God is Coming

Chapter 1045 Different Gameplay

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Wang Hai's smile froze, and he shook the wine glass in his hand for a full ten minutes.

Just when Li Ruobai was almost yawning out of boredom, Wang Hai finally spoke up and said, "This is not a small decision. No matter how many people guess you have something like a capital ship, as long as you don't admit it, it's another way to play." .But once you really have it, the rules of the game will be different. Have you thought about it?"

Chu Jungui said: "When there was no capital ship, I had already been dragged to the table to play a game with the Federation, and the result was not bad. Now that I have an extra hole card, even if it is a clear card, it is better than nothing. "

Wang Hai gave a thumbs up and said, "Very courageous! But for those of us who do business, it also means risks."

"How can there be profit without risk?"

Wang Haidao: "That's the truth, but this matter is really big, I need some time, and I have to discuss it with my friends. How about it, I'll give you an answer after you've been to Li's house. how?"


Wang Hai looked at Chu Jungui carefully, but unfortunately he couldn't see any expression on his face. When it comes to facial expression management, and the test subject that can achieve full digital facial expression adjustment is basically no match.

Afterwards, Wang Hai never talked about serious matters, but only talked about Sha Yunxing's customs and historical events. He is very eloquent, and he talked and laughed happily during the meal, and the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Wang Hai didn't talk about business, and Chu Jungui didn't say a word, just responded casually on his topic. With political and artistic blessings, Chu Jungui's conversation is also full of romance.

After a meal, Chu Jungui went back to his room to rest first, and went to Li's house early the next morning. Li Ruobai took a deep look at Wang Hai, and followed Chu Jungui away.

In a blink of an eye, only Wang Hai was left in the hall. He turned on the communication channel, and the image of Duan Xuyan appeared in front of him. He was shirtless, half lying on the recliner, with a cigar in his mouth, looking at ease. Seeing Wang Hai, Duan Xuyan exhaled a smoke ring and said, "How was the talk?"

Wang Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a wry smile: "There is no result for now, so why don't I discuss it with you?"

Duan Xuyan was taken aback, put the cigar aside, sat up, and asked, "Why can't the negotiation go through? Is there a new investor who has covered all the quota? Is it from the Federation?"

Wang Hai smiled wryly and said, "I haven't heard of the new investor. Chu Jungui is very sincere. The problem is that I'm a little scared, and I need to discuss it with you."

Duan Xuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "A mere 10 billion is enough to scare you? Besides, we are not a syndicated loan. At least there are dozens of large and small institutions. If you are worried, just take less. But I don't understand , would you give up such a good opportunity?"

Wang Hai hesitated for a moment, then Fang said: "Old Duan, when I talked with him just now, I had a feeling that he not only wants to build a capital ship, but also uses it himself!"

Duan Xuyan's smile froze instantly.

Wang Hai continued: "You know better than I what level of war the capital ship will be used in. The question is, can we participate in this level of war?"

Duan Xuyan picked up a glass of wine, drank it slowly, took advantage of the drinking time to sort out his thoughts, and said, "This matter may be big or small, but if you want to ask me what I mean, then I won't hesitate. When our ancestors came to this star field, they were poor and poor. They fought against the star robbers, the environment, and the federal dynasty. This is how the Tianyu Republic is today. Chu Jungui just wanted to be defeated by a few battleships , how did it scare you? If you don’t take some risks, where’s the chance?”

Wang Hai said helplessly: "My brother Duan, why do you still make the same argument? Our brothers had nothing back then, so of course we did it anyway, and he came out with a future. How is it the same now? Now I have tens of billions of money in my hand. , How many brothers and friends have lost their wealth and lives, how can I take risks on my own impulse? There is no need to take risks anymore."

Duan Xuyan said: "Our old brothers still don't need your money for retirement, so go ahead and do it boldly! If you want to ask me, that is, eat all the 5 billion first, and don't give it to others at all! As for whether to get more, let’s see the result of Youran’s meeting with him first. I heard that Youran has been preparing for this meeting for a long time. If he hadn’t made it known that he wanted to meet alone, I would have wanted to follow along to join in the fun .”

Wang Hai was a little puzzled: "What do you think that guy Youran wants to do, and you need to prepare in advance?"

Duan Xuyan shrugged: "Who would have hit him, anyway, he always has new tricks!"

The capital star of the Tianyu Republic.

The scenery here is not very good, there are Gobi deserts and deserts everywhere, the temperature is maintained between 50-90 degrees all year round, and the gravity is 1.5 times that of the parent star. The natural environment here is far from good, but compared to Shayunxing, it is heaven. In the entire Tianyu starfield, this planet has the best conditions, so it has become the capital star of the Republic.

There was no water on the planet, but the ancestors of the Li family used great courage to push an ice comet to change its orbit and hit the planet, thereby greatly reducing the temperature of the planet and adding a small ocean, which solved the hundreds of years of water resources problem in one fell swoop.

In a house surrounded by mountains and facing the sea, Li Youran stood in front of a thick and thick steel pillar, gathered her breath and held her breath, and suddenly shouted loudly, there was a shimmer of light on her skin, and then she slammed into the steel pillar!

With a bang, the huge practice field trembled slightly, and the steel column was obviously tilted. The data collection system showed that the instantaneous speed of Li Youran's leaning just now exceeded 70 kilometers per hour, and the maximum momentum exceeded 10 tons! This is an inhuman number, even Li Youran himself was very surprised.

The experts who were responsible for collecting and analyzing the data were all exclaimed, and several medical experts came to check Li Youran's body. The examination results showed that there were only some minor injuries on his body, which can be treated within a few hours with current medical technology.

Li Youran changed her clothes and left the training ground, leaving dozens of experts behind to do their own work. He boarded the shuttle bus, walked through a private house that looked like a small town, and came to the office.

The assistant had been waiting outside the door, and when he saw Li Youran, he said, "Patriarch, Mr. Chu will be here on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, do you need any special arrangements?"

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Li Youran's mouth, and said, "No need! How could I make any special arrangements?"

The assistant was at a loss, feeling that the words were endless, and the Patriarch's expression was very suspicious. However, he knew the essence of the workplace not to ask if you shouldn't ask, so he withdrew.

Li Youran moved his body when there was no one around, and immediately there were dense explosions like fried beans inside his body. He slowly clenched his fists, and said to himself: "Stinky boy, I think you have been upset for a long time!"

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