of life reaction. Chu Jungui is only one person, if he fights for energy consumption, how can he fight against the giant beast on the hill?

At this moment, the rebound of the altar's energy suddenly stopped, and the energy connection with the giant beast was interrupted.

Chu Jun's heart sank, and he looked back, and saw that the doctor's body was penetrated by several tentacles and held in midair. The doctor seemed to be completely unaware of the pain in his body, and waved to Chu Jungui.

Even though they were far away, the doctor's smile was clearly visible.

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