God is Coming

Chapter 1039

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De Frey Comet Starship Manufacturing Company is an old-fashioned starship manufacturer with a history of more than 300 years. It was once ranked among the top 50 starship manufacturers in the dynasty during its glory days. The Inspur-class battleship it produced is a classic of a generation, but it is a pity that it was a classic 100 years ago. Comet de Frey has been going downhill in recent years. It has repeatedly failed in the bidding of dynasty starships. It has already withdrawn from the competition for capital ships. Civilian orders are barely maintained.

However, although the operating conditions are deteriorating, Comet de Frey still retains a bloated organization and a large number of personnel. Under the continuous vicious circle, the company is already on the verge of bankruptcy.

Such a company is still on the military's supplier list, which means that his mergers and acquisitions are not just his own business, and must be reviewed and approved by the military, otherwise he will lose his qualification as a supplier.

Similar companies are not uncommon, and Lin Xuansheng didn't know why Chu Jungui fell in love with this company. But compared with your own promotion, it is worth taking a little risk. He immediately said: "This little thing is on me!"

Chu Jungui nodded, wrote down a few more names and handed them over, saying, "It's best to make arrangements for these people as well. I've listed the specific positions later."

Lin Xuansheng took the list and looked at it. He saw that it was all members of the Lin family. Many of them were familiar to him. They were all down-to-earth, and their positions were not high. Although the personnel arrangement is cumbersome, it can be done, so they all agreed.

Chu Jungui finally smiled, shook hands with Lin Xuansheng, and said, "Looking forward to future cooperation, General Lin."

Lin Xuansheng's eyes widened when he called Admiral Lin. He warmly held Chu Jungui's hand and said, "There must be rewards!"

Lin Xuansheng still had a military post, so he couldn't stay for long, so he left in a hurry. After he left, Lin Xi said: "You are setting fire to yourself by helping the Lin family now, and his reputation is not good."

Chu Jungui said: "Why do you want to be so famous? To be promoted to general and to be the head of the equipment department is his end. If he has a good reputation and strong ability, can he still be a marshal? That's enough."

"There are many people in the Lin family who are more talented and more ethical than him. If we do have the resources, we should help those people."

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "Then what are you doing with integrity? If you are really ethical, who will approve the acquisition of Comet de Frey for us, and can also give us orders for mobile bases? That is, orders for frigates can be given to us, but we can give us orders for such orders. You can get it anywhere, so what do you want them to do?"

Lin Xi sighed softly, Chu Jungui would not refute her like this in the past. She suppressed the disappointment in her heart and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to acquire Comet de Frey?"

"It's the best, but it doesn't have to be. After purchasing Comet De Frey, I also got the design drawing of the Langtao-class battleship. Although the design of Langtao was more than 100 years ago, many aspects are outdated, but it The hull design is not outdated until now. That's why I want to buy it."

"You want to start building a capital ship?" Lin Xi was taken aback. Although with the development of light years, it will take this step sooner or later, but this day has come too fast.

Chu Jungui said: "Politics is like a poker game. Only a very small number of people can get on the table, and others can only wait for the people on the table to decide their own destiny. The lowest threshold, if you can produce a heavy cruiser, you are eligible to be on the table. Since we plan to be on the table, let's put more chips."

Lin Xi hesitated to speak, and finally said: "I am unable to give you any advice in this regard. No matter what you do, I will stand by your side. But..."

"Tell me, you were not like this before."

Looking at Chu Jungui's gentle face, Lin Xi sighed, and still expressed his thoughts: "The Lin family still has many capable, ideal and persistent people. Should we help Chu Jungui as much as we can? Help them? I'm not asking you to do something extra for the Lin family. For example, on the list you gave Lin Xuansheng just now, there are a few guys with very questionable character."

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "I know who you are talking about. Those two guys are not really good people, but they are very capable, and they are not stupid. Their handle is still in our hands, so we can rest assured and bold No, we won’t give them a high position anyway. I’m afraid some of the things we’re going to do next won’t be so clean, so we can’t use those who are too principled.”

Lin Xi stared blankly at Chu Jungui and said, "You seem to have changed."

"Has it changed? Maybe. I never thought about changing anything before, so I can stick to it. Now, my first consideration is how to get one thing done, and pull those who don't deserve it from high positions." .”

"I couldn't agree more. The justification of the ends is as important as the means."

Chu Jungui did not argue, and said: "So I can do some things. Just like now, what I can do for you is to try to preserve a little vitality for the Lin family. But it is not up to you or me to decide who will be preserved." Yes, after all, our capabilities are limited."

"Like Uncle Xuan Shang?"

Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth: "Marshal Xuanshang's character and ability are beyond words. Unfortunately, he is the current flag of the Lin family and must be overthrown. Unless he can immediately separate himself from the Lin family. , and don't care about the Lin family's affairs, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to get a military job in a short time."

Lin Xi only sighed and said nothing.

At nightfall, Chu Jungui had already dealt with all the matters here, and arranged for the spaceship to go to the frontier star field. This trip will be a preliminary investigation of comet de Frey, and the schedule includes visiting the headquarters and visiting the factory. With Lin Xuansheng's coordination, it was very easy to arrange such an itinerary. Neither Chu Jungui nor Lin Xi revealed their real identities and hid in the military delegation.

After 60 hours of jumping and flying, the starship finally arrived at its destination.

When Chu Jungui and Lin Xi walked out of the starship, Li Ruobai was already waiting outside. When he saw Chu Jungui, he immediately gave a big hug excitedly, and then he wanted to hug Lin Xi, but Lin Xi's hand seemed to move, and he tapped on his chest. Li Ruobai was instantly paralyzed and froze. Can't move there.

Chu Jungui stretched out his hand and patted Li Ruobai's body, relieving her from being paralyzed by Li Ruobai. Li Ruobai was shocked, and looked at Lin Xi with ghostly eyes. In the past, even if he was worse than Lin Xi, the gap was limited, how could he be stopped by her one move?

Chu Jungui smoothed things over and said, "Okay, Ruobai, she has made great progress recently, and you are no longer her opponent. Let's go, go to the hotel first, and tell me about Comet De Frey on the way."

The three got on the flying car and rushed to the hotel. A military delegation will arrive later today, along with representatives of a dozen companies. Chu Jungui will join the delegation tomorrow morning to visit Comet de Frey together.

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