God is Coming

Chapter 1016 Enemy and Friend

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There was a moment when Chu Jungui also wanted to attack Austin. But on the one hand, he is not sure whether he can succeed, and on the other hand, Chu Jungui is not clear about the relationship between the doctor and Austin. On the surface, the two are life and death enemies, and they only cooperate temporarily because of common interests, but as long as there is an opportunity in cooperation, neither side minds putting the other to death. On the other hand, the relationship between the two seems to be somewhat delicate.

The moment he hesitated, the doctor had already made a move, and Austin also fought back brazenly.

The doctor laughed and took his hand back, and Austin also took it back at the same time.

The doctor acted as if nothing had happened, and said: "What I just sent you is the design drawing of the research equipment. I need these equipment to crack the lower-level secrets here. Now that I have the materials, let's do it."

Austin picked up a metal ingot, squeezed a piece the size of a grain of rice between his fingers, and began to shape the parts. Those invincible hands are incomparably agile in manufacturing parts at this moment, comparable to the top manufacturing machine of human beings. Austin asked while working: "Haven't the underlying rules of this world changed? Are the devices you designed still useful?"

The doctor said: "Physical rules have changed, but scientific thinking will not change. To give a simple example, no matter what the boiling point of water is, whether it is -50 degrees or 500 degrees, as long as you find the boiling point, you can There are corresponding applications. What we are doing now is basic research equipment, which is used to determine the most important constants. After measuring these constants, we can manufacture more advanced research equipment. It will not take long for me to find out the changes in this world cause. Science, you see, is the key to everything."

Austin said: "I never deny this, which is why I always want to kill you. Without you, the development of the dynasty will slow down for at least 100 years. Your threat is much greater than Xu Bingyan."

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "Don't underestimate Xu Bingyan, that guy has hidden a lot of things."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, the doctor seemed to be speaking for him, but it didn't seem to be.

Austin was silent for a moment, then asked again: "What I don't understand is, why are you here? Are you so sure you can find a way out of here?"

The doctor smiled and said, "How can there be certainty in science? Even now, I dare not say that I can go back."

"Then why are you still in?"

The doctor glanced at Chu Jungui and said, "If I don't come, this little guy will definitely die here. If I come, everyone will still have a chance."

Austin snorted, and said, "If you hadn't met me by luck, you would have been buried here long ago, and I don't know what it would have become."

The doctor snorted and said, "I can say that too. If you save me, you save yourself. If you can find a way out by yourself, you are a guy with muscles in his head. I'll give you my doctorate certificate." Don't talk about it, without us, you can't even beat that big guy."

Austin snorted again, to show his disdain to argue.

The doctor didn't intend to let him go, and asked: "It's fine if I come in, why do you want to come in? It's impossible for your two students to achieve your achievements, right?"

Austin did not hide it, saying: "The little guy in the Winton family is a reason, and so are my two students. They may have limited talents, but they have learned my system and inheritance. They are still young, but I am already old." Yes, take them out and have more time to train more students. In terms of teaching students, I am actually not as good as them."

"Is this why you would rather sacrifice yourself?"

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Austin said frankly: "Yes. We are pioneers, and someone must pave the way for future generations."

The doctor shook his head, and said to Chu Jungui: "Did you see that? That's what a guy with a head full of muscles can't even do basic thinking. I rescued you, and we have a good chance of escaping together." Get out. But this guy doesn't understand science at all. Even if you add those two stupid students, three idiots can solve the mysteries of the world? Even if there are another 30,000 idiots! Take it in, it doesn't do anything."

Chu Jungui also thought this was the case. Dissected by the Doctor in this way, Austin's willingness to sacrifice his greatness immediately becomes stupid.

A layer of blackness flitted across Austin's face, and he said coldly: "Ling, don't think you are so great. I came here for the little girl of the Winton family. Since she is here, this kid must come back. Knowing that you can never go back after entering here, can you still sit still? Although you are a genius in science, the arrogance in your bones makes you underestimate the risks here. If I don’t come, you and this little guy Likely to die here and screw everything up. Turns out I'm 5 minutes late and there's nothing to collect your body."

The doctor snorted: "You guy will come to save me with good intentions?"

"The purpose of saving you is to bring you back to the Federation."

"Look, I knew it!"

Chu Jungui at the side could only remain silent, there was no room for him to participate in the bickering between the two big bosses.

The doctor and Austin quarreled, and the movements of their hands were not slow at all. In the blink of an eye, they each made a lot of parts. Chu Jun's return was no slower than them, and he finished his work almost at the same time. The doctor waved all the parts into the air, and in a few minutes created a large multi-function measuring instrument.

"It seems that there is still a lack of power supply." The doctor seemed to remember something, and his eyes drifted to Chu Jungui. Chu Jungui hurriedly said, "Do you want to build a generator and a battery?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "Electricity is a rather inefficient energy source here, far less useful than thermal energy. In this way, you should warm it up and charge it first, and then go to see if those guys are awake."

Chu Jungui sighed secretly, but continued to act as a humanoid energy station. In this regard, his advantage is really unique. In terms of the durability of the generated energy, neither the doctor nor Austin is far inferior.

While waiting to recharge, the doctor said to Austin again: "Krasu is still worth a bit, but what is there about that little guy named Kun that deserves your acceptance as a student?"

Austin pointed to his head and said, "He is a genius in investment."

"Investment? What's the use of money?" The doctor was very strange.

"My point is, a genius. His genius is that he always finds the right answer the first time, and then finds a reason for that answer. Sometimes the reasons he looks for seem so ridiculous that people So preoccupied with laughing at these reasons, you forget the fact that the answer is correct."

The doctor nodded in agreement: "It's not easy to always be right."

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