God is Coming

Chapter 1043 Sand Cloud

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The Sky Republic includes 7 galaxies, 4 habitable stars and 11 resource stars.

The resources of this star field are not very outstanding. In the dynasty, it is considered to be below the middle level, but the difficulty of construction is first-class and high-level. Hundreds of years ago, this place was a refuge for star thieves and outlaws, and neither the dynasty nor the Federation looked down on this place. Later, the ancestors of the Li family led a fleet of three small spaceships to come here, expelled the star robbers, and took root from then on.

For hundreds of years, the Li family has developed tenaciously and vigorously in this star field, and finally turned the Tianyu Republic into one of the most powerful vassal states of the dynasty. The fleet of Tianyu Li's family is the most powerful private armed force, comparable to the full fleet of the Dynasty.

Chu Jungui's spacecraft is docked at the orbital starport of Shayunxing, where he will transfer to the ferry spacecraft of this star to go to the interior of the galaxy.

The ferry ship is quite rough and primitive, with the aesthetic feeling of a metal giant. This boat was specially prepared for Chu Jungui and the others. The interior was quite luxurious, but it was hard to hide the traces of obsolescence and backwardness. Many of the equipment on the spaceship were designed more than a hundred years ago, and the seats are fairly comfortable, but each seat has a thick protective wall, as long as it is pulled down, it becomes an independent rescue capsule.

Chu Jungui walked to his seat and sat down. Opposite him was Li Ruobai, and the rest were in the cabin behind. After Chu Jungui sat down on his seat, a waiter came and pulled down the handle on the outside of the seat, and a steel frame fell down, fixing Chu Jungui firmly on the seat.

The waiters in the spaceship are also unique.

In this top-of-the-line ferry spaceship, the waiters are average in appearance, but they are strong and strong. They are all wearing power armor, and their gestures are well-trained.

"Soon you will be able to see the style of the Tianyu Republic. There may be some bumps before landing, but please rest assured that this type of spacecraft has only recorded more than 100 crashes, and no one has died yet. Your safety is fully guaranteed !” The waiter said sonorously.

After explaining the safety instructions, the waiters returned to their seats to do their work. Not only did they have safety bars, but they also left an independent isolation door. The compartment where the whole waiter is located is also an independent rescue cabin. Each compartment of this spacecraft with people and luggage has independent safety settings, and can be turned into a rescue cabin if necessary.

The spaceship finally took off and rushed towards the dark yellow planet.

The moment it entered the planet's atmosphere, the entire spaceship began to shake violently, and human creations were still very fragile in the face of the power of nature.

Shayunxing has always been famous for its terrifying atmospheric storms, and the largest storm has a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers. Most spaceships capable of interstellar travel cannot enter the planetary atmosphere, so the turbulence of the ferry spacecraft has long been expected by Chu Jungui.

The spaceship rotates like a top in the storm, and the seats on the spaceship have only limited cushioning and shock absorption, and most people are already dizzy. However, before boarding the ship, the waiter had already distributed stomach sedatives, and no matter how hard the shaking was, there would be no vomiting. Some passengers even got a strong sedative, and after taking it, they were put into a coma and packed in a box, and they would not wake up until several hours later.

Chu Jungui sat quietly in the seat, such bumps naturally had no effect on him. However, just when he thought it was the most serious situation, the entire spaceship suddenly fell down rapidly as if someone had slapped it, falling hundreds of kilometers in an instant!

Chu Jungui's heartbeat changed slightly, and the person who came to Shayunxing for the first time screamed uncontrollably. The spaceship fell into a bottomless abyss, and kept falling. After an unknown period of time, it suddenly seemed to be kicked by someone, and the falling speed suddenly slowed down. The people on the spaceship felt as if they had hit a truck, and they were so shaken that they felt indescribably uncomfortable.

Although the spaceship's fall eased, it still plunged headlong into the ground.

After the shock, Chu Jungui looked around, and saw that the cabin was pitch black, even the lights were gone, only some emergency light sources with their own energy were still on, outlining the outline of the things in the cabin.

Chu Jungui moved his body, but the protective fence was still fastened to his body. Just as he was about to pull the switch and open the protective fence, the humming of the engine sounded again in the spaceship, and the lights were turned on one by one, and then a majestic voice sounded: "I am the captain of the spaceship. This voyage has encountered some daily accidents, and I am about to restart." Start to go to the destination. One thing, please rest assured that all the friends who came to Shayunxing for the first time, the daily accidents have been planned in the itinerary, so we can still arrive at the starport at the scheduled time. If we are lucky, even Can advance!"

Following the captain's voice, the sound of the spacecraft's engine became louder, and the hull began to vibrate. The huge spacecraft was pulled out of the ground bit by bit, lifted off again, and flew to the star port.

In the shaking and bumping, the spaceship finally arrived at the starport, half an hour earlier. Chu Jungui also knew from this that in the voyage planning of the ferry, there were at least two "daily accidents", that is to say, only three consecutive falls would cause delays.

Xinggang is also rough from the inside to the outside. The slings that fix the roof are as thick as a washbasin, and the square pillars are all one meter thick.

Chu Jungui boarded the flying car he had been waiting for for a long time and headed to the hotel. The buildings along the way are short and thick, like huge cocoons. The whole city is very dark with not much ambient light in sight.

The flying car is almost flying close to the ground, and its speed is one-third slower than that of a normal flying car. When the flying car approached the hotel, the hotel's wall close to the ground opened to reveal the entrance.

The hotel looks like a huge steel cocoon from the outside, but the interior is extremely luxurious, which is very suitable for Chu Jungui's current status.

After putting down their luggage, Chu Jungui and Li Ruobai came to the dome restaurant of the hotel, and the people they wanted to meet were already waiting. The huge dome restaurant was divided into four separate areas, and the area where Chu Jungui went was empty, with only one person sitting in the middle.

This is a bald, strong and fat man, about half a head shorter than Chu Jungui, with a shiny head, which is unforgettable. He went up to Chu Jungui, shook hands with Chu Jungui vigorously, and said, "My name is Wang Hai. I am a good friend of Duan Xuyan, and I have a good relationship with Ruobai's uncles. I have known about your deeds for a long time." I heard Ruobai said that this meeting is just to see you. Come, sit down, no one will disturb us today."

Before taking his seat, Chu Jungui looked up at the dome.

The dome of the restaurant is a hologram showing the sky of Sand Cloud Star. It can be seen that there is a dense storm city a kilometer above, and a large dark yellow storm is slowly rotating. If you look at it for a long time, you will mistakenly think that the earth is rotating.

Wang Hai said: "There is nothing to see here, but first-time guests like to see the sandstorm layer. Those of us who have lived for a long time would rather see the most ordinary blue sky and white clouds."

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