God is Coming

Chapter 1014

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The sky is still dark red, and the light from nowhere illuminates the earth. The altar lay quietly in the middle of the plateau, and next to it was a corpse like a mountain of giant beasts.

From the energy field of view, the energy shield is no longer visible, only 12 totem poles are still emitting light, but it is obviously the existing energy, which can no longer be replenished. The energy lingering on the altar is also gradually decreasing.

The three climbed onto the altar. This time Chu Jungui really felt the grandeur of the altar. The altar has a radius of one kilometer, and 12 giant totem pillars almost touch the sky. The three stood in the center of the altar like ants, while the altars with explorers under the giant totem pillars were not much bigger than a grain of rice.

The energy on the altar is fading, but everyone understands the nature of these energies, every time they go in and out of the body, something will be taken away. In this weird world, no matter what is taken away, it can't be a good thing anyway.

Saving people is a major event, and the three of them took one step at the same time.

Chu Jungui was facing the direction of Hathaway and Lin Xi, on the side of the center line that was slightly biased towards Hathaway. This is normal. After all, in the hearts of the test subjects, apart from Hathaway and Lin Xi, the other three explorers are a bunch of organic matter that will degrade sooner or later.

However, what is abnormal is that Austin and Chu Jungui are also going in the same direction, but his goal is very clear, which is Hathaway.

The doctor stepped forward, just in front of Austin, blocked the way, and smiled: "Are you going in the wrong direction?"

Austin said: "Hathaway is from the Federation, is there any doubt about that?"

The doctor said: "Leave your two good students alone and save this little girl first. It's not right."

"I was entrusted by others, what's wrong?"

The doctor sneered, and said, "Winton can't dictate to you. We've known each other for so many years, who doesn't understand who!"

The doctor gave Chu Jungui a wink, and Chu Jungui immediately walked towards Hathaway. However, just as he took a step forward, he suddenly felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured head-on, and the intuition of danger filled his entire consciousness, as if he would die immediately if he took another step forward.

Chu Jungui immediately froze on the spot, taking a step halfway, and hadn't landed yet.

The doctor let Austin lock Chu Jungui, and then calmly said: "This little guy is not easy to deal with."

Surprise flashed in Austin's eyes. Chu Jungui looked completely passive, but he could actually fight back at any time. He had to expend a lot of energy to suppress Chu Jungui, but the problem was that there was a doctor watching over him.

Austin withdrew his momentum, and Chu Jungui immediately moved freely. He immediately lifted Lin Xi and Hathaway from the altar with one hand, supported them with one hand, and grabbed the other hand, and the spear flew into the air immediately. In his hand, the tip of the gun pointed at Austin.

The doctor's large-scale attack one-on-one is not Austin's opponent, and Chu Jungui is also afraid that this lifelong enemy will suddenly attack.

Austin looked at the second daughter in Chu Jungui's arms, said calmly, "You still want to take everything in?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Jungui looked blank.

Austin turned to the doctor and said, "Hathaway's body is still in the Federation."

The doctor said calmly: "Let's talk when we can find a way to go back."

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Austin frowned imperceptibly. To decipher the secrets of real dreams and find a way to return, one must be a scientific genius like a doctor. He is good at fighting and war, and his fate with science is a bit far away.

If the doctor refuses to cooperate, it will be really difficult for him to go back from here.

The doctor keenly captured the subtle changes in Austin's expression, and said, "Are you not going to take care of your students? If you delay for a while, maybe there will be some sequelae."

Austin raised his eyebrows, strode to Crassus and Kun, lifted the two of them off the altar, and then released them into the air, and the two of them floated in the air as if being held by invisible hands. Just in this move, the use of energy is much better than that of Chu Jungui.

Both sides saved their own people, and then the eyes of the three fell on the last one. It was a petite, beautiful girl who looked as if she had just come of age. She lay quietly on the altar, like a deep sleep.

The doctor and Austin didn't need to look at each other, they already understood the other's meaning from the subtle changes in the atmosphere: they didn't know this girl.

This is a bit interesting.

The last round of changes in the real dream caused all technologies to fail, and the ape monsters also attacked on a large scale at this time, almost killing all the explorers in the real dream, and even Chu Jungui was killed out of the real dream. Only Lin Xi was trapped in the real dream on the Dynasty side, and there were three in the Federation. Looking at the shape of this altar, you can tell that not every explorer can be placed on it.

Those outstanding Dr. Explorers and Austin must know each other, and this girl can be put on the altar, presumably her identity is not simple, why is she so unfamiliar?

Austin leaned forward slightly, as if about to step forward. The doctor's figure flashed and appeared on the side of Austin in an instant. If Austin really took this step, the two would collide.

Austin stepped forward, suddenly accelerated, and punched directly in front of him as if beyond time! The place where he punched was originally empty, but the doctor suddenly appeared, as if he had been sent to the fist.

Chu Jungui was shocked and flew to rescue him, but it was too late. Both Austin's punch and the doctor's dodge block were like lightning, and it was over by the time they saw it.

Chu Jungui made a decision in an instant, gathered all his strength on the tip of the spear, let out a deep shout, and slowly pierced Austin's back with the heavy spear. Wherever the spear passed, there were layers of distortions like water waves!

The shot seemed slow but fast, and it had firmly locked Austin's back. As long as Austin moves, the heavy gun will change accordingly. This locking method is actually borrowed from the wheel eyes of the giant monster on the hill, and the spear advances slowly, in exchange for a multiplied power, even if it is Austin's steel body, Chu Jungui can break it with one shot. body!

The doctor slowly raised his hand, but it happened to block Austin's punch. The fists and palms intersected silently, as if the world stood still at this moment. Immediately afterwards, a few black ripples suddenly appeared around the fist!

This is an explosion of extremely strong energy in a very short period of time, causing the space to be distorted.

The two held each other for a moment, and each took half a step back, avoiding the space distortion area. Austin then half turned around and held Chu Jungui's spear with his backhand. After holding this hand, a few wisps of white smoke suddenly appeared in Austin's hand, as if he was holding a piece of red iron.

Austin was slightly moved, and praised: "Not bad!"

He casually grabbed Chu Jungui's spear and turned it into scrap iron. Chu Jungui retreated a few steps as if he had been struck by lightning, and a large amount of mist suddenly appeared all over his body.

The moment the spear point was crippled, a massive amount of energy rushed into Chu Jungui's body like a torrent. This energy enough to destroy high-quality alloys was guided by Chu Jungui to all parts of his body, and he withstood the blow from the inside out. Although there were thousands of burns in Chu Jungui's body in an instant, these minor injuries could be healed in only a few minutes under his terrifying recovery ability.

What really surprised Chu Jungui was that the doctor was able to evenly compete with Austin in the head-to-head fight.

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