God is Coming

Chapter 1022: Choice

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The doctor thought about the second question for a few minutes, but finally just shook his head and didn't ask anything.

Just because the doctor didn't ask, doesn't mean Hathaway just let it go.

She stared at the doctor and said, "Can I ask a question? He has made so much contribution to the dynasty, why did the dynasty treat him like this? He was even charged with treason! To put it bluntly, what is true in your dynasty I really know a lot about traitors! They were all paid for by our Winton family. You also have them in your laboratory!"

The doctor didn't get angry, and he didn't ask who was the spy in the laboratory, but said: "You are very smart, and you know something that other people don't know, so why don't you think clearly?"

"Conjecture is always far from the truth, and I prefer to know the answer directly."

The doctor smiled and said, "Not many people dare to talk to me like that."

"Whether you can communicate or not has nothing to do with power. Wouldn't it be better to be direct?"

"Indeed, then I'll just say it straight. The reason why Jungui is in this situation today is partly related to Su Jian, and partly related to the Lin family."

The little princess asked in surprise, "The Lin family?"

The doctor didn't explain further, just said: "If it's only for his own good, then you should find a way to get Lin Xi to quit."

The little princess was taken aback, never expecting the doctor to speak so bluntly. She just felt a little dizzy in her head, and she didn't know when to leave the laboratory.

"What's wrong with you?" A voice that Hathaway didn't want to hear suddenly sounded, and she almost jumped up in shock.

Lin Xi stood in front of her, staring at Hathaway steadfastly. Hathaway's mind turned countless thoughts in an instant, and dozens of coping plans emerged. In the end, she just sighed and said, "I'm fine, I just want to be quiet for a while."

Lin Xi nodded without asking any further questions, watching Hathaway leave the gate of the camp.

The surrounding area of ​​the camp is very safe now, and it can be said that even the slightest disturbance within a kilometer cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of the few bosses inside. Even if the mountain monster is reborn, with the cooperation of the three big bosses and Chu Jungui, it can only be sliced ​​into materials.

Hathaway walked out of the camp and walked towards the edge of the small plateau. There is a wide view there, but there is no scenery to speak of. The sky over the plateau is always cloudy and windy. But now her heart is all messed up, and her mind is not on this at all.

She walked to the edge of the high ground, and suddenly her eyes blurred, and Austin's back appeared.

Hathaway was taken aback and asked, "You looking for me?"

Austin said: "I've been standing here for a long time."

Hathaway didn't believe it, she clearly saw that there was no one here just now. But since Austin said so, he can only believe so, and it is not appropriate to delve into it.

Austin said: "Since you're here, let's chat casually. What did that guy Zero say to you just now?"

Hathaway asked back: "You don't know what he said?"

Austin snorted, and said slowly: "The 10 meters around that guy is an absolute information black hole, and I can't detect everything that happens inside."

For Austin, who is proud and arrogant, it is not easy to say this.

Hathaway hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth: "The doctor told me... I want to find a way to get Lin Xi to quit."

Austin stood with his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, pondered for a moment, and said, "Zero is a treacherous guy with a hard heart, but he treats you differently. What does he want to do?"

After pondering, Austin suddenly asked: "How sure are you that you can win?"

The little princess's heart skipped a few beats, and she stammered, "Wh...what is the fight to win?"

Under Austin's gaze, she only felt more and more pressure, and felt inexplicably flustered, without any courage to resist. In fact, she also knows that the two big brothers already know her little thoughts.

Hathaway gritted her teeth and said, "About 60%... right?"

Austin gave a rare smile, and said, "You, Winton, just say things that aren't true, and you like to discount, and you have inherited this fault. If you say 60%, then at least 90%."

Hathaway sighed softly and said, "I'm not lying! I can't see through him, and most of the time I don't know what he thinks, and sometimes I think it's all about luck. And this world is not real. Yes, it’s like having a dream, no matter what happened in the dream, after waking up, everything should return to the original point.”

"Who says this world isn't real?"

The little princess was taken aback by Austin's words, and a faint blush suddenly appeared on her face, as if she had remembered something.

After the resounding words, Austin's astonishing momentum quickly disappeared, coughed, and said: "Well, of course, this is my judgment. Maybe... To verify this conclusion, we have to see what that guy Zero said."

Hathaway let out a breath, unable to tell whether it was relaxation or loss.

Austin calmed down and said: "If you really want to get that kid, then you must not let him leave Lin Xi for the next period of time. The closer the relationship between them, the better. Of course, this is also good for the Federation. After that, I'll be on Winton's side on some matters. To be precise, on your side."

Even if Austin's promise is reserved, it is extremely important. He is one of the few real power leaders in the federal military, and his every move will have an impact on the entire political arena of the federation. He was on Hathaway's side. The little princess was a real little princess, and she could definitely sit firmly on the throne of the first heir of the Winton family.

Hathaway is also an extremely smart person. After comparing the words of Austin and Wenton, she immediately understood the key point, and said, "The Lin family?"

Austin nodded, and said: "The Lin family is not only a family, but also a faction. As long as that kid is tied to the Lin family, even Ling can't protect him. And the worse his situation in the dynasty , the more likely it is to stand on our side. After all, Light Year is now neutral, and the Federation also recognizes its qualifications as an entity."

"You mean, let Light Year join the Federation as a republic?"

"This can be a vision for the future. Of course it's best if it can be realized. It's okay if it can't be realized, as long as it continues to remain neutral."

"This... I need to think about it."

Austin's voice softened, and he said, "I'm not only for the Federation, but also for you. That guy Zero is good at everything, but he's an idiot when it comes to feelings. His ideas for you are not the worst, only worse .You force Lin Xi to quit at this time, it will only increase her weight in that kid's heart. Think about it!"

"……I will."

Hathaway returned to the camp with a lot of worries. As soon as he entered the gate, he met Chu Jungui head-on. Subconsciously, she lowered her head and walked to the side, but unexpectedly, she was grabbed by Chu Jungui.

"What are you doing?" The little princess was frightened and almost jumped up.

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