God is Coming

Chapter 1012 It's Your Time

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After using the repairing fluid, the doctor's injury was rapidly improving, and Chu Jungui swallowed a lot of the remaining repairing fluid, and the energy in his body also increased rapidly.

The attention of the giant hill beasts was all attracted by that person, and some of them wanted to look at Chu Jungui's side, but their eyes would be pulled back halfway. Even though the tentacles were only ten meters away, they turned a blind eye to Chu Jungui and the doctor.

The wound on the doctor's chest is recovering, but his original injury is too serious, his entire heart is gone, if it is not in a real dream, it is absolutely unreasonable.

The effect of the repairing body fluid like clear water is extremely powerful, and the hole in the doctor's chest was reduced by half in a short period of time. The doctor snorted and finally woke up.

A look of pain flashed across the doctor's face, he looked down at the wound on his chest, stretched out his hand to wipe it, the speed of the wound's flesh and blood growth suddenly accelerated, and the layers were distinct and more organized. But Chu Jungui looked at it and saw several unprecedented organs appearing in the doctor's chest, and he didn't know what they were for.

The doctor's wound healed quickly, the outside was completely sealed within one minute, and the inside was also repaired within another minute.

The doctor stood up by himself, looked at the man who was going back and forth in the distance, his eyes were a little complicated, and said: "Austin, has this guy lived enough?"

Chu Jungui was about to step forward to help the battle, but was stopped by the doctor and said: "You watch here first, and see how we fight, and we will talk about it after you understand it."

A ball of brilliant light appeared between the doctor's hands, and with a wave in the air, it immediately turned into a 100-meter light belt. Then clusters of rays of light formed in the hands of the doctor and merged into the light belt in the sky. Every time a cluster of light merged into it, the belt of light would extend by a hundred meters, and in a blink of an eye it would become a huge belt of light of more than a thousand meters, rolling in the air fly.

Wherever the light band passed, patches of flames were left in the shadows, burning large swaths of shadows into fly ash. The round eyes in the air panicked, flying around trying to avoid the light belt, but the shadow range was limited, and it kept shrinking after being burned.

Another arc of light appeared in the doctor's hand, flying for a hundred meters, forming a huge fan in front of the doctor. All the tentacles in this area were stained with a layer of dark red, and then exploded one after another, and some weaker tentacles were simply blown to pieces. This blow alone destroyed at least a hundred clusters of tentacles. More than a dozen particularly thick tentacles survived, but Austin swept past, and these tentacles instantly turned into fly ash.

Chu Jungui has already seen the difference in style between the two. The doctor's attack range is extremely wide, using the mass-energy superposition state to burn shadows or add explosions to the attack target. Even if the hill monster is huge, the doctor's attack can still cause obvious damage to it, especially the shadow body and round eyes. After the doctor let go of the attack, a huge hole appeared in a short time. If the doctor keeps attacking, sooner or later the entire shadow body will be wiped out.

The doctor's attack on the physical body is also the same. It covers an area of ​​hundreds of meters, which is completely indiscriminate attack. When attacking the cortex, it is similar to burying explosives, sending explosive energy deep into the cortex to explode. But the doctor's weakness is also obvious, the attack strength of a single target is not enough, and those thick tentacles can completely withstand his attack.

Austin is the complete opposite. His attack range does not exceed ten meters at the farthest. Within ten meters, it can be said that ghosts and gods are changing, no matter what is touched, it will be turned into ashes. Moreover, his body is extremely strong, and the tentacles can only scratch the skin. Such a combination of offense and defense is almost invincible. But the small attack range is Austin's blemish. If it weren't for his extremely fast speed, so piecemeal, I don't know how long it would take to dismantle the mountain monster.

After only looking at it for a few seconds, Chu Jungui calculated Austin's data subconsciously, and suddenly found that the basic values ​​were at least twice as high as his own. And looking at his trajectory and the data of being attacked by tentacles, Chu Jungui found that Austin's body density was extremely high, it was like a moving lead. With such a high density, coupled with a speed as fast as a ghost, this makes Austin's punches and kicks extremely powerful, and he himself is a flying sledgehammer. What's more, Austin's shots also have additional energy attacks, but in a different direction from the doctor. Austin seems to be able to microscopically destroy the material structure of the target, so with a single blow, the opponent will be turned into ashes.


The doctor and Austin each have their own extremes, but they work together seamlessly. The doctor attacked indiscriminately on a large scale, while Austin made up for the gaps, eating up the tough bones that the doctor couldn't deal with.

Seeing the two of them going back and forth, Chu Jungui suddenly felt that he didn't know where to start. The doctor still drank a sentence: "Do you understand? If you understand, come and help!"

The shadows in the air and the round eyes were swept away by the doctor, and the tentacles were covered by Austin. Only the leather body of the giant beast was left for Chu Jungui. However, the doctor's request is really too strong. Chu Jungui has seen clearly the attacking methods of him and Austin, but there is still some way to understand, and it is even more impossible to use them.

But now is not the time to hesitate, Chu Jungui jumped up, fell with the weight of the spear, stabbed heavily on the cortex, and the transmitted energy instantly blasted a deep hole more than ten meters deep. Chu Jungui fell to the bottom of the cave, fired another shot, and it was more than ten meters. After several consecutive times, Chu Jungui had penetrated more than 100 meters into the cortex. He no longer went deep, but stood with a gun, and the heavy alloy spear in his hand gradually turned red.

Chu Jungui put out all his strength, and the temperature within a hundred meters around his body rose rapidly. The water in the cortex finally began to boil, and the originally hard cortex also began to soften.

The giant mountain beast trembled violently, and Chu Jungui felt a terrifying force coming from under his feet, and then he sprayed a thousand meters into the air together with the heated cortex!

Chu Jungui turned over, turned his head down, and swooped down on the giant beast with all his strength, directly rushed into the deep pit he made just now, and once again shot hard into the bottom!

Chu Jungui was about to use his strength, when suddenly a big hand pressed his shoulder, and Austin's voice sounded in his ear: "I'll help you."

After all, Austin held the spear that was still red, oblivious to the high temperature of thousands of degrees. He let out a deep cry, and he didn't know how he exerted his strength. The cortex underneath suddenly cracked, and the two of them fell rapidly, falling a full 800 meters all the way, before Austin stopped and let out a heavy breath.

"It's your turn." Austin dropped a sentence, and his figure flashed and disappeared in the upper passage.

Chu Jungui looked around, and this was already the core of the hill monster, but the surrounding area was still covered with gray leather, as if the whole body of the monster was made of this substance.

At this time, the channel Austin opened up began to shrink, continuously seeping out a large amount of repair fluid, and at the same time secreting an oily substance containing a highly toxic toxin. However, any toxin has no effect on Chu Jungui. He just changed the structure of his skin to keep the poisonous oil out of his body.

Chu Jungui stood still, energy surged in his body, and the surrounding temperature rose again. This time Chu Jungui no longer conserved energy, but released heat wantonly, preparing to roast the giant beast from the inside.

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